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    (EPHESIANS 5:20)










     EPHESIANS 5:20
    20)Giving thanks always
    for all things unto GOD
    and the FATHER in the
    name of our LORD
    Giving thanks always,
    this is indeed always the
    main design, and should
    be so regarded, to keep
    the heart in good tone,
    and this part of worship
    should be so conducted
    as to keep up in the
    heart a lively sense of
    mercy and goodness of
    GOD, that we are to
    praise GOD for His
    general mercy to
    mankind, for the love of
    GOD to mankind in
    creation, in providence
    and redemption ,
    sanctification, pardoning
    and justifying grace ; for
    eternal life itself, for the
    Gospel, promises, truths,
    always for all things, a
    believer has a thankful
    heart and Spirit always
    and for everything, no
    matter what the things
    are, giving thanks as we
    walk along throughout
    the day always giving
    thanks help to
    experience the fullness
    of GOD’S Spirit, since
    thanksgiving is for what
    GOD has given us, and
    prayer for what we still
    need, both must be
    united, we must give
    occasion for thanks
    giving through the whole
    course of our lives,
    without tiredness , the
    believer will be thankful,
    both generally and as to
    details, glory be to GOD
    for all things, unto GOD
    and the FATHER, in the
    name of our LORD
    MATTHEW 11:25
    MATTHEW 28:18
    JOHN 5:24
    2 CORINTHIANS 3:14
    EPHESIAN 1:22
    EPHESIANS 4:18
    COLOSSIANS 1:16-19
    25)At that time JESUS
    answered and said, I
    thank thee, O FATHER,
    LORD of heaven and
    earth, because thou hast
    hid these things from
    the wise and prudent,
    and hast revealed them
    to babes
    At that times JESUS
    answered and said, I
    thank thee, O FATHER
    the LORD of Heaven
    and Earth, I
    acknowledge with praise
    and thanksgiving, O
    FATHER of Heaven and
    earth, this is an address
    to GOD, by way of
    thanksgiving; glorifying
    and praising Him,
    confessing and
    acknowledging His
    wisdom, power, grace
    and goodness, that He
    is abundantly thankful,
    and the distinguishing
    grace of GOD in the
    calling of a few, this
    address is made to GOD
    as a FATHER, as His
    own FATHER; for He
    was the only begotten of
    Him, and dearly beloved
    by Him he address Him
    as the LORD of Heaven
    and Earth; He being the
    maker, upholder, of
    both, and which He fills
    with His presence; the
    one is His throne, and
    the other is His footstool
    Because thou hast hid
    these thing from the
    wise and prudent, which
    is the doctrines of the
    Gospel, such as in
    respect to Himself,, His
    person, as GOD, and the
    Son; His office, as
    Messiah, Redeemer and
    Savior; and the blessing
    of grace, righteousness
    and Salvation by Him,
    the persons from whom
    these things were hid,
    are the wise and
    prudent; in things
    worldly, natural, and
    men of great part of
    learning, who are wise
    on their own conceit , as
    the Scribes and
    Pharisees, who
    themselves cannot grasp
    Spiritual truths, but are,
    on the contrary, often
    the veil between man
    and GOD is made ticker
    Hast revealed them unto
    babes, to babe like men;
    men of unassuming
    docility, foolish ones, for
    even the most honest
    heart has no power to
    see Spiritual truth unless
    GOD draw back the veil.
    The people were blind to
    GOD’S will, to His
    purpose, GOD has
    purpose to save the
    world through His Son,
    JESUS CHRIST, He also
    purpose that the wise,
    the wise in their own
    eyes, the self-sufficient,
    shall not see the truth
    but the babes, the
    needful will have the
    truth revealed to them
    LUKE 17:11-19
    ROMANS 15:6
    1 CORINTHIANS 6:20
    1 THESELONIAN 5:18
    HEBREWS 13:15
    1 PETER 2:9
    PSALM 9:11
    PSALM 35:24
    PSALM 67:3
    11)And it came to pass,
    as He went to
    Jerusalem, that He
    passed through the
    midst of Samaria and
    12)And as He entered
    into a certain village,
    there met Him ten men,
    that were lepers, which
    stood afar off
    13)And they lifted up
    their voices, and said
    JESUS master, have
    mercy on us
    14)And when He saw
    them, He said unto
    them, Go show
    yourselves unto the
    priests, and it came to
    pass, that, as they went,
    they were cleansed
    15)And one of them,
    when he saw that he
    was healed, turned back,
    and with a loud voice
    glorified GOD
    16)And fell down on his
    face at his feet, giving
    thanks; and he was a
    17)And JESUS answering
    said, were there not ten
    cleansed? But were are
    the nine?
