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    GENESIS 1:1-2
    MATTHEW 6:19-21
    MATTHEW 6:33
    MATTHEW 16:26
    MARK 12:29-31
    LUKE 21:34
    JOHN 1:1-2
    1 CORINTHIAN 6:19-20
    1 CORINTHIANS 8:4-6
    EPHESIAN 4:6
    COLOSSIANS 1:16-18
    1 TIMOTHY 2:5-6
    JAMES 4:4
    HEBREWS 1:10-12
    HEBREWS 9:27
    HEBREWS 11:3
    HEBREWS 11:6
    HEBREWS 13:5-6
    2 PETER 3:10-13
    1 JOHN 2: 15-17
    REVELATION 3:16-17
    EXODUS 20:3-5
    1)In the beginning GOD
    created the heaven and
    the earth
    2)And the earth was
    without form, and void;
    and darkness was upon
    the face of the deep,
    and the Spirit of GOD
    move upon the face of
    the waters
    In the beginning GOD
    created by forming from
    nothing, the heaven and
    the earth, heaven and
    earth have not existed
    from all eternity, the 
    universe is not eternal
    nor did it just happen ,
    the universe did not just
    come into being by
    chance, some thing did
    not come out of some
    thing nor did they arise
    from an absolute
    substance, but were
    created by GOD, in the
    strict sense of
    producing something
    out of nothing, the
    universe has come from
    Him, since GOD is the
    source of all that exists,
    human beings and
    nature are not self-
    existence, there was a
    time when there was
    nothing, no heaven and
    no earth, no physical
    energy, no atoms,
    electrons , protons, or
    neutrons and hydrogen
    nor any other gaseous
    substance, there was
    nothing in the physical
    and material world, but
    the physical world and
    dimension of being was
    PSALM 14:1
    PSALM 19:1
    PSALM 53:1-3
    PSALMS 83:17-18
    PSALM 86:9-13
    PSALM 97:6
    PSALMS 121:1-2
    ISAIAH 14: 12-15
    ISAIAH 40:10
    ISAIAH 40:21-26
    ISAIAH 43:10-13
    ISAIAH 44:6-8
    ISAIAH 45:5-7
    ISIAH 45:18-19
    ISAIAH 45:21-24
    ISAIAH 46:9-10
    ISAIAH 55:6
    ISAIAH 66:22
    JEREMIAH 4:23
    JEREMIAH 29: 11-13
    EZEKIEL 28:11-18
    NEHEMIAH 9:5-6
    launched in the absolute
    beginning of creation,
    owe their being and
    continuance to Him,
    GOD has sovereign
    rights over all creation
    by virtue of being its
    Creator, there is a
    creator who has created
    the universe, He gives
    the universe purpose
    and meaning, GOD is
    Almighty, He is all
    mighty and powerful, He
    existed before anything
    else, every thing owe its
    existence to GOD, GOD
    is self-existence and
    eternal, nothing created
    GOD, GOD created all
    things , He brought the
    universe to existence,
    thus the general account
    of creation refutes and
    destroys the following:
    Is the believe that there
    is no GOD, no supreme
    being GOD existence
    disproves the false
    Believe in GOD, but not
    personal GOD but more
    than force and energy,
    GOD existence
    disproves the false
    Which is the belief of
    many gods,
    Humanism is the belief
    that man himself is the
    ultimate being in the
    universe , there is no
    GOD, no supreme being
    who rules over man and
    the universe, man is his
    own authority and
    determines his own
    destiny, is a false belief
    Evolution is a
    naturalistic explanation
    for the origin and
    development of the
    universe, view with the
    assumption that there
    is no personal, Divine
    Creator who made and
    fashioned the universe,
    they believe that
    everything came in to
    existence by a series of
    chance happening that
    occurred over billion
    years, the theory of
    evolution is that all
    forms of life derived by
    gradual modification
    from earlier and simpler
    or rudimentary form, it
    teaches a process in
    which something
    complex is developed by
    it self from a simple
    beginning , that one
    kind of living thing ever
    evolved from another
    kind. But rather,
    existence evidence
    support the scripture
    that GOD created each
    living creature according
    to his kind GENESIS 1:21
    Evolution is fallacy
    which is accepted by
    pagan philosopher in
    preference to GOD and
    nullify the Bible, CHRIST
    and His atonement,
    Is the belief that there is
    no GOD, no personal
    GOD the greatest and
    most supreme energy
    and force, no spiritual
    world, and no heaven or
    hell, there is only this
    world, only the material
    and physical world, is a
    false belief and wrong,
    GOD exist prior to the
    material and physical
    universe and man is
    answerable to GOD
    The heaven and earth
    existed because GOD
    created the universe,
    out of nothing, things
    did not just happen by
    chance nor at random,
    the universe do not just
    come in to being, GOD
    was there, the heaven
    and earth existed
    because God brought
    them into being, before
    anything was ever made,
    GOD existed, His
    presence and power
    were present
    everywhere, just as they
    are now, GOD has
    always been living,
    eternally, He is always
    living, He shall live for
    ever and ever, on and on
    shall live eternally, He is
    the owner of all, He is
    the rightful owner of
    And the earth was
    without form, and void,
    the earth was formless
    and empty”(Tohu VA
    bohu)”it was not with
    any life , its waste and
    empty, unshaped,
    unformed, barren,
    desolate, unfinished
    undeveloped and
    darkness was upon the
    face of the deep, it
    refers to the dateless
    past and the sin, the
    creation and the gap
    theory, the other name
    the theory is known are
    the recreation theory,
    the Divine judgment
    theory, restitution
    theory, the theory came
    into place because the
    earth was created
    perfect in verse one, but
    in verse two the earth is
    seen as a waste and
    void, in between verse
    one and two there is
    huge gap of time,
    between the two verse
    something happened ,
    some thing catastrophic
    consequences, which
    caused the earth to
    become waste and void,
    referred to chaos
    because of sin, usually
    said that Satan’s fall
    occurred at this time,
    and his rebellion against
    GOD caused the
    JEREMIAH 4:23-25
    judgment to fall on the
    earth to depict the
    desolation and desertion
    of the ruined and
    depopulated land.
