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    (LEVITICUS 18:25)









    LEVITICUS 18:22
    GENESIS 19:5
    LEVITICUS 20:13
    JUDGES 19:22
    1 CORINTHIANS 6:9-10
    JUDE 1:7
    ROMANS 1:27
    1 TIMOTHY 1:10
    1 KING 14:24
    22)Thou shalt not lie
    with mankind, as with
    womankind; it is
    This was the sin of
    1 CORINTHINS 6:9
    GOD forbids it , is an
    abomination, , and GOD
    declares it as, detestable,
    disgusting, repugnant,
    repulsive, strong
    disapproval to GOD.
    GOD gave man a sexual
    organ and a woman a
    sexual organ, each made
    for the other, the organ of
    man is not for another
    man; neither was the
    woman’s organ made for
    another woman, man and
    woman were made to fit
    together and to share
    together , homosexuality
    here is labeled as
    repulsive it is not part of
    the plan of GOD for such
    human relation.
    LEVITICUS 18:23
    Related chapters
    EXODUS 22:19
    LEVITICUS 20: 15- 16
    23) Neither shalt thou lie
    with any beast to defile
    thyself therewith; neither
    shall any woman stand
    before a beast to lie down
    thereto; it is confusion
    Sexual relations with an
    animal perverts and
    defiles a person,
    unnatural , abnormal act
    between a man and on
    animal, violates the very
    GOD-given relationship
    between man and animal,
    which was connected with
    the worship of Goat, lying
    with Dogs, Cow etc, man
    is to live a holy life before
    GOD separated and set
    apart to fulfilled God-
    given purpose
    It is a mixing of the seed
    of man and beast
    together, a blending of
    different kinds of
    creatures, a altering the
    other of nature, and
    introducing the utmost
    confusion of being, from
    whence monsters in
    nature may arise
    LEVITICUS 18:24-25
    LEVITICUS 20:22
    NUMBER 35:33-34
    PSALMS 89:23
    PSALMS 106:38
    ISAIAH 24:5
    ISAIAH 26:21
    EZEKIEL 36:17-18
    24) Defile not yourself in
    any of these things; for in
    all these the nations are
    defile which I cast out
    before you
    25)And the land is defiled;
    there I do visit the iniquity
    therefore upon it, and the
    land itself vomiteth out
    her inhabitants
    The waring is that
    believer must not defiles
    himself in any of the illicit,
    perverted sexual act, it
    defiles a person and the
    land, which was common
    with the Canaanites and
    other worldly nations,
    immorality made the land
    unfit and unworthy for
    GOD’s presence, the
    reason why the
    Canaanites were cast out
    before the Israelites was
    that they were defiled in
    all things and the land
    defiled by them, GOD 
    visited the iniquity of
    these corrupted races,
    and the land itself vomited
    out her inhabitant on
    account of their
    Immorality made the land
    unfit and unwholesome
    for GOD’s people, which
    made evil influence
    contaminate them and
    lead them astray, it made
    them unfit, the land
    become corrupted,
    defiled, despicable
    because of immorality,
    GOD punished the land
    because of the
    detestable sin, the land
    vomited or removed the
    people from the land, in
    all these the nations are
    defiled which GOD cast
    out before them.
    Ancient history gives
    many appalling proofs
    that the enormous vices
    described in the various
    chapter were very
    prevalent and regular
    practice from religious
    motives in the temples of
    Egypt and grooves of 
    Canaan, and it was these
    gigantic social disorders
    that occasioned the
    expulsion, of the
    inhabitants, the Israelite
    were urged to a pure and
    holy life, to make room
    for the Israelite, the fate of
    the Canaanites was
    therefore a witness to
    them what will be their
    fate if they did like them, it
    was upon this high
    sanction that they are
    authoritatively forbidden
    not to defile themselves
    with the pollutions of the
    Pagan practice of the
    corruptible sinners of
    And the land itself
    vomited out her
    inhabitants; as a stomach
    loaded with corrupt and
    bad food it has taken in,
    disgusts it, and cannot
    bear and retain it, but cast
    it out
    The believer must not
    allow any of such immoral
    behavior, defied not
    yourselves in any of these
    things he must obey 
    GOD, live a holy, moral
    and pure life.