    18)There are not found
    that returned to give
    glory to GOD, save this
    19)And He said unto
    him, arise go thy way thy
    faith hath made
    thee whole
    down towards
    Jerusalem, His mission
    is fulfilled His purpose
    on earth, He passed
    through the midst of
    Samaria and Galilee,
    there met Him ten men
    that were lepers, which
    stood afar off, as lepers
    were banished from the
    towns, they were
    likewise obliged to keep
    at a distance from the
    roads, so that they
    might not expose others
    to the contagion
    LEVITICUS 13:46, He is
    unclean; he shall dwell
    alone; without the camp
    shall his habitation
    NUMBERS 5:2-3
    according to the old
    mosaic law, with
    curiosity these had no
    doubt heard of the many
    lepers who had been
    healed by Him they see
    the great crowd fooling
    Him, with and
    inclination to beg,
    probably they might
    have got together that
    they might at once come
    to the great physician,
    the leprosy was a sore
    disease, having ten
    lepers as nigh to the
    public road as they were
    permitted to come, they
    have had sighted JESUS
    CHRIST, and cried
    aloud, being at a
    distance, that they might
    be heard; as well as to
    express their vehement
    desire to be cleansed,
    they did not ask only for
    physical healing; they
    also asked for spiritual
    healing, for forgiveness
    of sins as well, they
    cried for mercy upon all
    their being beseeching
    Him JESUS master, have
    mercy on us to take pity
    on them, show
    compassion on them
    and cure them.
    They had heard some of
    the great miracles,
    which JESUS had
    performed, when he
    saw them He always
    listened instantly to the
    appeal of the lepers, and
    He said, by His
    command He gave them
    an implied assurance
    that they would be
    healed; for the design
    for which they were to
    go was to exhibit the
    evidence that they were
    restored, and obtained
    permission from the
    priest to mingle again in
    society, it may be
    observed that this
    required no small
    measure of faith on
    their part, for JESUS did
    not heal them and tell
    them to go; He told
    them to go without
    expressing assurance
    that they will be healed,
    and without evidence
    to the priests, Go show
    yourselves to the
    priests, intimating that
    the cure they desired
    should be performed on
    the way, and they went
    in obedience to His
    word; they were
    cleansed, by the
    wonder-working power
    And one of them, this
    man sensible of the
    power of GOD and
    grateful for His mercies,
    and when he saw that
    he was healed, was so
    affected, that, with a
    heart full of gratitude
    and joy, he immediately
    turned back, and with
    loud voice glorified
    GOD, made a free and
    open acknowledgement
    of the mercy which he
    had, received, though
    he had kept a distance
    from JESUS before, he
    being aware that he
    was now healed when
    he felt perfect
    soundness in his body,
    and perceived that he
    was restored to his
    health, and saw with his
    eyes that the leprosy
    was gone from him,
    which must be visible
    enough and perfectly
    clean, he came near,
    that all might have an
    opportunity of beholding
    the miracles; and fell
    down of his face at his
    feet, in the deepest
    humility, he poured out
    his thanksgiving to GOD,
    and gave Him praise,
    thanking GOD , as the
    immediate author of the
    cure; for the wonderful
    recovery, and yet this
    man was a Samaritan,
    apparently nine(9)of the
    lepers were Jews, and
    only one was a
    Samaritan this render
    his conduct more
    remarkable and sticking
    in the sight of the Jews,
    they considered the
    samaritans as especially
    wicked and ignorant of
    religious things and
    themselves as very Holy
    yet this man behave as
    a religious good man,
    who had sense of his
    mercy, knew his duty
    and his obligation, and
    performed them .
    And JESUS answered
    and said, were there
    not ten cleansed? But
    where are the nine? And
    what a striking
    illustration of human
    nature, and of the
    ingratitude of man, one
    come back to give
    thanks for the favor
    bestow on him; the
    others were heard of no
    more, when people were
    restored from dangerous
    sickness , here and
    there one comes to give
    thanks to GOD; but
    where are the nine? But
    where were the rest,?
