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    LUKE 6:20
    MATTHEW 5:3
    JOHN 5:24
    ACTS 2:42
    ROMANS 8:15-17
    EPHESIAN 2:19-22
    JEREMIAH 31:34
    20) And he lifted up his
    eyes on his disciples, and
    said, blessed by ye poor.
    for your is the kingdom of
    JESUS CHRIST switches
    the world value
    completely around, He
    rejected entirely the
    materialism things of the
    world and warns the
    worldly and materialistic
    that judgment is coming,
    Blessed are the Poor, is a
    poor and contrite Spirit
    that trembles at the word
    of GOD, this does not
    mean that a person must
    be poverty-stricken and
    financial poor, hunger,
    and slum are not pleasing
    to GOD, especially in a
    world of plenty, JESUS is
    not talking of material
    poverty, He means what
    He added in Matthew 5:3
    “Poor in Spirit” means
    several things:
    acknowledging that one
    is solely dependent upon
    GOD to meet His needs,
    to acknowledge one’s
    utter helplessness before
    GOD one’s spiritual
    poverty, one’s spiritual
    needs, to acknowledge
    one’s utter lack of
    superiority before all
    others and one’s Spiritual
    deadness before GOD, to
    acknowledge that no
    matter what one has
    achieved in this world
    fame, fortune, power, he
    is no better, no richer, no
    more superior than the 
    next person,
    He journeys through life
    with a humble attitude,
    that is, with an attitude of
    being poor in spirit and
    contribute all he can to
    appreciation, he turns his
    primary attention from the
    things of the world, the
    person who is poor in
    spirit approaches life in
    humility, the opposite of
    being poor in Spirit is
    having a spirit that is full
    of self, self-righteousness
    goes no farther than self,
    that is no farther than
    death, the only
    righteousness is CHRIST
    righteousness that lives
    The promise to be poor is
    outstanding that there is
    the kingdom of GOD, the
    poor in Spirit receives the
    kingdom of GOD
    MATTHEW 5:4
    MATTHEW 14:14
    LUKE 18:13
    JOHN 14:27
    JOHN 16:33
    ROMANS 8:28
    1 JOHN 1:9
    1 JOHN 2:1-2
    4)Blessed are they that
    mourn for they shall be
    Blessed forgiven,
    refreshed by GOD’S
    grace are those who
    mourn over their sins and
    repent, for they will be
    comforted when the
    burden of sin is lifted
    ISAIAH 61:2
    To mourn is to grieve
    over our own weakness in
    relation to GOD’S
    standard of righteousness
    and to mourn over the
    things that grieves GOD,
    to have our feeling in
    sympathy with the
    feelings of GOD and to
    afflict our Spirit over sin
    for the sin of their nature,
    indwelling sin, which is
    always working in them,
    and is a continual grieve
    of mind, to have a broken
    heart, it is the strong word
    for mourning , it is sorrow
    a desperate, helpless
    sorrow, it is sorrow for sin,
    a broken heart over evil
    and suffering, it is
    brokenness of self that
    comes from realizing of
    our sins, the person who
    is desperately sorry for
    his sins and unworthiness
    before GOD, he has such
    a sense of sin that his
    heart is just broken, the
    person who really feels
    the distressed
    predicament of others,
    the tragedies, the
    problems, the sinful
    behavior of others, the
    state, the condition,
    lostness of the world, all
    weigh ever so heavily
    upon the heart of the
    mourner, the persons who
    mourns over their sins,
    which leads to confession
    and humility before GOD.