    LEVITICUS 18:26-27
    26) Ye shall therefore
    keep my statues and my
    judgments, and shall not
    commit any of these
    abomination ; neither any
    of your own nation, nor
    any Stanger that
    sojourneth among you
    27) For all these
    abominations have the
    men of the land done,,
    which were before you,
    and the land is defiled
    28) That the land spew
    not you out also, when ye
    defile it, as it spewed out
    the nations that were
    before you
    Ye shall therefore keep
    my statues and my
    judgment, and shall not
    commit any of these
    abominable things,
    neither any of your
    nations nor any stranger ,
    should not commit any of
    the land vomits forth its
    present inhabitants, the
    Canaanites, as a result of
    inconsequence of the
    indulgence in the
    abominations, GOD
    therefore visits the iniquity
    upon it, as massive and
    habitual sinners, were
    cast out, which is
    punishment inflicted by a
    ruler whose law had been
    unacceptably outraged .
    For all these abomination
    have the men of the land,
    which were before you
    the Canaanite done, the
    then present inhabitants
    of Canaan, who dwelt in it 
    before the Israelite came
    into it; had long dwelt
    there, these were guilty of
    unclean intercourse
    sodomy/homosexual ,
    but now about to be cast
    out for their sins, and
    therefore they who were
    going to succeed them
    should take warning by
    them, lest, committing the
    same sins, they should be
    cast out like wise
    When you defiled the land
    by committing all the
    abomination, by sinning
    on it, and so rendering it
    abominable to the curse
    of GOD, as the whole
    earth originally was for sin
    of man; and so be cast
    out was out of Canaan of
    it, as Adam was out of
    paradise, and as the
    Israelites might expect to
    be cast out of Canaan as
    the old inhabitants ,as it
    spewed out the nations
    that were before them,
    that the land spue not you
    out also, when you defiles 
    it, as it spued out the
    nations that were before
    you, both for wicked
    marriages of same-sex,
    religious child sacrifice
    and humankinds having
    sex with animals which is
    confusion, the land will
    reject, vomit His people
    out, all persons who
    engage in forbidden and
    corrupt co-habitation of
    same sex, child sacrifice
    and sex with animal, no
    matter who the persons
    are, they will be cut off
    from GOD and from the
    people , the believer must
    keep GOD’S laws and live
    a life of separation, he
    must not follow any of
    these detestable Customs
    of the worldly
    LEVITICUS 20:22
    20)Ye shall therefore
    keep all My statutes, and
    all My judgment, and do
    them; that the land,
    whither I bring you to
    dwell there in, Spue you
    not out
    Ye shall therefore keep all
    My statues, all the
    ordinances and do them;
    all the Commandment of
    GOD that the Land spew
    you not out; as the
    stomach does it food,
    when it is detestable and 
    unwell to it and it cannot
    bear it 
    LEVITICUS 25:23
    23)The Land shall not be
    sold for ever: for the land
    is mine; for ye are
    strangers and sojourners
    with me
    The land belongs to
    GOD, he gives the land to
    the people, but it is only
    temporary, the land is a
    gift from GOD as indeed
    the whole earth is, but the
    land of Canaan was
    peculiarly GOD’S, which
    He had chosen above all
    other lands for the
    inheritance of His people;
    out of which He drove the
    old inhabitants the
    Canaanites of it ,for their
    sins , and put His own
    people to possess it
    NUMBER 35:33-34
    MATTHEW 3:2
    LUKE 13:3
    ACTS 2:38
    ACTS 3:19
    ACTS 8:22
    1 JOHN 1:19
    EZRA 10:11
    PROVERBS 28:13
    ISAIAH 55:7
    JEREMIAH 3:13
    EZEKIEL 18:21
    33)So ye shall not pollute
    the land wherein ye are;
    for blood it defileth the
    land; and the land cannot
    be cleansed of the blood
    that is shed therein; but
    by the blood of him that
    shed it
    34)Defile not therefore
    the land which ye shall
    inhabit, wherein I dwell;
    for I the LORD dwell
    among the children of
    So you shall not pollute
    the land wherein you are,
    no Land was to be
    polluted by murder,
    bloodshed or murder
    pollute the land , as it had
    been by the old
    inhabitants of it, by
    idolatry ,adultery and
    murder, for the blood it
    defiled the land; the
    shedding of innocent
    blood defiles a nation,
    and the inhabitants of it,
    bring guilt upon them and
    punishment, the LORD
    places the sin of murder
    in its true light, the land,
    His land, is defiled with
    the innocent blood of the
    slain, and the land cannot
    be cleansed of the blood
    that is shed therein, but
    by the blood of him that
    shed it; or there can be no
    amends or” atonement