    ISAIAH 14:12,
    EZEKIEL 28:13-19
    The two scripture
    describes a perfect
    creation what happened
    to the earth after the
    great judgment fell upon
    it, the scripture says
    that the earth was
    created not to be
    empty(vain , as a waste
    ISAIAH 45:18, but to be
    inhabited, so it must
    reflect perfection of
    GOD’S nature, the
    perfection of His glory
    and majesty, a perfect
    loving GOD can only
    create a perfect world ,
    the scripture made it
    clear that
    Satan(Lucifer) was the
    most exalted angel in
    heaven, there fore,
    Satan’s fall and control
    over the earth had to
    take place after the
    heaven and the earth
    were created, the only
    time it could happen is
    between verse one and
    two, that GOD created a
    perfect heaven and
    earth, and then when
    Satan fell, the earth
    became formless and
    empty’ because is under
    the dominion of Satan
    created him, but Satan
    did the same thing all
    men have done: he
    sinned and fell, he
    rebelled against GOD,
    therefor as man was
    cast out of the garden
    of Eden, so also Satan
    was cast from his
    exalted position before
    GOD, Just as man face
    eternal judgment of
    GOD, so also Satan,
    Satan is to be
    condemned to eternal
    Hell, soon very soon so
    also men who reject
    GOD are to be
    MATTHEW 25:40-46
    The Spirit of GOD which
    is in the process of
    formation covered the
    earth moved upon the
    face of the earth caring
    for it and protecting it,
    until He was ready to
    act but the Holy Spirit,
    who is represented as
    the source of life and
    order in the world, the
    same Spirit moved or
    brooded upon the face
    of the deep, the whole
    fluid mass of earth and
    water mixed together,
    which was a dark
    disorganized , the Spirit
    impregnate them, as a
    hen upon eggs to hatch
    them, so that He
    separated the parts
    which were mixed
    together and gave them
    a quickening feature for
    its creative activity ,
    which work upon the
    formless, lifeless mass
    separating, quickening,
    and preparing the living
    forms, which were
    called into being by the
    creative words, which
    received as its creative
    germs of all life, to fill
    them with vital energy,
    the Spirit work on the
    dead and discordant
    elements, combined,
    arranged, and developed
    them into a state
    adapted for being the
    scene of a new creation,
    the Spirit of GOD being
    ready to launch the
    second stage of
    creation, He hovering,
    ready to move and to
    stage and form and
    make the earth fruitful
    and productive, He is
    ready to move and
    create new life to live
    upon the earth
    GENESIS 1:3-5
    MATTHEW 10:29-31
    JOHN 1:4
    JOHN 3:19
    JOHN 8:12
    JOHN 9:5
    JOHN 12:35-36
    JOHN 12:46
    ROMANS 13:12
    EPHESIAN 5:14
    1 TIMOTHY 6:16
    2 PETER 3:5-7
    1 JOHN1:5
    JAMES 1:17
    PSALM 104:5-6
    ISAIAH 24:1
    ISAIAH 48:18
    JEREMIAH 4:23-26
    3)And GOD said, let
    there be light and their
    was light
    4)And GOD saw the
    light, that it was good;
    and GOD divided the
    light from darkness
    5)And GOD called the
    light day, and the
    darkness he called
    Night, and the evening
    and the morning were
    the first day
    Let there be light,
    the word of GOD then
    went forth to the
    primary material of the
    world, now filled with
    creative power, to call
    into being, out of the
    germs of organization
    and life which it
    contained, and in order
    pre-ordained by His
    wisdom, those creature
    of the world, which was
    proclaim, as they live
    and move, the work of
    creation commences
    with the word, and GOD
    said, the creative
    command,(let there be
    light) the word which
    GOD speaks become
    existing things, a
    summary word of
    accomplishment, He
    speaks and it is done;
    He command and it
    stood fast, these words
    are deeds of essential
    word by which all things
    were made,
    Let there be light, it is
    was first created thing,
    that upon which
    depends all life and
    growth known to us, for
    light as the symbol of
    Divine presence, He
    command light to shine
    out of darkness, this
    was the first thing made
    out of the dark chaos:
    by the creative mandate
    “let their be light” as in
    the new creation,
    Light is the most pure
    and brilliant thing
    known to man, it is
    often used to picture a
    scene full of glory and
    splendor, the scripture
    declares that GOD is
    light, light is what GOD
    is within Himself, within
    His being and nature
    and within His character,
    GOD dwells in the
    splendor and glory of
    light, wherever he is, the
    splendor and glory of
    light shines out of His
    being, the glory of His
    presence just beams
    forth the most brilliant
    light imaginable, so
    brilliant and glorious that
    it would consume human
    flesh, GOD’S nature of
    light is light of Holiness
    and He is full of
    splendor of light and
    JOHN 1:3-5
    And GOD saw the light,
    his creation that it was
    good, refer to the value,
    the purpose, and the
    function , very pleasant
    and delight, useful and
    beneficial; that is, He
    foresaw it would be
    good of great service it
    fulfilled it purpose and
    its function of light, as
    GOD has planned it was
    designed and specially
    and perfectly fitted for
    its purpose, it was
    useful and profitable; it
    was functioning just as
    GOD had willed.
    GOD created light is one
    of the greatest word in
    scripture, GOD is light
    and in Him is no
    I JOHN 1:5,
    JESUS is the light of the
    JOHN 8:12,
    JESUS gives light to
    every man who come to
    Him JOHN 1:9,
    Believers have being
    rescued from the
    dominion of darkness
    into the kingdom of
    CHRIST, the inheritance
    of light COLOSSIAN 1:13
    Believers are the
    children of light through
    Believer are the light of
    the world
    MATTHEW 5:14-16, the
    wicked reject light
    JOHN 3:20, Light and
    darkness can never
    again be joined or
    reconciled, not within
    nature, the same is true
    And GOD divided the
    light from the darkness:
    by which it should seem
    that they were mixed
    together, the particles of
    light and darkness, the
    light had been confused
    and entangled in the
    darkness, the two
    element now divided, by
    what way is the light
    parted, severed and
    divided from darkness,
    GOD then separates
    light and darkness, by
    assigning to each its
    relative position in time
    and space, which refers
    to the variations that
    interchange of light and
    darkness which
    produces the distinction
    between day and night ,
    as well as also GOD has
    divided and
    distinguished them by
    constitution by calling
    them by different name
    day and night
    After separating the
    light and the darkness,
    He gaves them new
    names day and night
    according to the
    limitations under which
    they were now placed
    GOD named the light
    day, and the darkness,
    He named night, God is
    the LORD of both day
    and night, GOD gave a
    very special function to
    both day and night,
    which is in the space of
    twelve hour or light; and
    the morning which is the
    first part of the day and
    the evening and morning
    GENESIS 1:6-8
    MATTHEW 5:18
    MATTHEW 24:35
    JOHN 3:3-5
    JOHN 4:14
    JOHN 7:37-39
    ROMANS 11:33-36
    PSALM 19:1-2
    PSALM 65:9-10
    PSALM 97:6
    PSALM 104:1-6
    PSALM 104:13
    PSALM 111:7
    PSALM 119:89
    PSALM 120:25-26
    PSALM 139:7-8
    PSALM 150:1
    JOB 38:22-23
    AMOS 9:6
    ISAIAH 40:28
    JEREMIAH 23:24
    6)And GOD said, let
    there be firmament in
    the midst of the waters,
    and let it divide the
    waters from the waters
    7)And GOD made the
    firmament , and divided
    the waters which were
    under the firmament
    from the waters which
    were above the
    firmament: and it was so
    8)And GOD called the
    firmament Heaven, and
    the evening and the
    morning were the second day.
    GOD’S word created the
    expanse of the
    atmosphere, the air, the
    space that encircle the
    earth, that is
    When the light had been
    separated from
    darkness, and day and
    night had been created,
    there followed up phase
    of the creator, the
    division of the chaotic
    mass of water through
    the formation of
    firmament, PSALM 104:2
    God spread out the
    cloud and fog that
    covered the earth, GOD
    caused the clouds and
    fog to leave the face of
    the earth and rise up
    and hang in the sky
    above, half of the
    waters were
    supernaturally elevated
    above the atmosphere ,
    perhaps in form of
    canopy, GOD set in
    motion the physical laws
    that created: an air
    space, an atmosphere,
    and expanse and clear
    sky above the earth,
    which was done by His
    word, GOD use the
    power of His word,
    spoke the firmament
    expanse the
    atmosphere and clear
    sky came into being,
    something stretched out
    and spread like a
    curtain, tent, or canopy,
    which was placed as a
    wall of separation in the
    midst of the waters, and
    divided them into upper
    and lower waters, which
    separate the water in
    the clouds from that
    which is in and upon the
    earth, beyond the limit
    of the earthly
    atmosphere, but the
    waters which floats in
    the atmosphere, and are
    separated by it from
    those upon the earth,
    the waters which
    accumulates in clouds
    pour down as rain upon
    the earth, whenever it
    rains heavily, the doors
    and windows of heaven
    are open
    PSALM 78:23
    This was absolutely
    necessary if life was to
    exit upon the earth, as
    long as clouds and
    dense for hung over the
    earth, the sun and its
    light would never be
    able to penetrate the
    earth and do its work,
    neither would it be
    suitable vegetation ever
    grow nor would man
    ever be able to see and
    function, GOD had to
    create the expanse, He
    had to divide the clouds
    and fog from the waters
    upon the earth, He had
    to set in motion the
    physical laws that form
    and keep the clouds
    above the surface of the
    earth, GOD has created
    the firmament or
    expanse, the
    atmosphere and air
    space that encircles the
    earth, that enables man
    to breath and survive
    upon earth, GOD knows
    that man must have an
    atmosphere or space to
    sustain life, GOD’S care
    and provision should stir
    man to worship GOD
    from the depths of his
    The second day, when
    the light had been
    separated from
    darkness, and day and
    night had been created,
    there followed upon the
    second authorization of
    the creator, the division
    of the chaotic mass of
    water through the
    formation of the
    firmament, which was
    placed as a wall of
    separation in the midst
    of the waters, the vault
    of heaven, which
    stretches out above the
    earth, the water under
    the firmament are the
    waters ISAIAH 40:22
    JOB 37:18 the upper
    waters that GOD lays
    the beams of His
    chamber, from which He
    water the hills
    PSALM 104:13
    GOD made the
    firmament the proper
    and original skies , the
    open space above the
    surface in which we
    breathe and move in
    which the bird fly and
    the cloud floats, the
    atmosphere and air, the
    firmament was created
    by GOD and GOD alone,
    GOD Himself spoke the
    physical laws into
    existence, GOD alone
    created the atmosphere
    and air space encircling
    the earth, the
    atmosphere and air
    space did not just
    happen, the atmosphere
    was created by GOD
    alone and the air space
    don’t just happen by
    chance, by random, by
    some personal force or
    energy in the universe.
