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    (LEVITICUS 18:25)









    JEREMIAH 16:18
    18)And first I will
    recompense their iniquity
    and their sin double;
    because they have defile
    my land, they have filled
    mine inheritance with the
    carcasses of their
    detestable and
    abomination thing
    I will recompense their
    iniquity double, Sin is
    twofold; the punishment
    foretold is but retribution
    for their sins, because
    they have defiled the land
    by idolatry, they shall be
    driven out of it, because
    they have profaned My 
    land with the carcasses of
    their detestable things,
    their lifeless and hateful
    idols, and the land filled
    with abomination, GOD
    will punish them
    according to their sins
    MICAH 1:3
    3)For, behold, the LORD
    cometh forth out of his
    place, and will come
    down, and tread upon the
    high place of the earth
    The LORD who judge the
    world, whose Holy
    majesty you have
    provoked to displeasure,
    who is a jealous GOD,
    and have the almighty
    power, He comes forth as
    a Judge prepared to hear
    determine and punish ,
    now when GOD, who is in
    all the palaces at all
    times, is said to come
    forth, it is not meant of
    Him leaving a place
    where he was not to
    come to a place where,
    understood of His
    discovering His presence
    by some effects of it,
    heaven, the place of His
    glorious throne
    COME DOWN :shows by 
    the effect of His power,
    justice, and wisdom that
    He is more eminently
    present , and tread upon
    the high places of the
    earth, which are His
    footstool, built on
    mountains, and all other
    high towers and fortified
    places, together with men
    of high look and haughty
    countenances, who exalt
    themselves like
    mountains and swell with
    pride; which were the
    cause of the LORD’S
    wrath and vengeance,
    these the LORD can
    easily subdue and
    humbled, bring low and
    tread down
    JEREMIAH 25:4-11
    4) And the LORD hath
    sent unto you all his
    servants and prophets,
    rising early and sending
    them; but ye have not
    hearkened, nor inclined
    your ear to hear
    5)They said, turn ye again
    now every one from his 
    evil way, and from the evil
    of your doings and dwell
    in the land that the LORD
    hath given unto you and
    to your fathers for ever
    and ever
    6)And go not after other
    gods to serve them,, and
    to worship them,, and
    provoke me not to anger
    with the works of your
    hands and I will do you no
    7) yet you have not
    hearkened unto me , saith
    the LORD; that ye might
    provoke me to anger with
    the work of your hands to
    your own hurt
    8)Therefore thus saith the
    LORD of hosts; because
    ye have not heard my
    9)Behold, I will send and
    take all the families of the
    North, saith the LORD,
    and Nebuchadnezzar the
    king of Babylon, my
    servant, and will bring
    them against this land
    and against the inhabitant
    thereof, and against all
    these nations round 
    about, and will utterly
    destroy them, and make
    them an, astonishment,
    and a hissing, and
    perpetual desolations
    Down through the years,
    the LORD sent prophets
    after prophets to the
    people, but the people
    refused to listen to
    GOD”S servants, the
    prophet message was
    one of repentance, if they
    would turn away from
    their evil ways, and serve
    the LORD, GOD they 
    would continue and stay
    in the promise land , if
    they would turn everyone
    away from their idol
    worship, the creation of
    their own imagination the
    work of their hands, by
    worshiping images, which
    their hand has made,
    which provoke the LORD
    and as long as they
    served and worshipped
    GOD only, he will protect
    and defend them, but
    when they forsook the
    LORD, and went after
    other gods, and served
    and worshipped them,
    then they were threatened
    to be turned out of their
    land, and carried away
    captives into other land,
    the sinful actions of men
    do not affect or injure the
    almighty GOD, but are to
    the hurt of those who do
    them and brought
    destruction on
    themselves, for whatever
    is against the glory of
    GOD is hurt to man.