    made for it in any other
    way; the blood of the
    murderer and nothing
    can do away with the guilt
    which , the blood of
    murderer is required at
    his hands and nothing
    short of it satisfy the law
    and justice , but the strict
    execution of Divine
    Justice upon the
    Defiled not therefore the
    land by the commission of
    such atrocious crime
    It is often assigned as a
    reason why they should
    put away all polluted
    persons and things out of
    the land because GOD
    dwells in them, giving
    reason why care should
    be taken not to pollute it,
    because GOD the Holy
    GOD dwells there; by His
    peculiar presence whence
    the land is called Holy
    land, it is the case of all
    crimes, that they defile
    the land in which they are
    committed, which is the
    highest of all injuries
    against human society
    and against GOD, whose
    image man was created
    and render it spiritually
    detestable and unclean in
    the sight of GOD,
    A person has to turn his
    life completely and totally
    over to GOD, to live a
    holy and righteous life,
    with all his mind and
    heart, body and soul, a
    person must follow GOD
    by begin to love and obey
    GOD, seeking to be
    conformed to the very
    image of CHRIST ,
    PSALMS 106:38
    38)And shed innocent
    blood, even the blood of 
    their sons and of their
    daughters, whom they
    sacrificed unto the idols of
    Canaan; and the land was
    polluted with blood
    And shed innocent blood
    the blood of those who
    had committed no crime,
    who did not deserve the
    treatment which they
    received, that is they were
    sacrifice as innocent
    persons and because it
    was believed that they
    were innocent, even the
    blood of their son and of
    their daughters, infants,
    who could have
    committed no actual sin,
    were the ordinary in the
    Moloch sacrifice, bloody
    offering of this horrible
    kind were made, not only
    to Moloch, but also Baal
    and other sacrifice
    2 KING 3:27
    JEREMIAH 19:5
    And the land polluted with
    blood,, with innocent
    blood, the blood of their
    children; with the sin of
    murder; which can only
    by cleansed with the
    blood of the murderer,
    that is, either so much
    blood was poured out that
    might be said that the
    land is polluted with it, 
    that the sin was so great ,
    that it defiled and pollute
    the whole land, the
    innocent blood shed in
    the land is often declared
    to have been the special
    cause of GOD’S anger
    against the people
    ISAIAH 24:5
    ROMANS 1:18-32
    ROMANS 2:11-16
    ROMANS 3:9-19
    5)The earth also is defiled
    under the inhabitants
    thereof; because they
    have transgression the
    laws, changed the
    ordinance, broken the
    everlasting covenant
    That the land is defiled by
    sins of the people, the
    wickedness of its people,
    and have to be purged
    from the violation by
    suffering, the earth is
    deceitful, or play the
    hypocrites; as if it would
    bring forth fruit, and bring
    forth none, but is barren
    and unfruitful, because of
    the sin of the inhabitant,
    promising and showing
    we have the causes of
    Divine judgment upon the
    land, because they
    transgress the Laws, the
    law of GOD revealed to
    GOD’S judgment is
    coming due to the sin,
    wickedness, and 
    unrighteousness of
    people, their sin have
    defiled the earth, due to
    the selfishness and
    iniquity of the people, the
    earth has been polluted
    and corrupted, all forces
    of nature that can be so
    beautiful have become
    destructive that often kill
    innocent people and
    animals and destroy land
    in all its natural beauty,
    wickedness sweep
    through the earth, human
    beings are selfish, sinful
    because they deny and
    reject GOD
    They disobeyed GOD’S
    commandment, when
    people live righteously,
    simply stated righteous
    people do what is right,
    they treat other people as
    they themselves want to
    be treated, and they love
    and care for their
    neighbor, people who
    obey GOD’S
    commandment live moral
    lives that honor both GOD
    and man
    Those who do not keep 
    GOD’S commandments,
    steal, kill, covet more of
    wealth and possession
    money lies, deceit and
    often oppress people to
    secure even more money
    and things, they either
    turn to their false gods or
    to the world in search of
    riches, property and fame,
    judgment comes
    because people have
    broken GOD’S everlasting
    covenant, the covenant of
    conscience , the inner
    sense of right and wrong
    that exists in the heart of
    every human being only a
    truthful evaluation of our
    lives will stir us to turn to
    CHRIST for Salvation,
    and only CHRIST can
    save us from the coming
    judgment, because GOD
    universal judgment is
    coming on the earth.