    The atmosphere was
    created by GOD and by
    GOD alone, GOD alone
    spoke the physical law
    into being, GOD Himself
    made the laws that
    caused the clouds and
    fog to rise from the
    earth and hang on the
    sky above, GOD created
    the law of nature that
    put a circle of air and
    atmosphere around the
    earth, GOD Himself
    stands behind the
    atmosphere and the
    physical law behind the
    atmosphere the earth
    and the physical law that
    govern it, GOD is the
    supreme and the
    sovereign LORD of the
    universe , what GOD
    says is done, as GOD
    fulfil His word , the
    power and energy of
    GOD’S word went to
    work and created the
    firmament, what GOD
    began, He completed,
    what GOD said, He did,
    GOD began a process
    and the act of creating
    the atmosphere, and He
    went about finishing it
    GOD had just created
    on this second day of
    creation was the
    firmament and air
    space that encircles the
    sky is viewed as a
    shiny dome that is
    buffer between two
    collection of water
    where birds fly the cloud
    life upon earth had to
    breathe, both the space
    immediately above the
    earth and the reaches of
    space, GOD called it
    Heaven, GOD not man,
    named the atmosphere
    encircling the earth and
    outer space, who is the
    sovereign LORD of
    Heaven or sky and the
    atmosphere of the earth,
    the distance of outer
    space no matter how far
    out the outer regions
    extends , are creation of
    GOD, they are under His
    dominion and control,
    man cannot get away
    from GOD, His authority
    reaches everywhere,
    even beyond the far
    region of outer space,
    which means no matter
    how mush a person may
    try to escape GOD’S
    presence and authority,
    GOD is still there, even
    if a person travels to the
    far regions of outer
    space, GOD’S authority
    and presence will still be
    and the evening and the
    morning were the
    second day these
    together made up the
    space of twenty four
    GENESIS 1:9-10
    JOHN 4:13-14
    JOHN 7:37-38
    HEBREWS 11:10
    HEBREWS 11:16
    HEBREWS 12:22
    HEBREWS 13:14
    2 PETER 3:10-13
    LEVITICUS 25:23
    PSALM 18:15
    PSALM 24:1
    PSALM 42:7-8
    PSALM 69:2-3, 14-15
    PSALM 95:5-6
    PSALM 104:5-8
    PSALM 121:4
    PROVERBS 8:29
    ISAIAH 25:4
    ISAIAH 43:2
    ISAIAH 51:15
    ISAIAH 58:11
    JEREMIAH 5:22
    9) And GOD said, let the
    waters under the heaven
    be gathered together
    unto one place, and let
    the dry land appear: and
    it was so
    10)And GOD called the
    dry land Earth; and the
    gathering together of
    the waters called He
    seas; and GOD saw that
    it was good
    The third Day, GOD had
    set in motion the
    physical laws that
    caused the clouds and
    fog to leave the earth
    and hang in the sky
    above, GOD created the
    firmament, that is, the
    atmosphere , the air
    space, the expanse, the
    clear sky right above the
    earth, GOD is ready to
    create launch the dry
    land to appear and will
    provide water and
    vegetation to sustain life
    upon the earth, the
    creation of waters,
    ocean, sea, rivers lake,
    dry land, continent,
    islands, GOD word
    created the waters and
    dry land, the picture of
    the earth, it’s the whole
    surface was completely
    engulfed with mixing ,
    raging waters, Not a
    single island, not even a
    mountain peak, rose
    above the waters, no
    land whatsoever seen,
    all the land was
    submerged under the
    stormy waters, the earth
    is submerged by water
    GOD created the waters
    and dry land of the
    earth, the water, seas,
    rivers, lake ocean and
    the dry land did not just
    happen by chance, the
    continents and the dry
    land did not just happen
    by chance, the
    continents and waters of
    the earth do not exist
    because of some eternal
    or static physical laws,
    that cause volcanic
    eruption and
    depressions, whatever
    physical forces were
    created by GOD, all
    physical laws were
    created and put in
    operation by GOD, the
    gigantic upheavals in the
    earth’s layer happens
    because GOD command
    the surface of the earth
    to be reshaped, GOD
    commanded the water
    to gather into one place,
    by one place is meant
    the depths, ravines, and
    hollows of the earth’s
    layer, GOD spoke let the
    water be gathered to
    one place,, and let the
    dry ground appear, and
    it was so , immediately
    done, the water were
    drained off the earth,
    directed to the proper
    channels, and caused to
    run as by line to their
    appointed place; and the
    solid parts of the earth
    became dry and
    appeared in sight, the
    dry land masses of
    the earth with their
    immense mountain
    peak and elevation
    erupted in the most
    gigantic upheaval
    imaginable , and the
    waters rushed madly
    into the depths and
    ravines of the earth.
    And GOD called the dry
    land earth and the
    gathering to gather the
    water called seas, GOD
    not man that named it,
    God is the owner, the
    LORD and Master, of all
    the land and sea, He is
    the owner of the earth,
    man is only a trustee of
    the land and waters of
    the earth, man is only a
    temporary trustee GOD
    saw that His creation
    was good, the dry land
    and the seas fulfilled
    their function as
    valuable as they have a
    specific purpose for
    being created, to
    provide a place for both
    man and animal to live,
    both land and sea
    animals, to provide a
    place for food to grow
    and for the water to sit
    and flow so that life
    might be sustained upon
    earth, man owes his
    existence , to GOD, it is
    the land and waters all
    created by GOD that
    keep man alive, without
    GOD’S creative hand
    that made the land and
    water, man could not
    survive, the creation of
    land and water is a most
    wonderful gift from
    GOD, the provision of
    the dry land as a home,
    for food , the provision
    of water to drink
    GENESIS 1:11-13
    MATTHEW 20:1
    JOHN 6:35
    JOHN 6:47
    JOHN 6:50-51
    JOHN 6:57-58
    1 CORINTHIANS 10:26
    PSALM 8:6
    PSALM 24:1
    PSALM 50:10-12
    PSALM 89:11
    11)And GOD said, let the
    earth bring forth grass,
    the herb yielding seed,
    and the fruit tree
    yielding fruit after his
    kind, whose seed is in
    itself, upon the earth;
    and it was so
    12)And the earth brought
    forth grass, and herb
    yielding seed after his
    kind, and the tree
    yielding fruit, whose
    seed was itself, after his
    kind; and; and GOD saw
    that it was good
    13) And the evening and
    the morning were the
    third day
    The third Day is still
    taking place, this is the
    second creative act the
    first was calling of
    matter into
    existence ,the work of
    this day was two fold,
    yet closely connected,
    at first the water
    beneath the heavens
    that is those upon the
    surface of the earth,
    were gathered together,
    so that the dry the solid
    ground appeared, in
    what way the gathering
    of the earthly waters in
    the sea and the
    appearance of the dry
    land were effected, now
    the dry land and waters
    of the earth were placed
    in their proper
    boundaries, they were
    ready to provide a home
    for the life which GOD
    was about to create,
    and GOD said, His word
    said Let the earth bring
    forth grass, which had
    been impregnated by
    the Spirit of GOD that
    move upon it when a
    fluid and though now
    become dry Land, with
    interposition of almighty
    power of GOD, the
    creation of vegetable
    world, the classification
    of the vegetable world
    into three,
    1) the grasses yielding
    2) the herbs yielding
    3)the fruit-trees yielding
    fruit, three terms are
    employed to describe
    the vegetation , the land
    is said to grow or bring
    forth plants; not
    because it is endowed
    with any inherent power
    to generate plants, but
    because it is the by the
    power of the almighty
    GOD,, this to intend the
    germination or growing
    of the tender grass, and
    the numerous spires of
    which covers the earth,
    GOD created the
    physical laws that cause
    the earth to produce
    vegetation, the earth,
    in obedience to GOD’S
    word, brought forth
    vegetation, all plant life
    have an independent
    existence, an
    independent character
    and purpose for their
    own, all plants life has
    some means to carry on
    its own species, its own
    kind of life , GOD
    created all vegetation
    upon the earth, all
    vegetation has power to
    bring forth the same
    kind .
    of life reproduces and
    breed its own specie.