    The person who mourns
    will be comforted by
    CHRIST Himself, CHRIST
    was called the man of
    sorrow and was
    acquainted with grief, He
    was able to comfort and
    draw a person close,
    those who mourn are
    comforted be pardon
    restored purity and
    freedom by receiving from
    CHRIST righteousness,
    peace and joy in the Holy
    Spirit ROMANS 14:17 for
    godly sorrow worketh
    repentance to salvation
    MATTHEW 5:5
    MATTHEW 11:29-30
    ROMANS 6:12
    ROMANS 12:3
    ROMANS 12:19- 21
    1 CORINTHIANS 6:12
    1 CORINTHIANS 9:27
    1 CORINTHIANS 10:13
    1 CORINTHIANS 13:5
    PHILIPIANS 2:3-4
    1 THESELONIA 4:11
    1 TIMOTHY 2:2
    2 TIMOTHY 1:12
    2 TIMOTHY4:8
    2 TIMOTHY 2:24
    JAMES 3:2
    1 PETER 3:4
    2 PETER 1:5
    2 PETER 1:6-7
    5) Blessed are the meek
    for thy shall inherit the
    GENTLE: to have a
    strong, but tender and 
    humble life, it is yet
    teachable Spirit, is not
    being weak, bowing or
    speechless, it is a man
    who is strong, very
    strong, yet he is humble
    and tender, it is a man
    with all the emotions and
    ability to take and
    conquer, but he is able to
    control himself, he is a
    disciple man because he
    is controlled by GOD, the
    opposite of meek is
    arrogance or pride, in too
    many persons there is an
    air of superiority , a meek
    spirit knows that he has
    needs , the persons who
    controls the mine and
    body are disciplined,
    never let loose, passion,
    desire, urges , speech
    and behavior , sight and
    touch are always
    The person who is
    humble, not prideful, he is
    humble before GOD, he is
    humble before men, the
    meek are those who are
    humble and submissive
    before GOD, they find 
    their refuge in Him and
    commit they way entirely
    to Him, they are , the self-
    controlled, inwardly
    peaceful ,spiritually
    secure are gentle and
    kind-hearted more
    concerned about GOD’S
    work and GOD’S people
    than about what might
    happen to them
    personally for they will
    inherit the earth, they are
    comfortable with
    themselves , they know
    who they are; they are
    strong and confident in
    CHRIST, yet tender and
    humble, they know where
    they are going; they are
    teachable, they have
    purpose and significant in
    life, the meek have
    peaceful soul, they carry
    whatever pressure and
    tension come their way to
    PASLM 37:11
    MATTHEW 5:6
    MATTHEW 19:17
    ROMANS 3:10
    ROMANS 3:23
    1 CORINTHIANS 1:30
    2 CORINTHIANS 5:21
    6) Blessed are they which
    do hunger and thirsty
    after righteousness for
    they shall be filled
    Blessed joy full,
    nourished by GOD
    goodness are those who
    hunger and thirst for
    righteousness, those who
    actively seek right
    standing with GOD for
    they will completely
    satisfy by GOD, the
    Spiritual condition of a
    believer, all throughout
    their lives will depend on
    their hunger and thirst, for
    the presence of GOD, the
    word of GOD, the
    communion of CHRIST,
    believer hunger for the
    things of GOD is
    destroyed by worldly
    anxiety, deceitfulness of
    wealth, desire for the
    things of the world, life
    pleasure and failure to
    remain in CHRIST, when
    the hunger and thirst for
    righteousness is destroy,
    they will die Spiritually, we
    must be sensitive to the
    Holy Spirit convincing
    work in our lives.
    Real hunger and thirst, it
    is a thirst that is dying
    thirst, a person must
    hunger and thirst for all
    righteousness if he
    wishes to be filled with the
    fullness of life ,it isconditional that person
    who is blessed is the one
    who hungers and thirsts
    for righteousness in the
    heart, it causes a person
    stress that he is saved
    and acceptable to GOD a
    person have to carve,
    starve, and thirst must
    seek righteousness more
    by believing in JESUS
    CHRIST and doing good,
    righteousness is the only
    thing that will fill and
    satisfy man’s innermost
    need, food and drink will
    not, only GOD can fill a
    life and satisfy the deep
    need for permanent life,
    being filled is to be led by
    the Spirit, righteousness
    meaning is to be right and
    do right and said in
    another way to be good
    and do good.