    Yet despite this wonderful
    offer of salvation and 
    deliverance, the people
    shut their ears, they
    would not listen and paid
    no attention whatsoever
    to GOD”S word
    Due to the people’s
    spiritual deafness, GOD’S
    hand of judgment would
    fall heavily upon them,
    they would be conquered
    by Babylon, exiled
    throughout the
    Babylonian Empire, and
    suffer a seventy-years
    captivity, the LORD will
    use King
    Nebuchadnezzar the king
    of Babylon as his agent of
    judgment, which GOD
    called His Servant, not
    that he is righteous man,
    but rather that GOD was
    using him as a servant to
    execute His justice and
    judgment on earth, that
    is , GOD appointed
    Nebuchadnezzar to
    destroy Judah and all the
    surrounding nations, is
    the LORD’S doing, and
    will utterly, destroy them, 
    and make them an
    astonishment, and an
    hissing, and perpetual
    desolation both the Jews
    and their neighbors,
    remain even desolate for
    a long time, even till the
    seventy years, Judah and
    the other nations would
    be utterly devastated and
    become a wasteland
    EZEKIEL 6:11-14
    11)Thus saith the LORD
    GOD smite with thine
    hand, and stamp with
    thine hand, and stamp
    with thy foot, and say,
    alas for all the evil
    abominations of the
    house of Israel! For they
    shall fall by the sword, by
    the famine, and by the
    12) He that is far of shall
    die of the pestilence; and
    he that is near shall fall by
    the sword; and he that
    remaineth and is
    besieged shall die by the
    famine; thus, will I
    accomplish My fury upon
    13)Then shall ye know
    that I am the LORD, when 
    their slain men shall be
    among their idols round
    about their altars, upon
    every high hill, in all the
    tops of the mountains,
    and under every green
    tree, and under every
    thick oaks, the place
    where they did offer
    sweet savor to all their
    14)So will I stretch out My
    hand upon them, and
    make the Land desolate,
    yea, more desolate than
    the wilderness towards
    Dib-lath, in all their
    habitations; and they shall
    know that I am the LORD
    Thus saith the LORD
    GOD, smite with thine
    hand, and stamp with thy
    foot, here are two actions,
    signifying a mixture of
    affection in the person,
    as wonder and
    amazement, indignation
    and displeasure, grief and
    sorrow, pity and sympathy
    to show both evil of sin he
    did and the evil of
    suffering which he did
    foreseen , GOD has
    reason for executing
    judgment upon false
    worshiper who are
    idolatrous but also
    wicked, they have
    disobeyed every
    commandment the LORD
    has given them, their 
    detestable sin, had
    inevitably aroused His
    Holy displeasure, to
    demonstrate GOD’S
    anger, He instructed His
    prophet to clap his hands
    and stamp, these are
    gesture of person in
    distress and agony, who,
    to show their trouble and
    grief, smite one hand
    against the other, or smite
    with the hand upon the
    thighs throw out their feet;
    stamp them and beat
    them on the earth.
    And say alas, for the evil
    abomination, mourning
    and lamentation explains
    the above gestures;
    namely the sins and
    abominations committed,
    since the heaviest
    judgment is coming, the
    people had to pay the
    penalty of their sins;
    consequently, in furry and
    horror they will die by
    plague, that flies from the
    enemy into the
    wilderness, the plague
    shall seize him and he
    shall die of that, there is 
    no fleeing from GOD, and
    escaping from His hand;
    when He resolved to
    punish sin He will execute
    them with His wrath, and
    he that is near shall fall by
    the sword, shall be slain
    by the sword, and he that
    remain, and is besieged,
    shall die by famine and
    GOD’S judgment would
    be inescapable , His
    judgment will fall on those
    who were both far away
    and near and give full
    measure of judgment.
    When GOD,S hand falls
    upon false worshippers
    and worship centers upon
    the hill, in all the top of the
    mountain, under green
    trees, and under thick
    oak, the place where
    they did offer sweet savor
    to all their idols where
    they committed their
    idolatry, which is the
    usual place of worship
    and denied, by serving
    other gods; but now by
    those punishments their
    eyes would be opened to
    see, and to acknowledge, 
    that there was no GOD
    but the LORD .