    The earth and all its
    plant life are own by
    GOD, He is the rightful
    owner, man is only
    trustee of the earth,
    man must acknowledge
    GOD ownership and
    give thanks always and
    worship GOD as creator,
    man is to give account
    for how he treats the
    earth and its resources
    GOD’S creative act was
    fulfilled : the earth
    became fruitful , The
    land had been empty,
    barren, unfruitful, but
    now the earth was
    dramatically changed,
    the earth became active,
    full of all kind of grass,
    plants, flowers, trees,
    and fruits, the earth was
    filled with colors, the
    land produced
    vegetation , plant life
    But GOD was the
    source, the first cause,
    the creator, the earth
    produce vegetation
    because the LORD had
    spoken and set in
    motion the physical law
    of nature that give birth
    to plant life, originally at
    first, there was no seed
    and plant life; no eternal
    substance, matter,
    element, or particle to
    give birth to the
    vegetation on earth, in
    the beginning there was
    only GOD , GOD created
    the vegetation of all the
    earth and all therein,
    God himself created the
    matter and substance
    and set in motion the
    physical laws that gave
    birth to plant life, the
    earth flourished with
    vegetation because of
    GOD’S love and care for
    man, GOD saw His
    creation that was good,
    the vegetation of the
    earth fulfilled its
    function and purpose ,
    which is to provide food,
    to supply oxygen to the
    atmosphere, to help in
    controlling the climate,
    to keep the dry land
    from eroding away , to
    decay and provide the
    fossil fuels of the earth,
    to capture energy from
    light and convert it to
    chemical energy,
    photosynthesis , it is the
    chemical energy that
    make life possible upon
    Man must praise GOD
    for the environment of
    the earth, for the
    bountiful plant life that
    flourishes upon planet
    earth, but man must also
    protect the
    environment ; he must
    protect the plants life
    upon the earth, man
    must have vegetation to
    sustain his life upon
    earth, the same is
    spiritual food, the word
    of GOD, the bread of
    GOD, to sustain him
    while on earth, if he
    wish to live with GOD
    And the evening and
    morning were the third
    GENESIS 1:14-19
    MATTHEW 5:14-16
    MATTHEW 16:2-3
    MATTHEW 25:14-15
    JOHN 9:4
    JOHN 11:9
    ROMANS 1:20
    LEVITICUS 19:31
    DANIEL 2:27-28
    DANIEL 5:7
    ZECHARIAH 10:2
    PSALM 19:1
    PSALM 97:6
    ISAIAH 47:13-15
    JEREMIAH 8:7
    JEREMIAH 10:2
    14)And GOD said, let
    there be lights in the
    firmament of the heaven
    to divide the day from
    the night; and let them
    be for signs and
    seasons, and for days,
    and years
    15)And let them be for
    lights in the firmaments
    of the heaven to give
    light upon the earth; and
    it was so
    16)And GOD made two
    great lights; the greater
    light to rule the day, and
    the lesser light to rule
    the night: he made the
    stars also
    17) And GOD set them in
    the firmament of the
    heaven to give light
    upon the earth
    18)And to rule over the
    day and over the night,
    and to divide the light
    from darkness: and GOD
    saw that it was good
    19)And the evening and
    the morning were the
    fourth day
    ,After the earth had
    been clothed with
    vegetation, and fitted to
    be the abode of living
    beings, GOD word
    created and distributed
    light upon earth, GOD
    said let there be light in
    the expanse of the sky,
    they were created on
    the fourth day the sun,
    moon and stars heavenly
    bodies in which the
    elementary light was
    concentrated, in order
    that its influence upon
    the earth might be
    sufficiently modified and
    regulated for living
    beings to exist and
    flourish beneath its
    rays, in water, in the air,
    and upon the dry land,
    at the creative word of
    GOD the bodies of light
    came into existence in
    the firmament as lamps
    PSALM 74:16
    EZEKIEL 32:8
    GOD is described as
    calling into existence the
    heavenly bodies for
    three distinct purposes:
    to divide between day
    and night: to determine
    period of time, days,
    months, years, seasons,
    festivals and to give
    light upon the earth,
    proving by day for the
    growth, health, and
    strength of living
    organisms, and by night
    for the guidance of the
    living on earth
    And GOD made two
    great lights, this was the
    work which GOD made ,
    which were the created
    and placed by Him in
    heaven to serve specific
    purpose on earth
    beneficial to men, but
    not to be worshipped ,
    those two great lights
    are the sun and the
    moon; the greater light
    to rule the day; not to
    rule men and the lesser
    light to rule the night; to
    give light, on the fourth
    day the luminaries came
    into existence .
    And GOD set them in
    the firmament of the
    heaven, He not only
    ordered that there they
    should be, and made
    them that there they
    might be, but He place
    them their with His own
    Physical law the sun at
    particular place
    especially the sun, at
    such a distance as to be
    beneficial and not
    hurtful: had it been set
    nearer to the earth, it
    heat would have been
    intolerable; and had it
    been further off it
    would have been of no
    use; in one case we
    should have been
    scorched with its heat,
    and in the other, we
    might have been frozen
    up for want of it,
    And to rule over the day
    and night, the one
    namely the sun, or the
    greater light is to rule
    over the day, and the
    moon and stars, the
    lesser lights is to rule
    over the night, it show
    the certainty of it, and
    that the proper uses of
    these lights might be
    observed, and that a just
    value might be put upon
    them, and to divide the
    light from the darkness;
    as the day from the
    night, which is to be
    done by sun and GOD
    saw it was good, that
    there should be such
    lights in the heaven,
    which will be exceeding
    beneficial to the
    inhabitants of the earth,
    and find great reason to
    be thankful, and to
    adore the wisdom and
    goodness of GOD.
    The sun, moon and star
    were created by GOD
    and GOD alone, He
    himself created the laws
    of nature that gave birth
    to build and set in
    motion the heavenly
    bodies, He made the
    heavenly bodies to give
    light upon the earth, to
    rule over day and night,
    to divided light from
    darkness, the heavenly
    bodies is to rule over
    day and night, not over
    man’s life, GOD never
    intended the heavenly
    bodies to rule over
    man’s life, He made
    them to rule over the
    day and Night, The
    astrology and worship of
    the heavenly bodies are
    false worship and belief,
    the heavenly bodies are
    created by GOD only to
    rule over the day and
    night, the lights of the
    heavens rule over the
    day and night, not man,
    they are not created to
    be worship nor
    determine the faith and
    destiny of man, they are
    created to show man
    when to rest and when
    to work, not over
    people’s lives, there is
    only one GOD who rules
    over people lives, GOD
    Himself who we must
    worship and serve.
    GOD saw that His
    creation was good, light
    upon the earth to
    fulfilled its function
    GENESIS 1:20-23
    20)And GOD said, let
    the waters bring forth
    abundantly the moving
    creature that hath life,
    and fowl that may fly
    above the earth in the
    open firmament of
    21)And GOD created
    great whales and every
    living creature that
    moveth, which the
    waters brought forth
    abundantly, after their,
    and every winged fowl
    after his kind: and GOD
    saw that it was GOD
    22) and GOD bless
    them, saying, be fruitful,
    and multiply, and fill the
    waters in the seas, and
    let fowl multiply in the
    23)And the evening and
    the morning were the
    fifth day
    Fifth day, GOD’S word
    created water creatures
    and air creatures,, what
    GOD created was totally
    deferent from all other
    creation, the creation of
    animal life was
    distinctive and unique,
    GOD said let the water
    teem with swarms of
    living creature, and let
    birds fly above the earth
    in the open expand of
    heaven, the waters did
    not produce the living
    creatures of the sea and
    air, GOD himself created
    the animals of the sea
    and air, there was
    nothing in the waters,
    air, or land that could
    create or bring forth sea
    and air creatures, GOD
    Himself by His word,
    the power of His
    command created both
    sea and air GOD by His
    power created
    The birds, chicken and
    unlimited power, it was
    GOD’S word that
    creates them, He had
    the power to create the
    creature of the water
    and air
    GOD created every
    water and every air
    creature, each after its
    kind, GOD alone created
    every living creature in
    waters and air of the
    earth, the great whale,
    crocodiles, sharks, and
    other large creatures,
    and every living creature
    that moves in the water,
    this will include the
    small fish and the
    creeping creatures of
    the waters such as
    crabs, lobster, shrimps,
    every wing bird: this
    would include all living
    creatures that have
    wings such insects,
    There is not a creature
    in the water or air that
    GOD did not create, all
    that makes up an
    animal, the chemicals,
    the molecules , the cells,
    what ever the raw
    matter and energy of
    animal life; He created
    the water and air
    creatures of the earth,
    He created every one of
    them, GOD is the
    source, the Origin,
    behind all waters and air
    creature, GOD created
    every creature after its
    kind, which means that
    all water creature and
    air creatures have power
    to reproduce
    themselves, to carry on
    its species, its kind of
    animal life, to bring forth
    the same kind of animal
    life, GOD is the GOD of
    order and supreme
    intelligence, He creates
    abundance of water and
    air creature, species
    after species, and He
    created each after its
    kind, with the ability to
    reproduce itself GOD
    thought planned willed,
    and acted all with
    GOD saw that His
    creation was good, the
    water and air creatures
    fulfilled their function
    and purpose to populate
    and give life to His
    creation, both the water
    and the sky of the earth,
    to help carry out
    reproduction of food
    chain, to provide
    companion ship for men
    GOD is the GOD of
    variety, diversity and
    beauty, kind after kind,
    species after species,
    class after class were
    created, How clearly
    man could see the
    power of GOD within
    GOD bless the water
    and the air creature, the
    blessing and privilege of
    reproducing of being
    fruitful and multiplying,
    of populating the waters
    and the air, of carrying
    on their particular
    species, the GOD for
    providing for human life
    and preserving it.