    The righteousness of
    GOD has been shown to
    man, just as what GOD
    want man to be and to do
    has been demonstrated
    perfectly in JESUS
    CHRIST, GOD has given
    man what His written
    10word describing his
    righteousness, CHRIST is
    the very image, the
    expression of
    righteousness of being
    right and doing right,
    believer who hunger
    thirsty for righteousness is
    wonderfully filled with
    both abundant life and
    eternal life, what is being
    said is GOD alone is
    righteous; He alone is
    perfectly good, man is
    not righteous, man
    become righteous though
    CHRIST righteousness,
    which is the great love of
    GOD, only GOD can fill a
    life and satisfy the deep
    need for permanent life,
    the man who seek after
    GOD, He puts on the
    new or new man and
    made new attitude and
    mind, the man who seek
    GOD and His
    righteousness has taken
    away the old man with its
    worldly practice, the man
    who diligently seek GOD
    who really believes in
    GOD, the man who so
    hungers and thirsts for
    GOD and His
    righteousness shall be
    counted as righteous and
    shall be filled
    MATTHEW 5:7
    LEVITICUS 25:35
    DEUTERONOMY 14:22-29
    DEUTERONOMY 26:12-13
    ISAIAH 58:7-8
    PSALM 41:1-3
    PSALM 82:1-5
    PROVERBS 3:27- 29
    PROVERBS 21:13
    PROVERBS 22:22-23
    HOSEA 6:6
    MICAH 6:8
    ZECHARIAH 7:9- 10
    MATTHEW 9:13
    MATTHEW 25:33- 46
    LUKE 3:11
    LUKE 18:22
    LUKE 12:33
    LUKE 14:12-14
    ACTS 20:35
    2 CORINTIAN 9:9
    JAMES 2:15
    2 TIMOTHY 6:17- 19
    I JOHN 3:17
    7) Blessed are the
    merciful; for they shall
    obtain mercy
    The person who is
    merciful has a tender
    heart, a heart that cares
    for all who have need, he
    feels for them and
    reaches out to them
    those who show mercy to
    the bodies of men, to
    those that are poor,
    needy ravaged, indigent,
    and miserable, by their
    sympathizing with them,
    and distributing unto them
    not only making use of
    expressions of sympathy
    and concern; but
    communicating with
    readiness and
    cheerfulness, with
    affection and tenderness
    and with a view to the
    glory of GOD, to show
    mercy is very delightful
    to, and desirable by GOD.
    Every believer can be
    merciful, some may not
    have money or bother
    means to help, but they
    can be tender and
    demonstrating mercy
    through expression and
    prayer, GOD instructs
    believers to be merciful by
    doing it practically,
    provided for the poor,
    distribute to the poor, it is
    what GOD requires, and
    it is the weightier matter
    of the law; it is very
    attractive to a believer
    that make him like the
    heavenly FATHER
    The tender-hearted,
    compassionate , kind, and
    beneficent , who being
    inwardly affected with the
    infirmities, necessities,
    and miseries and feeling
    of them as their own, with
    sympathy endeavor,
    those who are so affected
    by the suffering of others
    as they have ability to
    relieve them, to have a
    forgiven Spirit and
    compassionate heart is14
    showing mercy and being
    generous, it is forgiving
    those who wrong us, the
    merciful are full of
    compassion and pity
    towards those who are
    suffering either from
    sorrow or sin, they bring
    those people to the grace
    and help of GOD through
    Who ever is merciful,
    GOD will show mercy to
    him through CHRIST,
    which is free, sovereign,
    abundant and eternal,
    men are said to obtain
    mercy when they are
    regenerated, and called
    by grace,
    MATTHEW 5:8
    JEREMIAH 4:14
    PSALM 24:4-5
    JAMES 1:27
    1 PETER 1:22
    2 PETER 3:14
    8)Blessed are pure in
    heart for they shall see
    Those whose heart are
    purified by faith, who are
    cleansed by the Spirit of
    GOD from vain thought,
    unprofitable reasonings,
    earthly and sensual
    desires, and corrupt
    passion, who are purified
    from pride, self-
    covetousness, ambition
    and whose hearts were
    circumcised to love the
    living GOD with all their
    heart and our neighbor as
    To have a clean heart; is
    to be unsoiled, unmixed,
    unpolluted ; to be
    cleansed, purged,
    forgiven; to be holy; to
    have a single purpose,
    the person who is pure in
    heart keeps himself from
    been polluted by the
    world, he washes his
    heart from evil, those with
    integrity , moral courage,
    and godly character, for
    they will see GOD
    PSALM 24:3-4
    that he may be saved, he
    obeys the truth through
    the working of the Holy
    The believer is to
    constantly search his
    heart and cleanse it of
    impure motives pure in
    heart are those who have
    been delivered from sin’s
    power by GOD’S grace
    and now strive without
    deceit to please and
    glorify GOD and to be like
    Him, they seek to have
    the same attitude of heart
    that GOD has, a love of
    righteousness and hatred
    of evil, only the pure in