    So will I stretch out My
    hand upon them, in a way
    of judgment , the LORD
    will vindicate His name,
    He alone is GOD, all so
    called gods are false, they
    are figment of people
    imaginations there is only
    one GOD, there is no
    other GOD the very
    essence , energy, source
    of life, and force of being,
    the GOD alone, our
    creator, the sovereign
    LORD and majesty of the
    universe , the judgment
    upon His people will
    vindicate His name as
    only the living and the
    true GOD before all false
    worshipers, and make the
    land desolate; by
    destroying the inhabitants
    and there is no escaping
    his mighty hand , in the
    last day people will know
    that JESUS is LORD
    EZEKIEL 14: 13-16
    13) Son of man, when the
    land sinneth against Me
    by trespassing grievously,
    then will I stretch out mine 
    hand upon it, and will
    break the staff of the
    bread thereof, and will
    send famine upon it, and
    will cut off man and beast
    form it
    14)Though these three
    men, Noah Daniel, and
    Job, were in it, they
    should deliver but their
    own souls by their
    righteousness, saith the
    15) If I cause noisome
    beats to pass through the
    land, and they spoil it, so
    that it be desolate, that no
    man may pass through
    because of the beasts
    16)though these three
    men were in it, as I live,
    saith the LORD GOD,
    they shall deliver neither
    sons nor daughters; they
    only shall be delivered,
    but the land shall be
    When the Land sinneth
    against Me by trespassing
    grievously that is , the
    inhabitants of the land,
    when they are in general
    become sinners against
    GOD and His law, and not
    merely sinner, but
    notorious sinner, guilty of
    very gross outrages , of
    great distortion ,
    deceitfulness , people
    who sin so much that they
    arose GOD to strike the
    Land with severe famine,
    and will break the staff of
    the bread therefore, take
    away bread corn from the
    Nation, the support of
    human life, GOD is Holy
    and just all people and
    Nation must give an
    account to GOD for their
    behavior, all unrighteous
    people and Nation will
    face GOD condemnation
    in the day of Judgment,
    just as GOD will shower
    the righteous with His
    loving kindness and
    mercy, GOD will pour out
    His holy judgment on all
    the unrighteous by 
    sending famine upon it,
    by causing a drought,
    restraining rain sending
    decay, locusts,
    caterpillars to eat up the
    fruit of the earth
    The first case involves
    people who sin so much
    that they arose GOD to
    strike the Land with a
    severe famine out totally
    cut the nation’s food
    supply, and both people
    and animal starve , when
    the people of a nation sin
    enough to cause GOD’S
    hand of judgment to fall,
    with such severity, even
    the most righteous people
    in society will not be able
    to save them, when I
    stretch out My hand and
    cause it to fall heavily, so
    much to cause men to
    feel it, GOD’S hand of
    Even if Noah, Daniel, and
    Job were delivered from
    the ruin which who, for
    their integrity, their 
    righteousness could not
    stop GOD’S hand of
    judgment from falling
    upon the wicked though
    these thee men were,
    Noah who trusted GOD
    and lived so righteously
    that GOD delivered him
    from the flood, GEN.6:9-
    29, Daniel trusted GOD
    and lived so righteously
    that GOD delivered him
    from the lion’s den
    DAN.6:1-28, Job trusted
    GOD and lived so
    righteously that GOD
    delivered him through
    some of the most horrible
    suffering Job 1:1, 2:3,
    even as these three men
    truly trusted and lived for
    GOD, their faith and
    righteousness could save
    only themselves, they
    could not save any one
    else, as we can see in the
    case of Sodom, where
    there was none righteous
    but Lot and his family
    those just person were
    The second case involves
    a people who sin so
    much that they arose
    GOD to send an invasion
    of wild animals evil and
    hurtful ones; not so much
    those that are poisonous
    such as lions tiger, foxes,
    wolves and bears that are
    very ravenous and
    devouring , and especially
    in a time of famine, make
    use of lesser creature to
    do damage to the land,
    with much danger, having
    neither men or cattle, corn
    all being destroyed by
    evil beast, that no man
    may pass though
    because of the beasts,
    not only the inhabitants of
    the land should be
    destroyed and be a
    desolate place .