    They went and show
    themselves to the
    priests, and then
    returned to their several
    places of abode, and
    took no notice of their
    physician and savior, to
    make a return to Him,
    When people are
    defended from danger,
    when they are recovered
    from the perils of the
    sea, when a steamboat
    is destroyed, and a large
    part of crews and
    passenger perish, here
    and there one of those
    who are saved
    acknowledged the
    goodness of GOD and
    render Him praise and
    thanks giving, but the
    mass of them will
    about their normal life,
    they give no thanks, they
    offer no praise, they go
    about their usual
    employments to mingle
    in the scenes of
    pleasure and of sin as
    nothing occurred , few,
    few of all who have
    been secured from
    “threatened graves
    neglect their obligation
    to GOD, or express it,
    they forget their great
    Benefactor such is
    ungrateful man, they are
    many who are cleansed
    by the blood of CHRIST;
    His blood was shared
    for many, for the
    remission of sins and by
    His righteousness , He
    justifies many, they are
    few who that glorify
    Him, by keeping close to
    the rules of His word.
    JESUS had commanded
    them to go to the priest,
    and they were probably
    obeying the
    commandment, they
    were impatient to be
    healed and selfish in
    wishing it, and had no
    gratitude with GOD,
    This stranger, this
    foreigner; this alien ,
    this man, who might
    have been the last
    expected to express
    gratitude to GOD, the
    most unlikely character
    are often found to be
    most consistent and
    grateful, men from
    whom we would expect
    least in religion.
    Thy faith hath made
    thee whole, for as yet he
    lay at His feet upon his
    face, adoring and
    praising Him; nor did he
    attempt to rise till
    JESUS bid him: adding
    go thy way: to thine
    country, town, city, and
    to your friends and
    relations, and about thy
    business ,thy faith hath
    made the whole;or
    saved thee in soul, as
    well as body, for his
    salvation is ascribed to
    his faith
    2 CORINTHIANS 1:11
    1)Ye also helping
    together by prayer for
    us, that for the gift
    bestowed upon us by
    the means of many
    persons thanks may be
    given by many on our
    You also helping
    together by prayer for
    us, cooperating
    together, aiding,
    assisting; the efficacy
    of intercessory
    prayer ,and the prayer of
    those righteous ones
    were heard by GOD and
    often effectual for
    deliverance of them, that
    from many faces the gift
    to us may be thankfully
    acknowledged by many,
    GOD uses suffering to
    stir up prayer and
    thanksgiving, the prayer
    causes GOD to move in
    our behalf and to deliver
    us through our suffering,
    and when we are
    strengthened and
    delivered, we praise
    GOD, God hears and
    answered prayers and
    he hears and answers
    our prayer for others,
    that thanks may be
    giving by many on our
    behalf;, that he may not
    only have the praises of
    those persons upon
    whom he bestows
    mercies, but of those
    who have been so
    praying, that we ought
    not to forget to give
    thanks for others for
    whom GOD hath heard
    us, praying which is
    reasonable, and ought to
    be observed: for since
    were concerned in
    asking for, and obtaining
    the mercy, they ought
    be thankful to GOD

    2 CORINTHIANS 9:11-12

    11)Being enriched in
    every thing to all
    bountifulness, which
    causeth through us
    thanksgiving to GOD
    12)For the
    administration of this
    service not only
    supplieth the want of
    the Saint the Saint, but is
    abundant also by many
    thanksgivings unto GOD
    Being enriched in
    everything, that GOD
    was not only able to give
    them a sufficiency, in
    all aspects your riches
    are conferred not for the
    purposes of luxury and
    self-gratification; not to
    be spent in sensual
    enjoyment, not to
    parade and display; it is
    made to be distributed
    to others, by doing good
    to the poor, by
    promoting happiness
    and producing in such a
    way as to cause
    thanksgiving to GOD,
    the believer is called
    upon to give sacrificially;
    in fact, he is to give all
    he is and has to meet
    the needs of a
    desperate world, GOD
    expect the believer to
    give sacrificially so that
    the believer may abound
    in every good work, that
    is GOD give the believer
    more and more, the