    GENESIS 1:24-25
    EXODUS 23:25
    EXODUS 33:14
    NEHEMIAH 9:6
    JOB 12:7-10
    PSALM 24:1
    PSALM 29:2
    PSALM 50:12
    PSALM 95:6
    PSALM 96:9
    PSALM 111:7
    PSALM 115:3
    PSALM 119:89
    PROVERBS 2:11
    ISAIAH 41:10
    ISAIAH 43:2
    MATTHEW 6:26
    MATTHEW 20:1
    MATTHEW 21:33
    LUKE 1:37
    LUKE 12:6-7
    JOHN 1:3
    ROMANS 1:20-23
    ROMANS 8:19-23
    EPHESIAN 3:9
    COLOSSIANS 1:16-17
    HEBREWS 12:28
    HEBREWS 13:6
    ACTS 4:24
    ACTS 14:15
    REVELATION 14:17
    24)And GOD said, let the
    earth bring forth the living
    creature after his kind,
    cattle, and creeping thing,
    and beast 
    after his kind: and it was
    25)And GOD made the
    beast of the earth after his
    kind, and cattle after their
    kind, and everything that
    creepeth upon the earth
    after his kind: and GOD
    saw that it was good
    SIX DAY: GOD’S word
    created land, animals and
    GOD said, let the earth
    bring forth the living
    creature it was the earth 
    that brought forth the
    animals: the earth was
    commanded to produce
    the animals, after his kind,
    the sixth day Sea and Air
    are filled with living
    creatures; and the word of
    GOD now goes forth to
    the earth, to produce
    living creature after their
    kind, all sort of living
    creature that live and
    move upon the earth; not
    that the earth was endued
    with a power to produce
    these creatures of itself,
    without the interposition
    of the Spirit of GOD that
    impregnated with a
    quickening virtue, which
    move on it, yet it was the
    power of GOD
    accompany his word, that
    these creatures were
    produced of the earth,
    and formed into several
    shapes, cattle, creatures
    the fish and birds, the
    water and air creature
    have power themselves to
    reproduce and continue
    their species , GOD
    placed the power of 
    reproduction into the
    animal, the power of
    reproduction was created
    by GOD, He commanded
    the creatures of both
    water and air to
    reproduce man is to
    honor GOD, he is to
    worship and creeping
    things, and beast of the
    earth after his kind,; the
    living creatures produced
    out of the earth after his
    kind are distinguished
    into three Cattle, and
    creeping things, and
    beast of the earth:
    categories, cattle, which
    seem to design for the
    use of man, either for
    carriage, food, or clothing,
    as horses, asses, camels,
    oxen, sheep, and
    creeping things, which are
    different from the
    creeping thing in the sea
    before mentioned
    GENESIS 1:21, whether
    greater as serpent,
    worms, ants and the wild
    beast, such as lions
    bears, wolves of the
    earth, there is a need to 
    stress that GOD made
    animals each according
    to his kind , only
    according to his kind, The
    wild animals according to
    his kind, the domestic
    animal according to his
    kind and the creeping
    animals according to his
    kind , To carry on its
    species, it kind of animals
    life, to produce the same
    kind of animal life and the
    same kind of life as the
    parent animal, to
    propagate its own
    species, That theory of
    evolution is wrong, up to
    the present time, the
    fossil record of the earth
    has not revealed any
    crossover or
    metamorphosis of one
    species to another , what
    has been found is the
    sudden appearance of
    major group of animals,
    not gradual development
    and crossover, the word
    of GOD declares that
    GOD made and molded
    animals after their kind.
    And GOD made the beast 
    of the earth after his kind,
    the wild beast, and the
    several other sort of them
    and GOD saw that it was
    good: that every creature
    he had made would some
    way or the other be for his
    glory, and for the benefit
    of man
    GENESIS 1:26-28
    MATTHEW 5:48
    JOHN 1:3
    JOHN 3:3-5
    JOHN 3:16
    JOHN 3:36
    JOHN 4:23-24
    JOHN 8:24-25
    JOHN 8:51
    JOHN 11:26
    JOHN 14:16-18
    JOHN 16:7-15
    JOHN 17:3
    ACTS 17:27
    ROMANS 8:14-17
    2 CORINTHIANS 5:17
    2 CORINTHIANS 5:21
    EPHESIANS 4:18
    HEBREWS 1:1-2
    1 JOHN 5:11-12
    GENESIS 2:18
    PSALM 100:3-5
    PSALM 104:2
    PSALM 104:30
    PSALM 105:4
    JOB 33:4
    ISAIAH 43:10
    ISAIAH 51:13
    ISAIAH 55:6
    AMOS 5:4
    MALACHI 2:10
    26)And GOD said, let us
    make man in our image,
    after our likeness; and let
    them have dominion over
    the fish of the sea, and
    over the fowl of the air,
    and over the cattle, and
    over all the earth, and
    over every creeping thing
    that creepeth upon the
    27)So GOD created man
    in his own image, in the
    image of GOD created he
    him; made female created
    he them
    28)And GOD blessed
    them, and GOD said unto
    them, be fruitful, and
    multiply, and replenished
    the earth, and subdue it;
    and have dominion over
    the fish of the sea, and
    over the fowl of the air, 
    and over every living thing
    that moveth upon the
    GOD word created man,
    man exist because GOD
    spoke man into existence,
    GOD use the power of
    His word to create man,
    here we evidently enter
    upon a higher scale of
    being ,God spoke and the
    laws that caused man
    went into operation GOD
    spoke, and the basic
    elements, the atoms,
    molecules, protons,
    neutrons, genes, DNA,
    and whatever basic
    element that make up
    human life came into
    being, GOD held a
    special conference , this
    is the first time this is
    introduced into the
    narrative , a divine
    counsel, to create man,
    Let us make man in our 
    image after our likeness,
    GOD spoke to CHRIST
    His Son, and the Holy
    Spirit, because JESUS
    CHRIST revealed to us
    the Son, and GOD the
    Holy Ghost, all three exist
    in perfect unity, they have
    all one mind and purpose,
    therefore, they are bound
    to discuss and decide
    things together just as
    any unified family does
    JOHN 14:16-26, JOHN
    10:30, the scripture
    reveals that all three
    person of GODHEAD
    were involved in creation
    GENESIS 1:1, JOHN 1:3,
    COLOSSIANS 1:15-16,
    HEBREWS 1:1-2,
    GODHEAD would have
    certainly discussed the
    plans and work of
    creation while they were
    creating the earth,
    because GOD uses the
    plural here in GENESIS
    GOD says, Let us make
    man in our image, after
    our likeness, GOD is not
    telling angels nor any 
    other in creating man,
    GOD not heavenly bodies
    created man, man is the
    creation of GOD alone
    the SON, and GOD the
    Holy Spirit, the complete
    Godhead, all that GOD is
    created His own crown
    and glory, GOD said, I
    am that I am, EXODUS
    3:14 GOD made man in
    His own image, GOD did
    not make man in the
    image of angels nor of
    any other heavenly being,
    GOD make man in His
    own image and likeness
    alone, let us make man it
    refers to GOD the
    FATHER talking to with
    GOD the SON and GOD
    the Holy Spirit, who were
    each of them concerned
    in the creation of all things
    and particularly man.
