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    MATTHEW 23:16
    16)Woe unto you blind
    guides, which say,
    whoever shall swear by
    the temple, it is nothing;
    but whosever by the gold
    of the temple, he is a
    False religionist mislead
    others; CHRIST said they
    are blind guides ; they
    misled people, they stress
    the secondary over the
    primary, they took the
    least important and made
    it more meaningful than
    essential, stressed that
    the gold of the temple
    over the temple itself, that
    anyone who swore by the
    temple did not have to
    keep his commitment, it
    constitutes no obligation
    to tell the truth or to
    perform one’s oath, nor
    was he held responsible
    for his oath, but if he
    swore by the gold that is
    the treasure kept their of
    the temple, he was held
    responsible , he is a
    debtor and obliged to
    perform his oath and
    have to keep his
    commitment, they stress
    the gift over the alter upon
    which the gift lay, making
    a commitment or
    swearing by the alter was
    not binding, whereas a
    commitment or swearing
    by the gift was binding,
    their sin of covetousness,
    by stressing the gold over
    the temple, they were
    centering the people’s
    minds upon the gold, the
    wealth, and gift instead of
    upon the GOD who dwelt
    in the temple, the sin of
    self-righteousness, by
    stressing man’s gift over
    alter, they were saying in
    essence that man’s gift
    was more important than
    GOD’S alter which
    sanctify the gift, that is
    GOD stood behind the
    alter, and no gift is ever
    greater than GOD
    This showed the covetous
    disposition of these men,
    who made nothing of
    oaths that were swore by
    the temple; but those that
    were made by the
    “Coban” or gift of it, were
    binding, because of their
    interest was in it, it was
    for their gain
    MATTHEW 23:23
    23)Woe unto you, scribes
    and Pharisees,
    hypocrites! For ye pay
    tithe of mint and anise
    and cummin , and have
    omitted the weightier
    matters of the law,
    judgment, mercy, and
    faith; these ought, ye to
    have done, and not to
    leave the other undone
    Ye pat tithe:
    They observed the
    ceremonial precepts of
    the law with all possible
    exactness, while they
    utterly neglected the
    eternal, incontrovertible,
    rules of righteousness,
    which confirmed by the
    instances of their 
    conduct and their
    practice, which
    abundantly shows their
    hypocrisy and deceit;
    since they were very strict
    in observing some
    outward things, which
    gave them credit with
    False religionist stress
    pick and choose what
    they want and are willing
    to do and omit the rest,
    they stress outward duties
    such as tithing,
    observance of rituals,
    ceremonies and works
    they reject the need to
    change and inward duties
    of the heart, CHRIST
    mention there duties of
    human hearts that are
    That is justice to others,
    treating our neighbor as
    we should, putting in
    execution good judgment,
    righteous laws; protecting
    and relieving the injured
    and oppressed as
    magistrate, neighbors,
    citizen, giving to all their
    45just dues, doing what is
    right and equitable
    between man and man,
    but on the contrary, these
    men devoured widows
    houses, and oppressed
    the poor and fatherless
    Including all act of
    Compassion and
    kindness show care and
    concern towards the
    poor , the distressed,
    miserable and afflicted,
    relieving the needy,
    distributing to their wants
    and showing all kindness
    and beneficence to the
    poor and needy, which
    was never practice by the
    religionist, being a set of
    cruel, hard hearted, and
    covetous persons
    Faithfulness toward
    GOD: confidence in Him,
    Faith in GOD in keeping
    His words and promise to
    trust and reposed in him;
    worshipping Him
    CHRIST said that the
    more important matters of
    the law are these:
    Justice , Mercy and Faith,
    which is the weightier
    matter of the law, but the
    religionist omit the
    weightier matter, they
    talk and stress outward
    and less matter to be
    seen by men, such as
    tithing, rituals,
    ceremonies, they sin by
    neglecting the more
    important matters
    MATTHEW 23:25-26
    25)Woe unto you, scribes
    and Pharisees,
    hypocrites! For ye make