    ISAIAH 26:21
    MATTHEW 24:42- 44
    MARK 13:35
    LUKE 12:35-36
    21) For, behold, the
    LORD cometh out of his
    place to punish the
    inhabitants of the earth for
    their iniquity: the earth
    also shall disclose her
    blood, and shall no more 
    cover her slain
    The LORD is about to
    come out of His heavenly
    place, GOD as 
    omnipresent is
    everywhere, but as
    heaven is the seat of
    majesty , and manifestly
    displays his glory, when
    he is said to do anything
    remarkable on earth, he is
    said to come out of His
    place, and come down,
    especially in in the
    application of his power
    and justice, in a way of
    punishing sin, which
    comes down from the
    throne of grace and
    mercy, where he punish
    the inhabitants of the
    earth for their
    wickedness,, their sin,
    their injustice,
    wrongdoing , the earth will
    reveal the innocent blood
    shed upon her and will no
    longer cover her slain, to
    visit the iniquity of the
    inhabitants of the earth
    upon him, and shall also
    disclose her blood, the
    blood shedding; the many
    murders committed by
    man upon the surface, the
    bloodshed cries to GOD
    for vengeance GENESIS 
    4:10, Can and the blood
    of Abel.
    The innocent blood which
    hath been spilled upon
    the earth shall be brought
    to light, and shall be
    severally revenged upon
    the murderers, streams of
    blood come to light and
    bear testimony, the earth
    will vomit and cast out the
    innocent blood, which it
    has drunk, that it may
    care for vengeance
    against the wicked
    2 CHRONICLES 7:13-14
    13) If I shut heaven that
    there be no rain, or if I
    command the locusts to
    devour the land, or if I
    send pestilence among
    My people
    14) IF my people, which
    are called by My name,
    shall humbled
    themselves, and pray,
    and seek My face, and
    turn from their wicked
    ways then will I hear from
    heaven, and will forgive
    their sin and I will heal
    their land
    If the people’s sin sparks
    GOD’S judgment to cause
    drought or loss of crops or
    some plague among
    them, they could stop the
    Judgment, they could be
    saved and delivered by
    taking action, they must
    confess their sin to GOD,
    He is the only living and
    true GOD, the only savior
    and LORD of the
    universe, therefore, they
    must become His
    followers, as part of the 
    people who are called by
    His name and bear
    witness to His name,
    thus a national
    repentance and
    reformation is required,
    GOD expects, that if His
    people, who are called by
    His name, have
    dishonored His name by
    their iniquity, they should
    honor it by accepting the
    punishment, GOD people
    must recognized their
    failure of moral decline,
    spiritual apathy and
    worldly compromise, is
    famine, barrenness and
    plague as a result of
    their iniquity ,they must
    humble themselves
    before GOD, under His
    hand instead of rebelling
    against Him , being
    obstinate and stubborn
    and insisting on living life
    as they wished, GOD’S
    people must cry out
    desperately to Him for
    mercy and must
    completely depend and
    trust Him for His
    intervention, the prayer 
    must be earnest , they
    must humble themselves
    to obey His
    commandments and live
    a godly life.