    Though if these three
    men Noah, Daniel and
    Job but if all three had
    been in a land involves a
    people who sin so much
    that they arose GOD
    anger when GOD judges
    the wicked , is only the 
    righteous that can be
    saved in the land, the
    land and its wicked
    citizens will still suffer
    GOD’S hand of judgment
    EZEKIEL 14:17-20
    MATTHEW 7:15- 23
    MATTHEW 24:11
    MARK 13:22
    1 TIMOTHY 4:1-2
    1 TIMOTHY 1:4-7
    1 TIMOTHY 6:3-5
    2 PETER 2:1
    JEREMIAH 5:31
    JEREMIAH 14:14
    EZEKIEL 33:6
    HOSEA 6:9
    ZEPNNAH 3:4
    17) Or if I bring a sword
    upon that land, and say,
    Sword, go through the
    land; so that I cut off man
    and beast from it
    18)Though these three
    men were in it, as I live,
    saith the LORD GOD they
    shall deliver neither Sons
    nor daughters, but they
    only shall be delivered
    19) Or if I send a
    pestilence into that land,
    and pour out my fury
    upon it in blood, to cut off
    from it man and beast
    20)Though Noah, Daniel,
    and Job, were in it, as I
    live, saith the LORD
    GOD, they shall deliver
    neither son nor daughter;
    they shall but deliver their
    own souls by their
    Or if I bring a sword upon
    that land, the land which
    has grievously sinned;
    GOD He is the LORD of
    host and hath the militia
    of all the world in His
    hand, if the LORD should
    suffer a foreign enemy to
    come in among them, and
    destroy them with the
    sword , He can raise war,
    and send enemies to
    invade the Land, what
    land soever it be, hereby
    alluding to us of his
    overruling power,
    wisdom , justice, and
    sovereignty , so that GOD
    can Cut off men in war,
    the sword has its
    commission from GOD,
    the invading army is from
    the LORD that the sword
    go through the land, not 
    only enter the borders of
    it, but even go through it,
    which is terrible indeed
    and if the LORD bid it to
    go it must go and
    punctually obeys his
    commands so that I cut
    off man and beast from
    the land by the sword
    passing through the land
    The Righteousness of the
    GODLY will not Avert the
    judgment, the threat
    contained in the
    preceding word of GOD,
    that if the idolaters did not
    repent, GOD would not
    answer them in any other
    way than with an
    exterminating punishment
    and judgment are
    supposed to come upon
    the land and lay it waste
    that even righteous men
    such as Noah, Daniel and
    Job would only save their
    own souls and not that of
    the sinners, a people
    who sin so much that they
    arose GOD to judge the
    land through war, when
    GOD judges the wicked
    the presence of the 
    righteous will not stop
    GOD’S hand of
    judgment , even if the
    faith of the righteous is as
    strong as that of Noah,
    Daniel and Job, they will
    not be able to save any
    one else, not even their
    own children, only the
    righteous themselves will
    be saved
    The fourth case involves
    a people who sin so much
    that they arose GOD to
    send a plague an
    epidemic of diseases
    pestilence as indicating its
    death-bearing is joined
    with the blood, by
    corrupting the blood in
    slaying great number of
    persons by diseases as a
    token of fury and wrath
    because of their
    transgression , because
    of shedding of innocent
    blood GOD’S arrow that
    flies from GOD’S bow
    throughout the land, just
    again when GOD begins
    to execute judgment,
    even those as righteous
    as Noah, Daniel and job, 
    will not be able to save
    anyone other than
    themselves will be saved,
    not even their own
    children, GOD will credit
    their righteousness only
    to themselves
    Since the present
    generation was so
    wicked, they could expect
    nothing but the weightiest
    of judgments, GOD said
    He will send four terrifying
    judgments the sword,
    famine, wild animals and
    plague, the people
    deserved GOD’S
    judgment because of their
    horrible wickedness
    EZEKIEL 36:17-18
    JOHN 1:12-13
    JOHN 3:3
    ROMANS 12:1-2