    heart shall see GOD, to
    see GOD is to see GOD
    in CHRIST, is to dwell in
    His presence and be His
    child both now and the
    future kingdom
    MATTHEW 5:9
    ROMANS 5:1
    ROMANS 14:19
    EPHESIANS 2:14- 17
    2 TIMOTHY 2:14
    2 TIMOTHY 2;24
    9)Blessed are the
    peacemakers; for they
    shall be called the
    children of GOD
    The peacemakers are
    those who have been
    reconciled to GOD , the
    peace of GOD
    COLLOSINS 3:15 who
    are spiritually calm with
    life in GOD’S favor,
    who endeavor to promote
    peace in others, who use
    their influence to
    reconcile opposition
    parties, who study to be
    quite and live in peace
    they make and maintain
    peace, for they express
    His character and arecalled the sons of GOD,
    they have peace within
    through the cross, they
    live peaceably with all
    men, and with one
    another, they now strive
    by their witness and life to
    bring other including their
    enemies to GOD
    ROMAN 5:1
    They make peace
    between men and man:
    to solve dispute and
    erase divisions; to
    reconcile difference and
    eliminate strife, the
    person who strives at
    every opportunity to make
    peace within others, he
    leads others to make their
    peace with GOD, to
    conquer their inner
    struggle, to settle their
    inner tension, to handle
    their inner pressure, he
    works to solve disputes
    and erase divisions, the
    peacemaker is the one
    has made peace with
    GOD, and know the
    peace of GOD
    JOHN 14:27
    Peace maker love peace,
    the world has its
    troublemakers, every
    organization, which
    includes criticism,
    grumbling and murmuring
    the peacemaker goes
    forth to settle such matter,
    solve the problem and
    reconcile the parties
    They are called the
    children of GOD, they are
    owned by GOD as His
    genuine Children of GOD
    by adopting grace, which
    is made manifest in their
    regeneration; by reason
    of their great likeness to
    Him by their peaceful
    disposition, which is
    controlled by the Holy
    Spirit for He is the GOD
    of peace
    MATTHEW 5:10
    JOHN 15: 18-19
    JOHN 15: 21-22
    JOHN 16:2-4
    2 TIMOTHY 3:12
    1 JOHN 3:13
    1 PETER 4:12-14
    10)Blessed are they
    which are persecuted for
    righteousness’s sake, for
    theirs is the kingdom of
    Blessed are they which
    are persecuted for
    righteousness sake, who
    seek to live in harmony
    with GOD’S word, those
    who uphold GOD’S
    standards of truth, justice
    and purity and those who
    at the same time refuse to
    compromise with the
    present evil society or the
    lifestyle on account of
    their righteous and godly
    conversation, for doing
    what is morally right,
    which brings them hatred
    and enmity of the men of
    the world for believers live
    separately from them and
    not belonging to the
    world, it reproves and
    condemns their wicked
    lives and practices those
    who are harassed,
    hunted, spoiled, the fact
    that they have endured
    persecution, and still
    stand firm and the
    condition temporal loss to
    which they have been
    reduced by Our LORD
    already announces the
    treatment which He and
    His followers will receive
    from the world such
    persecution, they have
    suffered the loss, but they
    are blessed for
    righteousness sake,
    because they are
    righteous, or are thefriend of GOD
    Believers who live and
    speak for righteousness,
    is opposed and
    persecuted which reveal
    the true nature of the
    world is evil, the person
    who care and works for
    true love, justice, and
    salvation of the world is
    actually fought against it,
    believers are forewarned
    they are of the world, they
    are called out of the
    world, they are separated
    from the world and their
    behavior that is why the
    world reacts against
    them, they live and
    demonstrated the life of
    righteousness, they do
    not compromise with the
    world and its sinful nature,
    they live pure and godly
    lives, having nothing to do
    with sinful nature of the
    corrupt world, the suffer
    persecution because the
    world does not know
    GOD nor CHRIST, they
    want no GOD rather than
    their own imagination ,
    they just want to do what
    they want and live by
    fulfilling their own desire
    not what GOD wishes and
    demands , however the
    believer dedicate their
    lives to GOD, to His
    worship and service
    MATTHEW 5:11-12
    11)Blessed are ye, when
    men shall revile you, and
    persecute you and shall
    say all manner of evil
    against you falsely, for My
    12) Rejoice, and be
    exceeding glad; for great
    is your reward in heaven;
    for so persecuted they the
    prophets which were
    before you
    Blessed morally
    courageous and
    spiritually alive with life
    and joy in GOD’S
    goodness are you, when
    people insult you falsely,
    and shall charge you
    unjustly and injuriously