    clean the outside of the
    cup and of the platter, but
    within they are full of
    extortion and excess
    26)thou blind Pharisee,
    cleanse first that which is
    within the cup and platter,
    but within they are full of
    extortion and excess, are
    full of extortion and
    Woe to you, self-
    righteous scribes and
    Pharisees, Hypocrites for
    you clean the outside of
    the cup and of the plate,
    thus the LORD JESUS
    normally means, that the
    Pharisees, are more
    concern with external
    ceremonies, ritual, rules
    regulation ,they were at
    great pains to appear
    good, for you make the
    outside clean of the cup
    and plate and to have
    decent external conduct ,
    pretending to much
    outward cleanness, but
    had no regard to inwardpurity , the LORD said
    that they take much
    pains, and were very
    careful, that the cup they
    drank out of, and the
    plate, or dish they ate out
    of, should be very clean;
    maintaining hypocrisy
    and pretended saintship
    by out ward religious
    show, false religionist are
    blind to the real
    cleanness, JESUS use an
    illustration to show Just
    how blind a religionist can
    be, religionist are like
    Cups and wishes which
    have been washed on the
    outside but left dirty on
    the inside, the outside of
    the , for it was the outside
    that is seen, so they clean
    and wash the outside cup
    and dish appears clean,,
    it is the outside that
    concerned them.
    But inside the cup and
    dish is dirty, the inside is
    not seen by man, so they
    pay little or no attention
    to it, they took what they
    wanted and lived as they
    wished, the religionist was
    48dirty represents a
    person’s character
    secretly guilty of those
    sin themselves, the
    inward man is the true
    holiness, and a conformity
    to the divine goodness, or
    with the grace of GOD’S,
    Holy Spirit.
    They are full of extortion,
    from the poor by their
    wicked acts, oppression,
    robbery and self-
    indulgence unrestraint
    greed ,lusting and
    selfishness , such is what
    is on the inside of the
    Religionist: a selfishness,
    and greed for a following,
    for security, position,
    influence, attention,
    recognition, they only hold
    and live a self-centered
    Cleans first that which is
    within the cup and platter,
    which is inside of their
    hears, since the inside
    was clean, then the
    outside would be
    automatically clean, if
    their Spirit were clean,
    their out side would be
    automatically clean, if the
    Spirit were clean, their
    outside behavior would be
    clean, a clean heart will
    lead to a clean life,
    CHRIST teaches that it is
    the inside of a man that
    determines his behavior,
    it is the heart that
    determines what a mans
    does, JESUS CHRIST
    point out that all of the
    above are determined by
    man’s heart, let GOD
    change the heart: then a
    man will be clean on the
    outside, he will live justly
    and mercifully to ward all
    men, doing all he can to
    build the right
    environment and live as a
    MATTHEW 23:27-28
    27)Woe unto you, scribes
    and Pharisees,
    hypocrites! For ye are like
    unto whited sepulchers,
    which indeed appear
    beautiful outward, but are
    within full of dead men’s
    bones, and of all 
    28)Even so ye also
    outwardly appear
    righteous unto men, but
    within ye are full of
    hypocrisy and iniquity
    The Scribe and Pharisees
    are like fine whited
    sepulchers, those Tombs
    were annually
    whitewashed to prevent
    the people from
    accidently coming in
    contact with them, looked
    very beautiful, looked very
    beautiful without, but
    within were full of all
    uncleanness, and defiled
    everyone who touch
    them , this is the behavior
    of the Scribe and
    Pharisees who will not
    keep company with
    publicans and sinners for
    fear they should pollute
    CHRIST picturing the
    great wrong with false
    Religionist, who outwardly
    appear righteous by
    attending church
    regularly, outwardly he
    may profess religion,
    CHRIST preach against
    out ward sins of passion
    which society often
    consider the sin of pride
    and greed, Sinner and
    harlots enter heaven
    much quickly than
    religionist, who do not
    surrender their lives to
    CHRIST False religion is the most
    beautiful and deadly tomb
    among men, it leads to