    Man bears the very image
    of GOD Himself, Man was
    created in the image of
    GOD the FATHER, in the
    image of GOD the SON,
    In the image of GOD the
    Holy Spirit, GOD held a 
    very special conference, a
    divine counsel, to create
    man, we know that the
    Holy Spirit has inspired
    Scripture, that He has
    deliberately led the writer
    of GENESIS to use the
    plural, to show the great
    dignity and honor of man,
    man was given the
    pleasure and privilege of
    being created by all the
    GODHEAD, man creation
    was to be so special, to
    plan for his creation, all
    three of the GODHEAD
    consulted and became
    involved in the creation of
    man, GOD’S plan for His
    creation was so important
    that it necessitated the
    fulness of GOD;S
    presence, love and care.
    Man is a special being, a
    distinctive being that was
    formed in the mind of
    GOD man of the earth,
    but he is also of GOD,
    man is of the physical
    world, but he is also of the
    spiritual world, Man is
    flesh, but he is also spirit,
    Man is related to the 
    animal of the earth, but he
    is also related to GOD, in
    man, both flesh and Spirit
    are brought together, both
    earth and heaven are
    represented in man now
    and eternity are desired,
    man is related to the
    animal creation out of the
    dust of the earth the same
    as animal but man is
    different from animal in
    the mind and man is
    different from animal in
    the way GOD created
    him, GOD breathed His
    own breath, in to man and
    man become a living soul
    the breath of the Spirit of
    GENESIS 2:7 being a
    master of the earth, he is
    given dominion over all
    the earth, including
    dominion over all animal,
    the word point toward a
    being of dignity,
    intelligence and power,
    the whole GODHEAD has
    been involved in the
    creation and redemption
    of man, GOD sent both
    His Son and Spirit to 
    create man and after the
    fall of man GOD sent His
    Son and Spirit to recreate
    man the regenerated
    birth, the new birth, all
    three persons are actively
    involved in the
    redemption of man
    GOD created man for a
    very special purpose : to
    have dominion or rule
    over all the earth, GOD
    planned and created man
    with a special honor and
    responsibility; to look after
    all that He had created,
    God went beyond what
    He had made when He
    created the animals as
    living and gave them and
    earthly life, GOD made
    man a spirit, no animal is
    a Spirit; God is a Spirit,,
    an immortal breath, a life
    that lives forever just like
    GOD, there is no where
    else GOD said that He
    created any creature in
    His own image and
    likeness , Only man is in
    the image and likeness of
    GOD, GOD’S image
    within man is the power of 
    immortality: man lives
    beyond this earth, lives
    forever hereafter just like
    GOD, no animal is a spirit
    non of them have inherent
    power to live eternally, but
    man does have that
    power, man is not only a
    living creature which is
    made from the earth, man
    is a spirit, an immortal
    being made both for this
    earth and eternity JOHN
    There are two very
    significant facts to be
    noted about the image of
    GOD within man, about
    man as a spiritual being,
    the rebellion of man
    against GOD man’s fall
    affected GOD’S image
    within man, GOD had
    created man as an
    immortal being, as an
    immortal being upon
    earth, man had the right
    to live on this earth and
    right to live with GOD
    forever, when man
    exercised his ability and
    choice and turned against
    GOD, he lost both rights, 
    man could no longer live
    on the earth forever, nor
    could he live with GOD
    forever, man thereby
    condemned himself to
    leave this earth and to be
    separated from GOD
    It was sin that marred and
    weakened man’s
    sovereignty and ability to
    subdue the earth, since
    man fall into sin, the
    earth, even man himself,
    is in a rage of violence
    and suffering, Nature runs
    wild with natural disaster
    after natural disaster :
    hurricanes, typhoons,
    cyclones, tornadoes,
    floods, volcanic eruptions,
    earthquakes, dangerous
    lightning, violent storms,
    locust plagues, famines,,
    Man runs wild with
    violence act after violence
    act; child abuse, wife
    abuse, husband abuse
    rape, assaults murder,
    war, robbery, cheating,
    stealing, lying,
    assassination terrorism
    acts, arson and many
    other, the earth is full of
    disease, pestilence, and
    accidents all causing
    suffering and destroying
    life and huge section of
    the earth and its
    resources, since the
    rebellion against GOD by
    man and the fall off man
    sin has marred and
    weakened man’s rule
    and sovereignty over the
    But GOD has promised to
    restore man’s rule and
    sovereignty over the earth
    though JESUS CHRIST
    he is coming to establish
    his government and
    restore man to his original
    position of sovereignty.
    LUKE 12:42-44
    ROMANS 8:16-17
    ACTS 2:38
    ACTS 3:19ACTS 8:22
    1 CORINTHIANS 6:2-3
    HEBREWS 2:6-9
    2 PETER 3:10-13
    REVELATION 21:1,4
    REVALATION 22:3-5
    ISAIAH 55:7
    EZEKIEL 18:21,31
    The image within man
    can be renewed, man can
    be born again made
    spiritually alive to GOD,
    just as spiritually alive as
    he in the beginning ,
    never to perish JOHN 3:35,
    1st PETER 1:23,
    1 JOHN 5:1
    Man can partake of
    GOD’S Divine nature by
    putting up the new man,
    he can be renewed,
    recreated, regenerated in
    COLOSSIANS 3:10, 2
    Man can participate in
    GOD’s Divine nature and
    be assured of living
    forever in the new heaven
    and earth REVELATION 21:1
    GOD held man very dear
    to his heart, GOD planned
    and created man with a
    very special grace and
    care in His own image,
    after His own likeness,
    GOD is love: devoted,
    loyal, loving, merciful, 
    gracious, and
    compassionate, so GOD
    created man as a
    creature of love, devotion,
    loyal, mercy, grace, and
    1 PETER 1:16,
    LEVITICUS 11:45
    HEBEREWS 12:14
    1 JOHN 4:7-8
    GOD and GOD alone
    created man, both male
    and female; in his image
    created them with the
    highest dignity and honor,
    there is the need to
    emphasis that GOD alone
    created Male and female,
    human life did not come
    out of nothing not cells of
    man, nor Atoms or
    molecules of man did not
    just being or form and
    mold itself, human just not
    happen , by chance, by
    random, by some
    personal force or energy
    or by some physical laws
    that already in existence
    and just began to form
    human life .
    Human life was created
    by GOD and by GOD 
    alone, whatever the basic
    substances are that make
    up man life, they were all
    by the power of GOD’S
    word and GOD alone, He
    alone commanded human
    life to come into
    GOD commanded man
    to rule and subdue the
    earth, to rule and master
    the earth , to look after
    and care for the earth,, to
    investigate, research ,
    and discover the earth’s
    resources, GOD gave the
    earth to man and woman
    put the earth under their
    care, the earth is a gift
    and a duty, both as trust
    and task, both as estate
    and obligation .