    They must pray for the
    removal of the judgment
    and seek His face and
    favor, GOD’S people
    must diligently turn to HIM
    with their whole heart and
    long for His presence and
    ask for forgiveness, they
    must also seek
    deliverance from His
    reprimand and discipline,
    they must repent, turn
    away from their sinful
    behavior and turn back to
    GOD, they must
    genuinely they must
    repent by from all forms of
    idolatry, renounce
    conformity to the world,
    confessing and humbling
    themselves and draw
    nearer to GOD, and even
    praying and asking
    forgiveness , their
    sincerity and truthfulness
    would be proven only
    when they turn away from
    their sin, thus repentance 
    is always necessary to
    receive the forgiveness
    and salvation of GOD, He
    will forgive their wicked
    ways and heal their land,
    He will stop the hand of
    judgment and the people
    will recover from their
    loss, both individuals and
    the nations would
    experience the mercy and
    forgiveness of GOD, and
    the land owned by
    repentance of individuals
    and by the nation as a
    whole would be healed no
    matter what a person’s
    occupation or position in
    life, if he confessed and
    humble himself before
    the LORD, praying and
    seeking Him and
    repenting of his wicked
    ways GOD would forgive
    and heal both the
    repentant sinner and the
    JEREMIAH 7:8-15
    MATTHEW 15:7-9
    MATTHEW 23:23
    ROMANS 16:17- 18
    TITUS 1:15-16
    JAMES 2:15-16
    ISAIAH 29:13
    8)Beholds, ye trust in
    lying words, that cannot
    9)Will ye steal, murder,
    and commit adultery, and 
    swear falsely, and burn
    incense unto Baal, and
    walk after other gods
    whom ye know not
    10)And come and stand
    before me in this house,
    which is called by My
    name, and say, we are
    delivered to do all these
    11)Is this house, which is
    called by My name,
    become a den of robbers
    in your eyes? Behold,
    even I have seen it saith
    the LORD
    12)But go ye now unto
    My place which was in
    Shiloh, where I set My
    name at the first, and see
    what I did to it for the
    wickedness of My
    peoples Israel
    13)And now, because ye
    have done all these
    works, saith the LORD,
    and I spake unto you,
    rising up early and
    speaking, but ye heard
    not; and I called you, but
    ye answered not
    14)Therefore will I do
    unto this house, which is 
    called by My name,
    wherein ye trust, and unto
    the place which I gave to
    you and to your fathers,
    as I have done to Shiloh
    15)And I will cast you out
    of My sight, as I have cast
    out all your brethren, even
    the whole seed of
    LYING WORD Behold
    you trust in lying
    words ,the people were
    hypocritical and are 
    committing great error,
    they were trusting in
    deceptive teaching of the
    false preaching and
    teaching, that cannot
    profit; temple worship and
    service, legal sacrifices
    and ceremonies, could
    not take away sin or
    justify men and render
    them acceptable to GOD,
    without faith in the blood
    and sacrifice of JESUS
    CHRIST, were of no
    benefit, and could never
    be thought to be of any
    use and profit, with such
    abomination indulge by
    them, by stealing, murder,
    adultery or swearing
    falsely, burning incense
    to Idol worshipping other
    gods, which is false gods,
    they do all these with
    They were attending
    worship services while
    living sinful lives, they
    believe that going to the
    Temple and worshipping
    GOD secured His favor
    and made them
    acceptable, safe, and 
    secure, they felt that they
    could go to worship on
    the Sabbath and live as
    they wanted, but it was
    said about their behavior
    is nothing more than
    hypocrisy pray and
    confess you break he
    says, the ten
    Commandments, and
    then you go to the
    Temple; and when the
    service is over you say,
    we are delivered, who are
    guilty of such immoralities
    and idolatry, the promise
    and promise of GOD are
    not given to hypocrites ,
    people who profess His
    name but live unrighteous
    lives, they were
    repeatedly breaking the
    commandment of GOD
    Those who rob with
    violence, the
    Temple/church was the
    place which sheltered
    them, who, when they
    have robbed not only to
    share their spoil, but to
    hide literally, there were
    making GOD’S house a 
    den of thieves stealing
    from member of the
    congregation, wives,