    reproach and ridicule you
    by saying all kinds of evil
    things against you,
    because of your believe in
    Me, love, obey and follow
    me, rejoice let not this
    load of outrage and
    oppression discourage
    and cast you down, these
    words are particularly
    directed to the followers
    of CHRIST, and are
    premeditated to inform,
    that they should not be
    exempted from reproach
    and persecution, and to
    be conscious of it andfortify themselves against
    it, the world conceived
    GOD to be the one who
    fulfills their earthly desire
    and lust, they think that
    GOD protect, provides,
    and gives no matter what
    a person’s behavior is,
    the true believer teaches
    against such worldly life,
    but GOD is love, but He is
    also just and demand
    righteousness, the world
    rebelled against this
    concept of GOD,
    persecution can erupt
    from most devilish
    imagination of men , the
    ungodly men want no part
    of GOD; therefore, they
    oppose those who talk
    about GOD and believers
    duty is honor and worship
    But rather rejoice and be
    exceeding glad , with
    triumph for great is your
    reward in heaven, such a
    patient and cheerful
    suffering of persecution
    for CHRIST in this life, will
    certainly be rewarded with
    the glory and blessedness
    of the life to come, which
    will be by grace; for our
    light and momentary
    affliction are not worthy to
    be compared with the
    eternal and exceeding
    weight of glory for so
    persecuted they the
    former prophets, who long
    before your time, were
    messengers of GOD
    ISAIAH 5:8
    EXODUS 20:17
    JEREMIAH 6:13
    EZEKIEL 33:31
    MICAH 2:2
    HABAKUK 2:9
    LUKE 12:15-21
    1 CORINTHIANS 6:9-10
    8)Woe unto them that join
    house to house, that lay
    field to field, till there be
    no place, that they may
    be placed alone in the
    midst of the earth
    9)In mine ears said the
    LORD of hosts, of a truth
    many houses shall be
    desolate, even great and
    fair, without
    Woe a strong warning
    was issued to the greedy
    and covetous, people ,
    which is extreme sin that
    leads men to continually
    enlarge their estate , they
    add new purchases of
    house, join house to
    house and lands to their
    former possessions,
    sought to amass fortunes
    by buying up all the
    rented property and land
    as they could, without
    regard to their neighbors
    convenience, the crimes
    of this ungrateful people,
    and the punishment
    decreed to their crimes,
    even if it meant crowding
    out poorer and weaker
    home owner, they sought
    to control entire blocks of
    houses for rental
    purposes, other tried to
    acquire land in order to
    build up huge, profitable
    farms, sadly, the land
    barons and property
    owners were not
    accumulating wealth for
    the purpose of helping the
    needy or carrying the
    word of GOD to the
    unbelievers of the world,
    rather, they were
    amassing wealth from a
    spirit of greed and
    covetousness, glorying in
    mere possession of
    wealth they want to be
    recognized as the rich,
    famous, and powerful of
    their communities ,
    frankly, unless a person is
    going to use his money to
    benefit society, to help the
    needy, or to carry the
    gospel to the world, he
    does not even need to
    possess wealth,
    The LORD of hosts He
    who is GOD almighty
    issued a strong warning
    into which came the cry of
    the sins to the greedy and
    covetous; their houses,
    mansions, and buildings
    would be deserted,
    without occupants, in
    addition, their property
    and farms would be
    deserted many house,
    even the great and most
    beautiful shall be
    desolate, even though
    you multiply many houses
    and farms, they shall
    become desolate
    ISAIAH 5:11
    PROVERBS 20:1
    PROVERBS 23:29-31
    LUKE 21:34
    ROMANS 13:13
    1 CORINTHAINS 6:9-11
    EPHESIANS 5:18
    11) Woe unto them that
    rise up early in the
    morning, that they may
    follow strong drinks, that
    continue until night, till
    wine inflame them
    12) And the harp, and the
    viol, the tabret, and pipe,
    and wine, are in their 
    feast; but they regard not
    the work of the LORD,
    neither consider the
    operation of his hand
    GOD issued a serve
    warning to all drunkards,
    which to day would
    include all substance
    abusers, heavy drinking
    about drunkards or
    That drink all day, their
    behavior and lifestyle and
    describing as colorful,
    way arising early in the
    morning , they drank all
    day up until late night,
    they enlarge in drinking
    parties, with seductive
    music , immoral carousing
    way the Customs is
    sitting long at wine, they
    continued drinking, but to
    spend the day in
    drunkenness, here is the
    woe of those adore
    pleasure, till wine inflame
    them; their bodies with
    heat, and their souls with
    lust, they never, the life of