    The earth is under the
    care of man and woman,
    GOD gave the earth,
    which is now their estate,
    their home and also their
    responsivity to look after
    the earth and manage the
    earth, GOD place them in
    charge to look after the
    environment, man must
    not pollute it, its their 
    duty to manage it
    has given us both a free
    will and capacity to love
    freely , GOD alone
    created man, man must
    not reject and deny GOD;
    he must not neglect and
    ignore GOD, to do so
    leads to rejection by
    GOD ,for GOD is the
    creator of man, man must
    not rebelled against GOD
    such rebellion will lead to
    condemnation and
    judgment, man must
    acknowledge GOD as his
    creator, therefore GOD is
    to be worshipped as
    creator, as source and
    giver of life He is to be
    loved and adored by us
    all as the Sovereign
    LORD and majesty of the
    universe, GOD created
    both male and female,
    each is from GOD they
    created by and for GOD,
    each one both male and
    female is the live to
    GOD’s glory, serving and
    worshipping GOD as the
    creator, , the LORD and
    sovereign of all life, 
    The First man and
    woman were to reproduce
    and fill the earth, to
    establish the family; to
    institute the rule and
    principles, man and
    woman were to subdue
    the earth, they are to rule
    over the animals, that is
    to be their master, to
    control to manage, to look
    after and care for,
    originally man and animal
    live side by side in peace,
    GENESIS 2:18
    PROVERBS 31:10
    MATTHEW 19:4-6
    LUKE 8:1-3
    ROMANS 16:3
    ROMANS 16:6
    ROMANS 16:12
    1 TIMOTHY 5:10
    But man was the ruler,
    the dominating force, the
    leader among all the
    creature of the earth, after
    the fall of man the world
    came in to corruption,
    animal and human live a
    world of violence, having
    to struggle for food GOD
    promise a new age a new
    earth and heaven of 
    perfection and peace
    shall reign upon the earth,
    the lamb will lie down with
    the lion, a renew earth
    and heaven
    ISAIAH 2:4
    ISAIAH 9:7
    ISAIAH 11:6-9
    ISAIAH 65:25
    HOSEA 2:18
    MICAH 4:4
    GENESIS 1:29-30
    29) And GOD said,
    behold, I have given you
    every herb bearing seed,
    which is upon the face of
    all the earth, and every
    tree , in the which is the
    fruit of a tree yielding
    seed; to you it shall be for
    30)And to every beast of
    the earth, and to every
    fowl of the air, and to
    every thing that creepth
    upon the earth, wherein
    there is life, I have given
    green herb for meat; and
    it was so
    31) And God saw every
    thing that he had made,
    and behold, it was very
    good and the evening
    and the morning was the sixth day
    And GOD said behold I
    have given you every
    herb bearing seed, which
    is upon the face of all the
    earth: GOD provides the
    vegetation of the earth to
    feed man and animal,
    every herb or plant which
    had seed in it, by which it
    sowed itself again; or
    being taken off, might be
    sown by man, , even
    everyone that was healthy
    and nourishing, and every
    tree, in which is the fruit of
    a tree yielding seed; all
    but the tree of knowledge,
    of good are exception not
    to be eating , herbs,
    plants, root, corn, wheat,
    barley, beans and various
    fruits of all sorts to you 
    shall be for food, man and
    animal was given
    abundant of food,
    vegetables, they were
    given every plant that
    bore seed and every tree
    that bore fruits, all the
    land of the earth was
    fruitful, there is vegetation
    and plant life every
    where,and there was
    more than enough there
    was apparently no barren
    nor desolate lands upon
    the earth,
    The earth and its nature
    that brings forth
    fruitfulness and food is
    given by GOD, man is
    given the responsibility to
    subdue the earth, to use
    the earth to bring much
    harvest as needed, God
    has given food for man to
    sustain his life, man must
    receive food by given
    thanks to GOD for it,
    GOD look at everything
    He had made, and it was
    very good GOD was
    extremely pleased with
    His creation, he took a
    survey of them, looked 
    over them again, as
    workmen, do when they
    have finished their work,
    to see if anything is
    amiss, wanting everything
    was very good, perfectly
    in detail, every thing is
    exactly as GOD had
    planned it: everything was
    perfect in sustaining man
    upon the earth by fulfilling
    GOD’s given purpose on
    the earth
    And the evening and the
    morning were the sixth
    day; by that time all these
    works on these works on
    the days were finished
    ROMANS 14:8
    2 CORINTHANS 5:15
    14)Behold, the heaven
    and the heaven of heaven
    is the LORD’s they GOD,
    the earth also, with all that
    therein is
    Behold, the heaven, and
    the heavens of heavens,
    are the LORD’S ,GOD is
    the creator and possessor
    of the universe , both the
    earth and all the hanging
    in outer space, it was
    GOD who established
    the laws of reproduction
    among men and animals,
    it was GOD who desired 
    and caused us to be born
    into the world, all the
    heavenly bodies above,
    even the highest heavenly
    bodies, the earth and
    everything in it belongs to
    GOD, He created the
    entire universe, this is
    why we must honor and
    worship our creator and
    pledge our alliance to
    NEHEMIAH 9:6
    ACTS 14:15
    I TIMOTHY 2:5-6
    GENESIS 1:1
    PSALM 86:10
    ISAIAH 43:10-11
    ISAIAH 45:18
    6)Thou, even thou, art
    LORD alone; thou hast
    made heaven the heaven,
    with all their host, the
    earth, and all things that
    are therein, the sea, and
    all that is therein, and
    thou preservest them all;
    and the host of heaven
    worshipeth thee
    Thou, even thou art GOD
    alone, the one and only
    true living GOD, no other
    GOD exists, all other
    gods are merely the
    creation of peoples
    imaginations, gods
    invented by human mind
    and hand, GOD is the
    creator of heaven, the
    heavens of heavens, with
    all their host; the earth,
    and all things that are
    therein; men, animals,
    trees, the sea, and all that
    is therein, fishes, sea
    plant, the LORD alone
    preserves life, as the
    creator of the universe, no
    person or being in heaven
    or earth can compared to 
    Him, because of His
    creative power, He
    deserve of worship and
    praise, all praise and
    worship is due to the
    LORD, because of who
    He is, the only true GOD
    who exists from
    everlasting to everlasting
    JOB 38:4
    4) Where wast thou when
    I laid the foundation of the
    earth? Declare, if thou
    hast understand
    5)Who hath laid the
    measures thereof, if thou
    knowest? Or who hath
    stretched the line upon it?
    6)Whereupon are the
    foundations thereof
    fastened? Or who laid the
    corner stone thereof
    7)When the morning star
    sang together, and all the
    sons of GOD shouted for
    8)Or who shut up the sea
    with doors, when it brake
    forth, as if it had issued
    out of the womb?
    9)When I made cloud the
    garment thereof, and tick
    darkness a swaddling
    band for it 
    10)And brake up for it my
    decree place and set bar
    and doors
    11)And said, hitherto
    shalt thou come, but no
    further: and here shall thy
    proud waves be stayed
    Where was thou when I
    laid the foundations of the
    earth, the earth
    foundations, and such
    firm ones that it cannot be
    moved;; but what are
    they, since it is hung on
    nothing , no other than
    the power and the will of
    GOD , who laid these
    foundation say if thou art
    capable of judging ,who
    hath determined the
    measurement , if thou
    know it, who hath stretch
    the measurement line
    over it? upon what are
    the bases of its pillar sunk
    in it? When the morning
    stars sang together , and
    all the sons of GOD
    shouted for joy? the 
    LORD got right to the
    point, He immediately
    began to question Job
    about his knowledge of
    creation, if Job was so
    wise and knew so much
    about GOD, then certainly
    he could answer few
    questions about how
    GOD had created the
    world, but of course, Job
    would not be able to,
    GOD asked where were
    you when I Created the
    world and laid the
    foundation of the earth?
    do you understand even
    one thing about how I
    created it?, where you
    with Me at the creation, it
    was not a work of a
    person or development of
    evolving self-existent
    who determine the earth
    dimensions and size, Job
    was nowhere to be when
    the earth was created
    If thou hast
    understanding of a man in
    things natural, and where
    he was, when the earth
    was founded, if he could 
    not he was a poor critic of
    GOD’S government, his
    simply means that GOD
    formed the earth on a
    solid and eternal basis.
    Where upon are the
    foundation thereof
    fastened or the pillars or
    sunk into, when the earth
    hung on nothing but
    nothing visible to support
    it, nothing but the mighty
    hand of GOD or who laid
    the corner stone there
    of ?
    The cornerstone by
    which the several walls
    and parts are joined
    together that unites,
    sustains the principal
    weight of the edifice ,as
    the weight of two wall is
    concentrated on it, so it
    should be solid and firmly
    When the morning stars,
    literally seemed to unite
    in a chorus of praise
    when world was added
    into their number, the
    expression of the
    morning star is used to 
    account of the beauty of
    their glorious light and
    astonishing motions
    shouted for joy, the sons
    of GOD , since they were
    no men as yet in
    existence, must
    necessary be the angels,
    they too joined in chorus
    of admiration, perhaps
    lifting up their hearts only
    praising the creator, who
    had done such marvelous
    Who shut up the sea with
    doors, from the earth
    according to the law of
    creation, the fact that
    GOD fixed limits to the
    raging of the ocean, to
    shut up water from
    overrunning , when it
    brake forth, as if it had
    issued out of the womb,
    and set the bar and door
    that is at its birth, when it
    was first formed, by the
    gathering together of the
    waters in to one place
    Fixed its bounds as 
    strong as if they were
    fortified with bars and
    The account of creation
    here given, when I made
    the cloud the garment
    with thick darkness , that
    black and dark clouds
    called darkness ,vapors
    and clouds which arise
    out of the sea; and by
    GOD’s appointment
    hovered above it, and
    make the clouds as a
    swaddling-bands to keep
    the sea within its bound
    and cover it like a
    garment, for having
    compared the sea to a
    newborn babe,
    And brake up for it my
    decreed place,
    established My decree
    upon it, and set a bar and
    door, are set in divine
    appointed boundary,
    made those valleys, or
    channels, and hollow 
    place , that the waters
    might not go over the
    earth, these are the
    shore, the cliffs and rocks
    upon them, the
    boundaries of the sea,
    was as a result of the
    power and will of GOD
    And said, hitherto shalt
    thou come, but no further,
    the water of the sea shall
    spread themselves to
    such and such shores,
    and wash them, but go no
    further; its rolling tides
    shall go on so far in the
    rivers that go out of it and
    then return exactly to time
    and place, which is by the
    word of GOD, and
    through His almighty
    In one questioned after
    the other, GOD asked Job
    how much he know about
    the sun, the morning light, 
    or sun, did you create the
    sun, and appointed the
    order and succession of
    day and night, to observe
    the actual time and the
    point of heavens, where it
    should arise; which varies
    every day, and caused
    the dayspring to know his
    place: the first spring of
    light or dawn of the day,
    was never in Jobs power
    to command one, yet it
    knows and observes its
    exact place being the
    taught and power of GOD
    Have you ever spread
    daylight over the earth to
    bring an end to the
    wickedness of the night,
    that the wicked might be
    shaken out of the earth,
    the wicked men who have
    been all night upon works
    of darkness, that is, by
    the light which suddenly
    shines upon them, and
    shake up the evil doers
    upon the work of
    The earth is stamped by
    the seal of the morning
    like and image in clay is
    made with a seal
    And from the wicked their
    light is withholden, while
    the light spreads over the
    earth, rendering every
    object beautiful, then,
    when the dawn burst
    forth, from the wicked,
    their light, which is
    darkness is withholden,
    their high arm that is
    proud and lifted shall be
    broken; their power
    weakened and made
    unless; even the power of
    such wicked men
    JOB 38:16
    16)Hast thou entered into
    the springs of the sea? Or
    hast thou walked in the
    search of the depth?