    2 CORINTHIAN 4:16-18
    2 CORINTHAIN 5:17
    EPHESIANS 4:22- 24
    TITUS 3:4-7
    1 PETER 1:23
    1 JOHN 5:1
    PSALM 51:10
    ISAIAH 40:31
    1SAIAH 41:1
    JEREMIAH 31:31- 34
    17)Son of man, when the
    house of Israel dwelt in
    their own land, they
    defiled it by their own way
    and by their doings; their
    way was before me as the
    uncleanness of a
    removed woman
    18) Wherefore I poured
    my fury upon them for the
    blood that they shed upon
    the land, and for their
    idols wherewith they had 
    polluted it
    The people are guilty of
    defiling the Holy land, the
    land abounding with good
    things rendered it
    abominable before GOD,
    and uncomfortable to
    themselves, by the way of
    their own choice, their
    ways and doing wicked
    way, forsaking the laws,
    their idolatrous practice
    despising the
    counsel ,down through 
    the centuries , they had
    broken GOD’S
    commandments and lived
    lives that were as filthy as
    their violence and Idolatry
    covered the land with
    blood and image of false
    gods, because of their
    sins, he separated them
    and removed them out of
    the land, as not fit to be in
    His presence, nor to live
    As a woman under a legal
    pollution was forbidden to
    come within as one
    excommunicated , and
    cut off from the
    congregrassion , because
    of some great sin, their
    filthiness of spiritual
    Wherefore I poured My
    fury on them, like a
    mighty flood that carries
    all before it, for the blood
    they had shed upon the
    land; the innocent blood,
    the blood of righteous 
    men, that opposed and
    reproved them for their
    sinful ways; the blood of
    the prophets, that were
    sent to warn them of their
    idols wherewith they had
    polluted it , GOD was
    angry with them, and the
    effects of His anger were
    such as made the Land
    and cities desolate
    2 CHRONICLES 36:15- 21
    MATTHEW 23:31- 33
    MATTHEW 16:27
    JOHN 5:28-29
    ROMANS 2:4-6
    HEBREWS 2:1-2
    1 PETER 1:17
    HEBREWS 9:27
    HEBREWS 12:25
    JEREMIAH 11:11
    JEREMIAH 17:10
    PSALMS 62:12
    15) And the LORD, GOD
    of their fathers sent to
    them by his messengers,
    rising up betimes, and
    sending; because he had
    compassion on His
    people, and on His
    dwelling place
    16)But they mocked the
    messengers of GOD, and
    despised His words, and
    misused his prophets until
    the wrath of the LORD
    arose against his people,
    till there was no remedy
    17)Therefore he brought
    upon them the king of
    Chaldees, who slew their
    young men with the sword
    in the house of their
    sanctuary , and had no
    compassion upon young
    man or maiden, old man,
    or him that stooped for
    age; he gave them all into
    his hand
    18)And all the vessels of
    the house of GOD, great
    and small, and the
    treasures of the house of
    the LORD, and the
    treasures of the king and
    his princes; all these he
    brought to Babylon
    19) And they burnt the
    house of the GOD, and
    brake down the wall of
    Jerusalem, and burnt all
    the palaces thereof with
    fire, and destroyed all the
    goodly vessels thereof
    20)And then that had
    escaped from the sword
    carried he away to
    Babylon; where they were
    servants to him and his
    sons until the reign of the
    kingdom of Persia
    21)To fulfill the word of
    the LORD by the mouth of
    Jeremiah, until the land
    had enjoyed her
    Sabbaths, for as long as
    she lay desolate, she kept 
    sabbath, to fulfill
    threescore and ten years
    First the people became
    increasingly unfaithful to
    the LORD, committing
    one vile sin after another,
    instead of being witness
    for the LORD they
    followed the shameful,
    detestable practice of
    unbelievers, they become
    false worshipers, they
    adopted unrighteous
    lifestyle of immoral,
    unjust, and lawless way of
    life, they defile the
    Temple of the LORD by
    instituting false worship,
    they followed the wicked
    behavior of unbelievers
    and neighboring nations.