    husbands, neighbors,
    employers, teachers and
    friend, but when the
    Sabbat come they rush
    through the religious
    ritual, thinking that GOD
    forgive them to steal,
    such behavior makes
    GOD,S house a den of
    thieves and did nothing
    more expose their
    hypocrisy, after they had
    committed such gross
    enormities , came into the
    Church/Temple and
    offered sacrifices; thinking
    hereby to Cover their
    sins, and remove the guilt
    from them and to be
    looked upon them as
    goodman, and true
    worshippers of GOD,
    when they were not better
    than thieves and robbers;
    such were the Pharisees
    in CHRIST days
    MATTHEW 21:13
    Behold, even I have seen
    it, saith the LORD, not
    only all the abominations 
    committed by them, GOD
    issue a strong warning to
    the people, that he is
    watching their hypocritical
    worship, their worthless
    worship, He saw their
    wicked behavior their
    violation of the Holy
    Commandments, that He
    had judged their
    forefathers’ GOD urge
    them to go to the former
    worship center at Shiloh,
    where the temple was at
    first and see what total
    destruction of the place
    because of sin, this
    destruction took place in
    the days of Eli and
    Samuel 1 SAMUEL 4:11-
    17,22 now the LORD
    would have these people
    consider what was done
    to Shiloh; that though this
    was the first place where
    the Tabernacle, but they
    use the Temple and the
    worship of it, all the
    Hypocrisy of their hearts,
    and the inward thought of
    them, and their views and
    intention in their offerings
    and sacrifices; as well as 
    what ruin and destruction
    the LORD designed to
    bring shortly upon them,
    and upon the house
    which they had made a
    den of robbers
    Going to church to
    worship does us no good
    unless we are living for
    the LORD, GOD accepts
    our worship only if we
    truly repent of our sins
    and live obediently and
    righteously worshipping
    for true repentance and
    listing what GOD Holy
    word says
    And now because you
    have done all these
    works, saith the LORD,
    which is the evil and
    wicked work, such as
    theft, murder, adultery,
    falsehood and idolatry on
    account of the false
    worship, and I spake unto
    you, rising up early, that is
    by the prophets GOD’S
    servant, whom He sent
    unto them, and by whom 
    He spoke, which shows
    the LORD great concern
    for His people, his early
    care of them, in sending
    His prophets/servant at
    betimes to warn, rebuke
    and rescue them
    And speaking, but you
    hear not, the people
    would not listen to the
    word of the prophets and
    of the LORD by them, but
    turn a deaf ear to them,
    which aggravates their
    stubbornness, obstinacy,
    and wickedness, and I
    called you, but you
    answered not, this call
    was by ministry of the
    There will I do unto this
    house, which is called by
    My name, the Temple, for
    though it was called by
    My name, yet this will not
    secured it from
    desolation; for so the
    name was set in the
    Temple at Shiloh, and yet
    he deserted it through the 
    He spoke, which shows
    the LORD great concern
    for His people, his early
    care of them, in sending
    His prophets/servant at
    betimes to warn, rebuke
    and rescue them
    And speaking, but you
    hear not, the people
    would not listen to the
    word of the prophets and
    of the LORD by them, but
    turn a deaf ear to them,
    which aggravates their
    stubbornness, obstinacy,
    and wickedness, and I
    called you, but you
    answered not, this call
    was by ministry of the
    There will I do unto this
    house, which is called by
    My name, the Temple, for
    though it was called by
    My name, yet this will not
    secured it from
    desolation; for so the
    name was set in the
    Temple at Shiloh, and yet
    he deserted it through the 
    wickedness of the people
    And I will cast you out of
    My sight before my face
    and go through captivity, I
    will cause you to be
    removed out of the land,
    especially since they were
    guilty of the same sin
    JEREMIAH 7:18-20
    JEREMIAH 44:17- 19
    HOSEA 3:1
    18)The children gather
    wood, and the fathers
    kindle the fire, and the
    woman knead their
    dough, to make cakes to
    the queen of heaven, and
    to pour out drink offerings
    unto other gods, that they
    may provoke Me to anger
    19)Do they provoke Me to
    anger? Saith the LORD;