    Hast thou walked in the
    search of the depth, to
    find out the deepest place
    of it, where no sounding
    line can reach, have you
    ever explore the spring 
    and dept of the sea, the
    riches that lie at the
    bottom of it, hast thou
    entered into and travelled
    through the main ocean,
    observed the forest in it,
    the shelving rocks ,art
    thou be able to do it,
    JOB 38:17
    17)Have the gates of
    death been opened unto
    thee? Or hast thou seen
    the doors of the shadow
    of death?
    Do you know where the
    gate of death is located,
    Have you seen the gate
    of death been revealed to
    you, men know not
    experimentally what death
    is, nor in what way they
    shall go out of the world,
    nor at what time, nor in
    what place, they know not
    what the state of death is,
    there is no
    correspondence between
    them and the living or
    have you seen the gates
    of deep darkness,
    between Hell and death,
    have you open the gate of
    the dead, has JOB
    explored this region, and
    penetrated its secrets?
    The gate of this dark and 
    invisible regions to man
    have never been thrown
    open for man to know
    JOB 38:18
    18)Hast thou perceived
    the breadth of the earth?
    Declare if thou knowest it
    Have you understood the
    expanse of the earth, the
    dimensions of the face
    and part of the earth, and
    state and the countries,
    all the parts, it hills, rocks
    and mountains and took
    a survey of all cities, town
    and villages, woods,
    forests, fountains rivers,
    lake, and of the men and
    things in them? If a man
    lived and spend all his
    days , he could never be
    able to do it, some parts
    are inaccessible, and not
    to measured by the most
    skillful geometer
    JOB 38:19-20
    19)Where is the way
    where light dwelleth? and
    as for darkness, where is
    the place thereof
    20)That thou shouldest
    take it to the bound
    thereof, and that thou
    shouldest know the paths to the hose thereof?
    Where is the way where
    light dwells, the marvels
    in heaven which is the
    dwelling place of the light
    dwells, the original true
    home, it constant and 
    settled abode of the light
    the dwelling place?
    Where is the chamber of
    the sun, from where it set
    out and whither it returns?
    And which is not the
    power of men but GOD
    That thou should take it to
    the bound thereof, GOD
    ask Job if he is well
    acquainted with the
    source of Light, and the
    place where it dwells, that
    he could take it under his
    guidance and reconduct it
    to its place of abode
    JOB 38:21
    21) Knowest thou it,
    because thou wast then
    born? Or because the
    number of thy days is
    Do you know when you
    were born? When light
    and darkness were first
    separated, their laws and
    rule given to them , and
    their bounds and limits set
    them? He was not
    present since man was
    not made until the sixth
    day of creation, you did
    not know when he should
    be born, and the number
    of his days and in what
    circumstance and how
    long he shall live in the
    world: but GOD knows all 
    this beforehand: when
    men shall come into the
    world how long they shall
    JOB 38:22-23
    22)Hast thou entered into
    the treasures of the
    snow? Or hast thou seen
    the treasures of the hail
    23)Which I have reserved
    against the time of
    trouble, against the day of
    battle and war?
    Have you enter the store
    house of snow or the
    storehouse of hail, have
    you been where snow
    and hail are stored, where
    GOD kept them to
    execute justice and
    judgment snow hail are
    represented as something
    which is laid up like
    treasure, and kept in
    reserve for use when
    GOD shall require it,, the
    flakes of snow melt and
    fall as rain, hailstone, the
    vapors raised, and clouds
    formed in the
    atmosphere, which is the
    storehouse and may be
    called treasures, because
    hidden in the clouds and
    not see by man until the
    fall of them ; and because
    they are in the keeping,
    and at the command and
    direction of GOD, now we
    are not aware that GOD
    has stores of these laid
    up in heaps, in time to
    come, when He intend to
    bring trouble or calamity
    upon any country or
    people, for the
    punishment of their sin, or
    EXODUS 9:23
    JOSHUA 10:11
    PSALM 68:14
    PSALM 105:32
    ISAIAH 30:30
    ISAIAH 32:19
    EZEKIEL 13:13
    JOB 38:24
    24)By what way is the
    light parted, which
    scattereth the east wind
    upon the earth?
    By what way is the light
    parted, or distributed itself
    over the whole earth, light
    travels from the sun to the
    earth, so as to be enjoyed
    by all the inhabitants of
    the earth or by what way
    is the east wind scattered
    over the earth
    JOB 38:25
    25)Who hath divided a
    water course for the
    overflowing of waters or a
    way for the lightning of
    Who hath divided a water-
    course, for the shower of
    rain, which come down
    orderly and gradually, as
    if they were conveyed in
    pipes or channels and
    overwhelm the earth, who
    open a passage for them
    out of the cloud, the
    causes of rain, the
    manner in which water
    was suspended in the
    clouds, and the reason
    why the rain did not come
    down altogether in flood,
    or a way For the lightning
    which, breaking out of the
    cloud with violence,
    causes thunder, or of
    thunder for the thunder
    flash, which generally go
    together, and are of GOD,
    His fire and voice, and for
    which He makes a way,
    by which they burst and
    break forth out of the
    cloud, and their course is
    directed by GOD under
    JOB 38:26
    26)To cause it to rain on
    the earth , where no man
    is; no the wilderness,
    where, wherein there is
    no man
    27)To satisfy the desolate
    and waste ground; and to
    cause the bud of the tender herb to spring forth
    Who can explain why I
    the LORD send rain and
    cause the grass to grow
    where no man lives, in the
    deserts and wasteland,
    GOD not only causes His
    rain to fall equally, on 
    inhabited land and
    uninhabited land, His
    providence does not limit
    itself, to supply the wants
    of man, but has tender
    regard to the beasts,
    birds , reptiles and
    insects, whereon man has
    no yet set his foot on,, all
    this may seem to be
    wasted, but it is not so in
    the eye of GOD, not a
    drop of rain falls in the
    sandy desert or on the
    rock, mountain , that is
    not seem to be of value
    by GOD, which was
    designed to accomplish
    some important purpose
    of creation.
    To satisfy the desolate
    and waste ground, and to
    cause the bud of the
    tender herb to spring
    forth, there being many
    excellent and useful herbs
    fund in deserts place, one
    will be more deeply
    impressed with sense of
    the presence of GOD in
    the roadless desert,
    where no man is, the
    hand of GOD alone is seen.
    JOB : 38:28
    28)Hath the rain a father?
    Or who hath begotten the
    drops of dew?
    Has the rain a father? Is
    there any man that can
    produce rain or beget rain
    Or who has begotten the
    drops of dews, or how do
    rain and dew come into
    existence? Can Job make
    them? Can man even
    conceive of the process
    by which they were made,
    it is produce by God and
    not by man, no one
    among men can claim
    that he causes it, or can
    regard it, the idea is that
    the production and
    agency of GOD

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