    And the LORD of their
    fathers sent to them by
    his messengers, the 
    compassion upon young
    man or maiden, old man,
    or him that stooped for
    age; he gave them all into
    his hand
    18)And all the vessels of
    the house of GOD, great
    and small, and the
    treasures of the house of
    the LORD, and the
    treasures of the king and
    his princes; all these he
    brought to Babylon
    19) And they burnt the
    house of the GOD, and
    brake down the wall of
    Jerusalem, and burnt all
    the palaces thereof with
    fire, and destroyed all the
    goodly vessels thereof
    20)And then that had
    escaped from the sword
    carried he away to
    Babylon; where they were
    servants to him and his
    sons until the reign of the
    kingdom of Persia
    21)To fulfill the word of
    the LORD by the mouth of
    Jeremiah, until the land
    had enjoyed her
    Sabbaths, for as long as
    she lay desolate, she kept 
    them, till their was no
    remedy; or healing of
    them; there was no
    reclaiming or recovering
    of them, no bringing them
    to repentance, and no
    pardon for them
    When the moral
    corruption had reached
    this height, judgment
    broke upon , them GOD
    brought upon them ,the
    king of the Chaldeans,
    who slew their young men
    with the sword in their
    sanctuary in the Temple
    and spared not the young
    men with the sword , the
    maiden, the old man and
    grey-headed, he gave
    everything into his hand
    the Lord delivered them
    into the hand of the King
    of Babylon, for their sins
    to be carried captives into
    The Vessels of the house
    of GOD, great and small
    of the Temple, were
    carried away to by the
    soldiers, and the treasure
    of the king and his prince;
    which becomes the spoil
    and booty of the soldiers
    all brought to Babylon,
    they burnt the house of
    GOD brake down the
    wall, all the pleasant
    things lay waste , and
    they that had escaped
    from the sword carried he
    away captive, the king of
    Babylon, or his general by
    his order, excepting the
    poor person left to till the
    Until the land had enjoyed
    her Sabbaths, had been
    neglected by the Jews the
    Sabbatical years, or
    seventh year sabbath,
    which, according to the
    law of the land, was to
    rest from being tilled
    LEVITICUS 25:4, which
    law had been neglected 
    by the Jews, and now
    whether they would or
    not, the land should have
    rest for want of persons to
    till it, the return of every
    seventh year was to be
    held as a Sabbatical year,
    a season of rest to all
    classes, even the land
    itself, which was to be
    followed , this Divine
    institution, however, was
    neglected, which
    conveyed for Divine
    judgment for as long as
    the land lay desolate the
    land kept the Sabbath , or
    rest, it was now to remain
    desolate seventy years
    the prophesy of
    2 CHRONICIL 25:12
    ZECHARIAH 7:8-13
    GENESIS 17:9
    JOSUAH 1:8
    1 SAMUEL 15:22
    ISAIAH 58:6-7
    MATTHEW 7:21
    MATTHEW 22:39
    JOHN 13:34-35
    ROMANS 12:9
    EPHESIAN 5:1-2
    1 PETER 1:22
    8)And the word of the
    LORD came unto
    Zechariah, saying
    9)Thus speaketh the
    LORD of hosts, saying,
    Execute true judgment,
    and show mercy and
    compassions every man
    to his brother
    10)And oppress not the
    widow, nor the fatherless, 
    the stranger, nor the poor;
    and let none of you
    imagine evil against his
    brother in your heart
    11)But they refused to
    hearken, and pulled away
    the shoulder, and stopped
    their ears, that they
    should not hear
    12)Yea, they made their
    hearts as an adamant
    The word of the LORD,
    the LORD issued a clear
    call to every believer , a
    call for heartfelt devotion
    and obedience ,
    substituting empty ritual
    for heartfelt devotion and
    obedience, GOD call for 
    heartfelt devotion which is
    aimed at judgment were
    written to warn believers
    that their practice
    religious ritual such as
    prayer fasting, church
    attendance rules
    regulation program ,thus
    hath GOD of hosts
    spoken, issuing a strong
    command to His people;
    they were to administer