    believer receives so that
    he can give to meet the
    needs of the ravaged
    world, GOD did not give
    it to him to keep back,
    GOD gave it to the
    believer to meet the
    desperate needs of the
    world, he is only a
    channel through which
    GOD sends His blessing
    to the world
    To all bountifulness
    simplicity, or liberality,
    sincerity, candor,
    frankness and especially
    as manifesting itself in
    liberality, evidenced in
    doing good to others,
    which causes though us
    thanksgiving to GOD;
    not their riches and
    fulness, but their liberal
    distribution of them to
    the poor that, we shall
    so distribute your arms
    as to cause thanksgiving
    and the fulness of great
    heart to GOD, if it is
    given to others, the poor
    and the needy, it is that,
    the recipient should be
    more grateful to GOD
    than to us; should feel
    that though we may be
    the honored instrument
    in distributing it, yet the
    true benefactor is GOD
    For the administration of
    this Service, not only in
    giving and collecting,
    but by the distributing
    to the Poor and needy,
    but is abundant also by
    many thanksgiving to
    GOD, will abound unto
    GOD in producing
    6)Be careful for nothing;
    but in every thing by
    prayer and supplication
    with thanksgiving let
    your requests be made
    known unto GOD
    Be careful for nothing,
    that is be not anxious
    about the things of this
    present life
    It is the mode of prayer
    which especially arises
    from the sense of need
    or want
    Thanksgiving connected
    with prayer, we thank
    and praise GOD for all
    that He is and for all
    that He has done for us,
    with thanksgiving for
    mercies received, we
    can always find
    something to be thankful
    for, no matter what may
    be the burden of our
    wants, or special subject
    of our petitions, when
    we pray for the supply
    of our wants, we may be
    thankful for that kind
    providence , when we
    pray for the restoration
    of sickness , we may be
    thankful for the health
    we have hitherto
    enjoyed, and for GOD’S
    merciful, and for His
    goodness ; when we
    pray that our children
    and friends may be
    preserved from danger
    and death, we may
    remember how often
    GOD has intervened to
    save them; when
    oppressed with a sense
    of sin, we pray for
    pardon, we have
    abundant cause of
    thanksgiving that there
    is a glorious way by
    which we may be saved,
    we are to pray about
    everything no matter
    how small and
    insignificant it may
    seem, GOD is interested
    in the details of our
    lives, in the most details,
    He want us to
    acknowledged Him in all
    our ways or steps
    because He wants to
    care and look after
    every single step, by
    thanksgiving for every
    event , thanksgiving
    gives effect to prayer ,
    with a grateful
    acknowledgement of
    mercies received,
    benefits conferred, no
    prayer is acceptable to
    GOD, we pray in
    everything we are to
    walk in GOD live, move,
    and have our being in
    Him, we are to do this
    by prayers
    3)We give thanks to
    GOD and the FATHER of
    our LORD JESUS
    CHRIST, praying always
    for you
    We give thanks, a
    thanksgiving to GOD, to
    whom praise and
    thankfulness are always
    due as a creator and
    preserver, it’s the
    instinct of the life of
    grace, these
    thanksgiving recognized
    GOD as the whole
    cause of all goodness in
    believer, Paul give
    thanks to GOD, but he
    give thanks to the only
    living GOD, even the
    FATHER of our LORD
    JESUS CHRIST, there is
    no GOD except the
    FATHER of our LORD
    JESUS CHRIST who is
    the object of praise and
    thanksgiving, for
    CHRIST being made
    sanctification to
    believers by sanctifying
    grace of the Spirit of
    GOD in regeneration,
    being called with Holy
    calling and having
    principle of grace,
    wrought in them they
    form as a new man in
    righteousness and true
    holiness, true and
    sincere believer in
    CHRIST constant
    preserving faith in Him,
    faith of the Gospel being
    born of GOD, having
    Him for their FATHER
    and part of the Family of
    GOD in heaven, and
    heirs together of grace,
    2)Giving thanks unto
    the FATHER, which hath
    made us meet to be
    partakes of the
    inheritance of the saints
    in light
    Give thanks to the
    FATHER by rendering
    appropriate thanks to
    GOD our thankfulness
    ought to be constant,