    luxury was then, as ever,
    one of practical
    ungodliness , those who
    lived did not see, never
    do they see any Divine
    plan or order in the world
    around them, those who
    set their hearts on the
    wealth of the world
    covetousness, which is
    idolatry , they did not think
    about the LORD or His
    wonderful works, those
    who set their.27
    And the harp, and the
    viol, the tablet, and pipe
    instrument of music: and
    wine are in their feast; so
    that they lived jovially and
    merrily, like son of
    Bacchus, more than like
    the people of GOD, but
    they regard not the work
    of the LORD neither
    consider the operation of
    His hand, the work of
    creation and providence
    and His daily mercies of
    life, or he great work of
    redemption by CHRIST,
    and the conversion of
    sinners, the preaching of
    His Gospel
    ISAIAH 5:18
    MATTHEW 24:4
    1 CONRINTHAINS 15:33
    EPHSIANS 5:5-6
    PSALM 73:11
    PROVERBS 19:29
    18) Woe unto them that
    draw iniquity with cords of
    vanity, and sin as it were
    with a cart rope
    Woe unto them that draw
    iniquity with cords of
    vanity, Woe to them who
    openly piles up sin upon
    sin dragging after them
    load of sin, these men are
    represented as drawing
    iniquity with cords of
    vanity this is a new
    denunciation of evil-doers
    who thought of
    harnessing active and
    industrious in drawing sin
    to themselves or
    themselves to sin the
    “CORD of Vanity- is evil
    of plans of deceiving
    people, deceitful snare,
    hypocritical and ungodly
    are the habits by which
    they are thus bound,
    through the prevalence of
    their own hearts, lust and
    corruptions,, the snare of
    the world, willingly commit
    it, who rush and force
    themselves into it; who
    solicit for it, and seek and
    take all occasions and
    opportunities of doing it,
    and make use of all
    argument, reason,
    reasonings and pretenses
    they can devise, which
    are cords of vanity,
    fallacious and deceitful.
    They use large cart-rope
    to drag their sins along
    with them, as a result they
    mock GOD they began to
    sin and go on and
    increase until they are
    strong and their sins are
    as a cart rope, as they
    draw iniquity to
    themselves with all their
    might, that is plugging
    deeper and deeper into
    sin, one whose sin is
    added to another, draw
    sin by cord as beasts that
    draw carts with ropes,
    GOD’S judgment will fall
    upon all deceivers and
    ISAIAH 5:20
    PROVERBS 11:3
    PROVERBS 12:8
    PROVERBS 17:15
    PROVERBS 28:5-6
    MALACHI 2:17
    ROMANS 1:32
    20)Woe unto them that
    call evil good, and good
    evil; that put darkness for
    light, and light for
    darkness; that put bitter
    for sweet, and sweet
    Woe unto them that call
    evil good, judgment is
    coming unto those who
    call good evil, that call evil
    actions good, and good
    action evil, those with
    corrupt values who call
    evil good: society often
    exalts sin by calling
    corruption and immorality
    true virtue and
    commendable freedom
    the natural outcome of the
    sins, and oppose
    righteousness by calling
    it evil, these persons who
    gloss over evil deeds andevil habits, the same men
    call good evil; they brand
    moral value no longer
    controlled the lives of
    these people, sinking
    deeper and deeper into
    sin, they become morally
    That put darkness for light
    the darkness of sin was
    substituted for the light of
    righteousness, Ignorance
    and error, for knowledge
    and truth, false doctrine,
    crime, who subvert or
    pervert, all the great
    principle of truth, wisdom
    and of righteousness,
    they prefer erroneous and
    fake doctrine to the true
    word of GOD, they prefer
    an evil to an upright
    course of conduct
    That put bitter for sweet,
    and sweet for bitter,
    JEREMIAH calls
    wickedness bitter, which
    is always used to denote
    JEREMIAH 4:18
    in PALMS 119:103 calls
    the word of GOD sweet,
    which is used for
    righteousness or holiness
    ISAIAH 5:21
    PROVERBS 6:16-19
    PROVERBS 11:2
    PROVERBS 16:18
    PROVERBS 21:4
    ROMANS 12:3
    21)Woe unto them that
    are wise in their own
    Woe to the prideful and
    arrogant , being puffed up
    with high opinion of their
    own wisdom , the LORD
    issue a strong warning to
    them ,that they are
    condemned to suffer the
    punishment of GOD, they
    think there are right in
    their own opinion , they
    are absolutely sure they
    are right, they are wise
    and prudent , therefore
    they think they will not
    accept the word of GOD ,
    instead they use man
    made wisdom and opinion
    to formulate their own
    religion, thus their god
    becomes only a creation
    of their won imagination
    and ideas, they reject the
    fact that GOD has
    revealed Himself and the
    truth about how to live a
    fruitful and victorious life,