    true justice, they were to
    treat each other fairly and
    honestly , justice,
    however, is not limited to
    courts of Law, it is to
    applied to every person,
    every relationship, and in
    every situation , which
    include reframing from
    wrong doing , lying,
    stealing, cheating or
    mistreating one’s
    neighbor GOD’S people
    look out for one another
    and meets each other’s
    needs, especially the
    needs of the weaker and
    more vulnerable member
    of the society: widows,
    orphans, immigrant and
    the poor, which shows 
    how deeply the LORD
    cares about justice,
    The people were to show
    mercy and compassion to
    one another involved
    more than forgiveness,
    which also means to be
    loving, kind, and faithful,
    to show kindness even
    when others were
    unkind , being merciful
    required believers to go
    above and beyond what is
    required, to do the right
    things even when others
    did not, Compassion
    meant tender love and
    concerned, especially to
    those in need, they are to
    show deep love and care
    for one another, the
    people are not to oppress
    others but rather to care
    for the weak, the widows,
    the orphans , the
    fatherless and strangers
    and the poor, GOD cares
    for the Poor; therefore, He
    commands His people to
    do the same, the moral
    strength of a nation
    depends on how it treats
    the weakest the poor and 
    The people were not to
    plan or think evil against
    others by extort and bribe,
    cheat and steal, to exploit
    and oppress, to do any
    kind of evil act to take
    advantage over one
    another, in most cases,
    greed was the cause of
    the people’s plotting of
    evil, GOD expect us to
    think the best for people
    and not the worst, in all
    we cannot have aright
    relationship with GOD
    and mistreat our neighbor
    the workers, the sick, the
    elderly, the poor,
    immigrants and any other
    persons, the right heart
    towards GOD causes us
    to reach out and care for
    others especially those in
    But they gave a
    backsliding and rebellious
    shoulders , hardened their
    neck and would no hear,
    they make heavy their 
    ears, they reject GOD’S
    word, they had flagrantly
    disobeyed GOD’S word
    and discard His
    instructions they choose
    to live the way they
    wanted, rather than living
    for GOD
    They made their heart as
    had as a stone, which
    could not receive cutting
    or engraving; no message
    from GOD could find
    entrance, this is the last
    sin, obstinacy, they set
    their heart disobedient ,
    their behavior showed just
    how obstinate, how utterly
    stubborn the people had
    become, they not only
    reject GOD’S word but
    also deliberately ignored
    His warning even when
    He sent His prophets of
    the impending judgment ,
    the people had sinned
    and rebelled beyond the
    point of repentance, the
    consequence of the
    people their disobedience 
    is catastrophic ; GOD’S
    fierce anger and judgment
    fell upon them, once
    judgment began to fall
    upon the people, they
    cried out for the LORD’S
    help, but GOD did not
    answer them, they have
    closed their ears,
    therefore, GOD closed
    His ears to them because
    of their insincere and
    sinful behavior
    The second judgment
    was that of exile and
    banishment from the
    promise land, the LORD
    raised another Nation’s
    King Nebuchadnezzar of
    Babylon to be His agent
    of judgment against
    Israel, all because of the
    people stubbornness and
    rebellious, behavior, they
    were forced to endured a
    period of exile that lasted
    seventy years in a
    strange and foreign land
    as captives
    The judgment was that of 
    the destruction and
    desolation of the land,
    and the carry away the
    inhabitants to Babylon,
    the LORD pointed out that
    it had been their
    stubbornness and their
    sinful nature made the
    land desolate , they
    brought ruin upon
    themselves, judgment
    and all the devastation to
    the LORD’S beautiful and
    fruitful land became
    desolate the tragic
    picture of sin

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