    thankfulness ought to be
    sweet duty, it is joy to
    cherish gratitude,
    gracious hearts do not
    need to be told to be
    thankful, we must be
    thankful for his mercy
    and grace, who, by
    justifying and
    sanctifying us through
    faith in His son, and the
    influence of His Spirit,
    who called us from the
    kingdom of darkness as
    we are delivered from
    their power when, being
    rescued from the state
    of ignorance and error,
    and unbelief ,to know
    the truth and the truth
    make us free from the
    guilt of power of sin, to
    the kingdom of light,
    this had been done by
    special plan plan of
    salvation and had sent
    His son to Redeemed
    us, our special thanks
    are due to the FATHER
    who is the great author
    of the whole plan of
    Who hath made us
    meet, by conferring the
    privilege and ability to
    be made partakers of
    His kingdom, to be
    partakers we have to be
    prepared, that is,
    qualified and made fit
    before we receive the
    inheritance from GOD,
    especially an inheritance
    not in his present sinful
    and corrupt state, if he
    ever to receive
    inheritance he must fist
    made fit and acceptable
    to GOD, GOD has made
    us qualify; to receive
    inheritance from Him,
    when a person turn his
    life over to GOD, he is
    returning his life over to
    light, he is to live and
    move and have his being
    in light, that is, in GOD,
    he is to walk in the light
    of GOD Himself, so
    much so that he is a
    light, that he is called
    the light of the world,
    the believers are
    committed to walk in the
    light of GOD, every
    believer who live and
    walk in the light receive
    Inheritance of GOD, by
    conferred on us grace,
    sufficient to make it
    proper that we should
    partake in the blessing
    of His kingdom
    LUKE 6:35
    MATTHEW 25:33-46
    JOHN 5:24
    TITUS 3:7
    1 PETER 1:3-4
    35)But love ye your
    enemies, and do good,
    and lend, hoping for
    nothing again; and your
    reward shall be great,
    and ye shall be the
    children of the Highest:
    for He is kind unto the
    unthankful and to the
     But love you your
    enemies that is,
    unselfish seek the best
    or higher good for your
    enemies, and do good,
    and lend, expecting
    nothing in return, either
    principal or interest,
    lending to such
    persons , from whom, in
    all appearance , it is
    never to be expected
    again, the obedient
    believer shall receive, all
    that the believer suffers
    and loss will be
    restored , he will receive
    well beyond what he
    lost, he will receive
    enormous reward for
    having obeyed GOD and
    having sacrificed in
    order to meet the needs
    of the ravaged dying
    world, for your reward
    will be great, rich,
    abundant, GOD will
    bless you in your worldly
    substance hear, acts of
    kindness and
    beneficence to the
    poor and needy and
    shall be made manifest,
    you will be sons of the
    most High; the believer
    shall receive both
    eternal life and an
    inheritance for having
    obeyed CHRIST having
    saved so sacrificially
    while on earth he will
    have part in the glorious
    work of GOD that will
    performed a new heaven
    and earth, the work that
    will go on from glory to
    glory, he shall be called
    the child of the most
    high GOD that is of
    GOD, one of whose
    name is the Most High,
    because GOD himself is
    kind and gracious and
    good to the unthankful
    and the wicked; by
    causing His sun to rise,
    and His rain to fall on
    them, as on the
    righteous and the good
    MATTHEW 6:9
    9)After this manner
    therefore pray ye; Our
    FATHER which art in
    heaven, Hallowed be thy
    Our FATHER is the First
    point of prayer, the
    believer is to pray like
    this, FATHER thank you
    are our FATHER: thank
    you for adopting us as
    your children, that you
    have chosen us, Thank
    you for the Family of
    GOD, thank you for the
    body of CHRIST, thank
    you for loving us that
    GOD is addressed as
    Our FATHER, which
    denote a family
    relationship and show
    that GOD who is in
    heaven is the believer’s
    FATHER all believer
    belong to the same
    family, they all have
    common interest , the
    word FATHER pinpoint
    GOD as the believer’s
    source, He is the care
    and responsibility in the
    same family , He loves
    and provides and cares
    for the believer’s needs,
    thus, a relationship with
    the unseen heavenly
    unseen world.