    the prideful and arrogant
    will bear the judgment
    and punishment of GOD
    ISAIAH 5:22-25
    EXODUS 23:8
    LEVITICUS 19:15
    PROVERBS 14:31
    AMOS 5:12
    LUKE 16:10
    22) Woe unto them that
    are mighty to drink wine,
    and men of strength to
    mingle strong drink
    23)Which justify the
    wicked for reward, and
    take away the
    righteousness of the
    righteous from him
    24Therefore as the fire
    devoureth the stubble,
    and the flame consumeth
    the chaff, so their root
    shall be as rottenness,
    and their blossom shall go
    up as dust: because they
    cast away the law of the
    LORD of host, and
    despised the word of the
    Holy one of Israel
    25)Therefore is the anger
    of the LORD kindled
    against His people, and
    he hath stretched forth
    his hand against them,
    and hath smitten them;
    and the hills did tremble,
    and their carcasses were
    turn to the midst of the
    streets, for all this His
    anger is not turned away,
    but His hand is stretched
    out still
    Woe ,judgment is coming
    to those who are heroes
    at drinking wine,
    apparently , this reference
    to leaders and judges of
    the nation, despite their
    drunken unjust and
    crooked behavior they
    were looked at as hero’s
    in their sin, they could
    drink and of strength in
    mixing intoxicating drinks,
    the judges who acquit
    criminals the wicked and
    guilty for bribe and take
    away the rights of those
    who are righteous,
    declare him to be in the
    wrong by deciding his
    cause against him
    because of bribe, the
    LORD pronounced
    serious warning to the
    unjust and bribe takers,
    they overlook the
    judgment of GOD, by
    accepting bribes,
    acquitting the guilty and
    denying justice to the
    innocent, they sentence
    the just unjustly and free the
    guilty and GOD knows
    their sins and pronounce
    His coming judgment
    upon the unjust
    GOD’S judgment will be
    quick, sudden and
    complete, therefore a
    general judgement is now
    pronounced against all
    the forms of wickedness,
    a judgment of ruin or
    destruction the type
    taking from burning of
    stubble and withered
    grass by farmer when he
    is cleaning his farm, were
    as combustible as dried
    straw and grass that had
    been set ablaze, in the
    same way, the blazing
    judgment of GOD would
    consume those who
    sowed such evil action
    The word rendered
    “CHAFF” means hay or
    dry grass, the word
    “consumeth” denote to
    33make to fall, and refers to
    the appearance when a
    fire passes though field
    of grain or grass,
    consuming the stalks near
    the ground, so that the
    upper portion falls down,
    or sinks gently into
    flames, as the dry grass
    sinks down in flame, the
    withered grass of pasture
    was burnt, their
    destruction will be easily
    done speedily, and
    entirely, which denote
    their destruction would be
    easy, swift, sudden.
    So their root shall be as
    rottenness, be rotten, or
    decayed ,the root is the
    last thing to decay, when
    that fails, the case is
    desperate, they shall be
    like a tree which not
    wither in its branches, but
    dies and rots at the roots,
    and therefore is past all
    hopes of recovery, they
    shall be destroyed both
    root and branches
    The reason for GOD is
    judgment is unmistakable;
    the people had rejected
    GOD’S law and despised
    His word, they have been
    given GOD’S word as a
    guide to their lives, and
    they were to share
    GOD’S word with the
    world, but they failed to
    share it, they want
    nothing to do with the
    commandment of GOD
    and refuse to hid them,
    they reject it themselves,
    they rather chose to live
    as they wished doing their
    own things, living their
    own way of sin, they
    should have lived and
    produce fruits of
    righteousness, instead
    they produce sinful fruit,
    which will be consume by
    judgment of GOD
    The lord is enraged or is
    angry, his anger was the
    crimes committed ,
    because of the peoples
    sin GOD’S anger was
    aroused against them,
    35and he hath stretched
    forth His hands, to stretch
    His hand is an expression
    of punishment, protection
    or invitation, in this case
    is for punishment, and
    hath smitten them-
    punished them by struck
    them, due to their sins for
    despising the word of
    GOD, so increased His
    anger and indignation
    against them refer to the
    earthquake which
    occurred in the days of
    Uzziah and time of the
    prophet AMOS 1:1
    Zechariah 14:5 and the
    hill did tremble, which is
    GOD’S anger, it is well
    adapted to describe an
    Earthquake, which was
    predicted, the mountain
    began to shake, and
    GOD’S enemies all who
    rebelled against Him by
    turning to sinful lifestyle ,
    were doomed, their dead
    bodies would be like
    refuse in the streets,
    rejecting GOD’S word will
    result in the people being