    do they not provoke
    themselves to the
    confusion of their own
    20)Therefore thus saith
    the LORD GOD; behold,
    mine anger and fury shall
    be poured out upon this
    place, upon man, and
    upon beast, and upon the
    trees of the field, and
    upon the fruit of the 
    ground; and it shall burn,
    and shall not be
    The detestable sin that
    separate the people from
    GOD, children fathers and
    women all member of the
    family take spart in this
    idolatry the entire
    population was
    worshipping false gods,
    especially the false god
    Ishtar, the Babylonian
    goddess of love and
    fertility, throughout the
    city the entire families
    supported this false
    religion, , Children
    gathered wood while their
    fathers lit the fires, they
    heat the oven, hearth, or
    stone on which they were
    baked, and women
    kneaded the dough to
    make bread/Cakes;
    prepare all the materials 
    of which to make the cake
    to offer to the false
    Queen of Heaven” this
    was the false religion
    established, which is here
    intended; the corruption
    was universal; and
    therefore the whole body
    was ripe for ruin, it was
    a common practice for
    people to worship and
    present offerings to many
    so-called gods, this not
    only cut and grieved the
    heart of GOD, the only
    living and true GOD, but
    also provokes the anger
    of GOD because the
    people were corrupting
    themselves, their families,
    and society they were all
    mad upon in their
    Do they think to grieve
    me, and trouble My
    mind? Say the LORD,
    they are deceived, I am
    GOD cannot be provoked
    to anger as men are;
    anger does not fall upon 
    Him as it does on men;
    there is no such affection
    in GOD as there is in
    men; His spirit cannot be
    irritated and provoked in
    the manner the Spirit of
    men may be; and through
    sin, and can be without
    their offerings,
    Do they provoke
    themselves to the
    confusion of their own
    faces? The greatest hurt
    that is done, is done to
    themselves; they are the
    sufferers in the end; they
    bring ruin and destruction
    upon themselves; and
    therefore have great
    reason , to be angry with
    themselves, since what
    they do issue in their own
    shame and confusion, do
    they think that they
    provoke Me? Saith the
    LORD is it not for evil to
    themselves, that they may
    be confounded in their
    Therefore thus saith the
    LORD GOD, behold My
    anger and My fury shall
    be poured out upon this
    place; like fire, to
    consume and destroy it,
    as the emblem of GOD’S
    wrath, and an instance of
    His vengeance upon it, for
    sins; which came down in
    great tempest, as the
    flood of water was poured
    upon the old world, or the
    shower of fire and
    brimstone upon Sodom:
    since they will provoke
    Me, let them feel the
    effects of their conduct,
    upon man and upon
    beast; upon beast for the
    sake of man, they being
    his property; and for his
    use, upon trees of the
    field and upon fruit of the
    ground and it shall burn,
    and shall not be
    quenched; that is the
    wrath of GOD shall burn
    like fire, and shall not
    cease until it is executed
    the whole will of GOD in 
    the punishment of His
    people due to the
    wickedness and the
    worldly lifestyle and false
    worship, he poured His
    anger on the city and
    Temple on man animals
    and on the land, the
    unquenchable fire of His
    wrath will consume
    JEREMIAH 7:30-34
    JOHN 15:2
    1 CORINTHIANS 11:30-32
    HEBREWS 12:5-6
    PSALMS 94:12
    JEREMIAH 10:23- 24
    30)For the children of
    Judah have done evil in
    My sight, saith the LORD;
    they have set their
    abomination in the house
    which is called by My
    name, to pollute it
    31)And they have built
    the high places of Tophet,
    which is in the valley of
    the Son of Hinnom, to
    burn their sons and their
    daughters in the fire;
    which I commanded them
    not, neither came it into
    my heart
    32)Therefore, behold, the
    days come, saith the
    LORD, that it shall no
    more be called Tophet,
    nor the valley of the son 
    of Hinnom, but the valley
    of slaughter; for they shall
    bury in Tophet, till there
    be no place
    33)And the Carcasses of
    this people shall be meat
    for the fowls of the
    heaven, and for the
    beasts of the earth; and
    none shall fray them away
    34)Then will I cause to
    cease from the cities of
    Judah, and from the