    eternal death of men’s
    Spirit, makes him
    insensitive to the danger
    of eternal death by
    introducing a sense of
    confidence in being
    religious, of acceptably
    religious, of pride being
    religious , of
    righteousness of being
    religious CHRIST say the
    False religionist id full of
    dead mans bones, which
    is referred to Spiritual
    death, the false religionist
    goes through living
    acceptable in the eyes of
    men, but he is spiritually
    dead to GOD, his act are
    man made morality and
    religion, not the true
    religion revealed by GOD
    in CHRIST
    Even so ye also
    outwardly appear
    righteous by making
    broad their phylacteries,
    enlarging the borders of
    their garment, praying
    lang prayers, going to
    church regularly
    compassing sea and land
    to make a convert, paying
    tithe od all manners of
    herbs, JESUS said about
    religionist, whose public
    conduct appeared
    righteous but whose heart
    were full hypocrisy, pride,
    lust and wickedness, they
    appear, outwardly seem
    to be just and righteous to
    men, but inwardly you are
    full of hypocrisy , full of
    corruption hidden inside
    LUKE 6:24
    MATTHEW 19:19-20
    MATTHEW 19:21
    EPHESIANS 4:28
    1 TIMOTHY 6:7
    1 TIMOTHY 6:9
    JAMES 5:3
    PSALM 39:6
    PSALM 49:10
    PSALM 62:10
    PROVERBS 23:4-5
    PROVERBS 27:24
    PROVERB 28:20
    JEREMIAH 17:11
    24)But woe unto you that
    are rich! For ye have
    received your consolation
    Woe unto you that are
    rich in this world goods,
    they love them, they
    sought for them, they find
    their consolation in them,
    they would not seek or
    receive consolation from
    the Gospel, they are
    proud, and would not
    seek it, they are satisfy
    with the pleasure of the
    world, filled with cares of
    the deceitful riches
    PROVERBS 27:24
    PROVERB 28:20
    JEREMIAH 17:11
    The warning is strong to
    the rich, that is to those
    who are rich, the rich man
    is warned because wealth
    remove a person from the
    kingdom of heaven, it is
    very difficult for a rich
    man to enter heaven,
    CHRIST explain clearly of
    the rich young ruler what
    pull him from the kingdom
    of heaven, there is a
    lure, an attraction, a force,
    a power, a pull that
    reaches out and draws
    any person who look at or
    possess wealth, there are
    pull so forceful that will
    enslave any rich man who
    fails to turn to GOD,
    The wealth are usually
    cherished, honored , and
    envied, wealth bring
    position, power, and
    recognition, it boots ego,
    making a person self-
    sufficient and
    independent in this world,
    which makes the rich man
    to feel that he is truly
    independent and self-
    sufficient that he neednothing and GOD is
    forgotten, he forgets that
    there are things money
    cannot buy , and that
    money cannot save and
    money cannot give real
    peace, joy, love and all
    other matter within the
    Spirit of man, neither can
    money save one from
    disaster, disease,
    accident and death.
    Riches tend to make man
    selfish, for some
    unexplainable reason, the
    more we get, the more we
    want, JESUS said who
    hard it is for the rich man
    to enter the kingdom of
    GOD LUKE 18:24, If we
    do not have
    compassion/mercy and
    take care of our
    fellowmen when they are
    in desperate need, the
    ravaged poor and needy
    how can we expect GOD
    to have compassion and
    take care of us, when we
    face the desperate need
    for heaven? It is foolish
    for us to think that a
    loving and just GOD will
    meet our needs for
    eternal life when we
    would not meet the need
    of our fellow man for
    earthly life, wealth attach
    one to the world, if a man
    centers his life upon the
    things of the world, his
    attention is on the world
    not GOD, he become
    interested in securing
    more and more and in
    protecting what he has
    The judgment of the rich
    man is their wealth on
    earth, their only comfort,
    help, aid, encouragement
    is to be on this earth they
    focus on their wealth,
    idolized is, and serve it ,
    as we cannot serve two
    masters MATTHEW 6:24
    there will be no
    consolation after this life
    no help, aid from GOD
    they are paid in full in this
    world, they choose this
    life and reject heaven

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