    given over to the
    consequence of their sins
    and to Divine punishment
    MATTHEW 23:13
    MALACHI 2:7-8
    MATTHEW 5:20
    MATTHEW 22:29
    LUKE 11:52
    ROMANS 3:20
    ROMANS 10:3-4
    2 CORINTHIANS 2:17
    1 PETER 1:18-19
    2 PETER 2:1
    2 PETER 3:16
    1 JOHN 2:22
    13)But woe unto you,
    scribes and pharisees,
    hypocrites! for ye shut up
    the kingdom of heaven
    against men; for ye
    neither go in yourselves,
    neither suffer ye them that
    are entering to go in
    CHRIST was attacking
    and denouncing the
    religionist, but also
    warning them of their sin
    that was great and
    terrible , but was
    unpardonable , they
    shutting the door of
    heaven against
    themselves and others,
    for false interpretation of
    the word of GOD, they
    prevented men from
    accepting CHRIST
    making the path
    impossible for the
    ignorant and poor,
    keeping men from the
    knowledge of the will of
    GOD, neither themselves
    teaching the knowledge of
    GOD but that of the
    doctrine of man
    They will never be able to
    enter themselves,
    CHRIST dealt frankly and
    openly with them, He
    exposed the truth of their
    hearts; they were full of
    hypocrisy, they had to
    look at themselves andsee
    the corruption of their
    hearts and had to repent,
    believing and follow
    CHRIST or else destined
    to Hell.
    False religionist shut the
    door to heaven against
    seekers, who standing
    right at the door
    desperately needing to
    enter, but the false
    religionist shuts the door
    of heaven against them,
    they themselves did not
    enter Heaven because
    they preferred a religion
    that honored man’s ability
    to do religious things
    rather than religion that
    honored GOD,S mercy for
    They chose the world
    over GOD’S demand
    for self-denial,
    They chose the things
    of the world such as
    position, honor,
    recognition, wealth,
    power, authority and
    They rejected GOD as
    Messiah, as being the
    LORD from heaven,
    They profess religion,
    but did not really
    follow GOD, They
    never entered heaven
    themselves, and by
    their lives and
    teaching, They misled
    others and kept them
    out of heaven,
    They use religion for
    their own end, to
    advance themselves
    professionally and
    materially, the false
    religionist not only did
    not enter heaven
    themselves, they did
    not allow seekers to
    enter, they shut the
    door by misleading
    people, and thereby
    condemned to hell
    apart from GOD
    MATTHEW 23:14
    14)Woe unto you, scribes
    and Pharisees,
    hypocrites! For you
    devour widow’s houses,
    and for a pretense make
    long prayer; therefore, ye
    shall receive the greater
    15)Woe unto you, scribe
    and Pharisees,
    hypocrites! for ye 
    compass sea and land to
    make one proselyte, and
    when he is made him
    twofold more the child of
    Hell than yourselves
    The same woe
    denounced, and a fresh
    reason given of it to
    Consume their substance,
    by illegally exaction or by
    working upon their
    religious feelings, you
    take away and get 
    possession of the
    property widows by
    improper arts and
    pretenses, women who
    have lost their natural
    protector become their
    prey, to these they attach
    themselves, winning them
    over by flattery and fraud,
    and persuading them to
    assist them with their
    substance to the ruin of
    their fortune, and for a
    pretense make long
    prayers: as if they were
    very holy, good men, or
    pretended that the
    substance of these
    widows, which they got
    into their hands, was for
    their long prayers for
    them in return for their
    GOD had always
    defended the cause of
    widows, and had urged
    his people deal gently and
    DEUTERONOMY 10:18,
    27:19 PASLM 68:5
    False religionist are
    missionaries who double
    the corruption of new
    followers, pretended Zeal
    to win convert, to GOD
    but with no view in mind
    other than to make
    instruments to serve their
    own oppression and
    the Zeal of the earlier
    Pharisees had showed
    itself in a propagandism,
    self-religious scribes and
    Pharisees, Hypocrites,
    because you travel over
    sea and land, you take
    every means, spare no
    pain, to gain to make a
    single convert and when
    he becomes a convert,
    you make him two times
    as much a son of Hell as
    you are.
    False religionist seek
    converts, false religionist
    are very Zealous in
    evangelism; they brave
    the world to make a single
    convert, they were
    Missionary of false
    religion, they were willing
    to go anyplace, they42
    travel world-wide to reach
    just one convert, they
    were not reaching people
    for GOD, but for a man-
    made religion, they were
    not bringing people to a
    personal relationship with
    GOD but to their own
    ideas of religion

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