    streets of Jerusalem, the
    voice of mirth, and the
    voice of gladness, the
    voice of the bridegroom,
    and the voice of the bride:
    for the land shall be
    They have set up Images
    and altars for idolatrous
    worship even in the
    Temple, which is called
    by My name, to defiled it;
    that is set their Idols in the
    Temple, set up a graven
    image of the grove, which
    was done, as if it was
    done on purpose to defile
    And have built the high
    places of Tophet, which is
    in the valley of Ben- 
    Hinnom, use as a place
    of worship idols and
    sacrifice of children, to
    burn their sons and their
    daughters in the fire
    concerning this unnatural
    and cruel customs of
    burning their children, by
    way of sacrifice to
    Moloch, which was
    derived from the
    Canaanites, a practice
    strictly forbidden
    LEVITICUS 18:21 which I
    commanded them not,
    Which I expressly forbid
    That it shall no more be
    called Tophet: no more to
    be used for such
    barbarous and idolatrous
    the valley of slaughter or
    slain, where they kill their
    helpless children, there
    shall they be slaughtered
    helplessly by their
    therefore, GOD will make
    the place of their sins the 
    scene of judgment on the
    sinners, they shall
    themselves be slaughter,
    massacred by their
    enemies, because of the
    vast number of the slain,
    there will be nowhere else
    to put them, rather looking
    for room elsewhere, that
    they shall bury as many
    as the place will contain,
    and the rest of the
    carcasses they shall
    throw on heaps, to rot
    above ground, till there be
    no place, that is for want
    of space where the dead
    should be buried even in
    the sport which the
    worshippers looked as
    sacred , the scene of their
    sin shall be that of their
    JEREMIAH 19:6-7
    EZEKIEL 6:5
    And the carcasses of this
    people shall be meat for
    the fowls of heaven, and
    the beast of the earth,
    that is those which remain
    unburied, for which there
    will be found no place to
    bury them all place 
    particularly Tophet, being
    so full of dead bodies; not
    to have a burial, which is
    a accounted as a great
    judgment for GOD, and
    none shall fray them
    away; or frighten them
    away; that is, drive away
    the fowls vultures and
    jackal feeding on them
    and the beasts from the
    carcasses, the sense is ,
    either that there should be
    such a vast consumption
    of men, that there would
    be none left to do this,
    and so the fowls and
    beasts might prey upon
    the carcasses without any
    Then will I cause to cease
    from the cities signifying
    that the devastation
    should not only be, the
    land villages, cities would
    cease shall become a
    waste, thus the LORD will
    put an end to all
    joyfulness in life
    throughout the land, the
    voice of the bridegroom
    and the bride; no giving in
    marriage, and so express
    joy of such occasions,
    festivities; for the land
    shall be desolate: without
    people to dwell in it
    GOD’S discipline does us
    no good unless it arouses
    us to change our
    behavior, the very
    purpose of His discipline
    is to correct us before we
    harm ourselves or
    oneself, if we refuse to
    heed the disciple and
    continue on in our
    misbehavior, there will be
    serious consequence, we
    will reap what we sow, if
    we sow wickedness, we
    will reap GOD Divine
    judgment, lying, stealing,
    cheating, abuse rape,
    covetousness, geed, act
    of lawlessness, GOD
    allows us to choose to do
    right or wrong but we
    must be ready to bear the
    consequences of sin
    JEREMIAH 9:19
    19)For a voice of wailing
    is heard out of Zion, how
    are we spoiled! We are
    greatly confounded, 
    because we have
    forsaken the land,
    because our dwellings
    have cast out
    For a voice of wailing is
    heard out of Zion, we are 
    greatly confounded, filled
    with shame, on account of
    their vain confidence;
    because we have
    forsaken the land; being
    obliged to it, the enemy
    carrying them captive into
    other country, because
    our dwellings have cast
    us out, because of our
    iniquity, for the place is
    desolate and the
    principal building in
    Jerusalem, as well as the
    houses of the common
    people, were thrown to
    the ground or burnt by
    fire, and particularly the
    temple; so that the whole
    was in a most devastating

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