    MATTHEW 6:31-33
    MATTHEW 7:7
    MATTHEW 26:41
    LUKE 10:41
    LUKE 12:29
    LUKE 18:1
    LUKE 21:34
    LUKE 21:36
    EPHESIAN 6:18
    HEBREW 13:5
    PETER 5:7
    6)Be careful for nothing;
    but in everything by
    prayer and supplication
    with thanksgiving let
    your requests be made
    known unto GOD
    Be careful for nothing,
    take no thought, that is,
    be not anxious or
    apprehensive about the
    things of the present
    life, the peace of GOD
    will enable the believer
    to conquer worry and
    anxiety , GOD will
    overcome the trail of the
    believer no matter how
    terrible and pressuring
    they may be GOD will
    infuse the believer with
    peace, with the very
    peace of GOD himself, a
    peace that carries the
    believer through trails,
    but that there is to be
    such confidence in GOD
    The remedy for anxiety
    and worry is prayer and
    thanksgiving, refers to
    prayer that focus tospecial needs, we feel a
    deep, intense need,
    therefore, we go before
    GOD and petition Him,
    that is, pour out our soul
    to GOD, need confront
    us, and the only possible
    help and deliverance is
    GOD, therefore we laid
    needs before Him as a
    Child: crying pleading
    But in everything in
    respect to afflictions,
    embarrassments, and
    trials and everything
    relating to our Spiritual
    condition by prayer and
    supplication, which is a
    mode of prayer which
    especially arises from
    the sense of need or
    As believer we thank
    GOD for all that He has
    done for us, our praying
    is not to be general, but
    specific, we lay before
    GOD exactly what is
    needed and we are not
    to fear that we are being
    too detailed with GOD,,
    we are to walk in GOD,
    live, and move about our
    daily life, we do this by
    praying through prayer
    and thanksgiving, we
    offer thanksgiving and
    praise all day long as we
    walk and move about
    our daily affairs, we are
    to pray about everything
    no matter how small and
    insignificant it may
    seem, GOD is interested
    in the detail of our lives,
    in the minute details, He
    want us to acknowledge
    Him in all our ways or
    steps because He want
    to care and look after
    every single step, for we
    walk in prayer
    fellowshipping with
    GOD, GOD is infusing in
    us His presence and
    MATTHEW 7:24-26
    ROMANS 16:25
    1 CORINTHIANS 3:11
    2 THESSALONIANS 2:16-17
    1 TIMOTHY 6:19
    2 TIMOTHY 2:19
    7)Rooted and built up in
    him and stablished in
    the faith, as ye have
    been taught, abounding
    therein with thanksgiving
    Rooted and built up in
    him, as a tree strike its
    roots deep in the earth,
    the believers is to be
    rooted and built up in
    CHRIST, the believer is
    to be like a tree that has
    its roots deeply planted
    in the ground, the
    ground provides
    strength against wind,
    storms and nourishment
    for life, the believer is to
    draw his strength and
    nourishment from
    CHRIST, they are
    sometimes compared to
    trees, and are trees of
    righteousness, the
    planting of the LORD;
    and their root is
    CHRIST, from where as
    such they spring, and by
    whom they are filled
    with the fruit of
    righteousness; in Him
    they are to abide, keep
    close unto Him, and
    walk in Him; deriving all
    their life, nourishment,
    fruitfulness , grace, and
    perseverance in it, from
    Him as their root: they
    are sometime compared
    to a building, to a house
    for GOD and CHRIST is
    the only sure foundation
    on which they are laid,
    and where they are safe
    and secured ,building
    their faith and hope of
    eternal glory entirely
    upon Him,
    They are to walk in a
    continuous, unbroken
    communication and
    fellowship with CHRIST,
    a temple, a habitation
    for GOD and CHRIST is
    the only sure foundation
    on which they are laid,
    and where they are safe
    and secured ,building
    their faith and hope of
    eternal glory entirely
    upon Him,
    They are to walk in a
    continuous, unbroken
    communication and
    fellowship with CHRIST,
    his life and mind focus
    upon CHRIST without
    interruption, drawing all
    nourishment and
    strength from Him the
    believer is to walk
    strengthened in faith
    just as he has been
    taught, they are to lean
    all they can about the
    faith and hold fast to it,
    so our faith should
    strike deep into the
    doctrine respecting the
    Savior , that they are
    well grounded in their
    faith in CHRIST, and
    thoroughly instructed
    and establish in the
    doctrines of the Gospel;
    The believer is to walk
    Expressing overflowing with
     thankfulness for JESUS
    CHRIST has
    done so much for
    believer, overflowing
    with thanksgiving on and
    on, never ceasing, not
    even for one moment of
    the day, therefore the
    believer is to learn to
    walk in an unbroken
    spirit of thanksgiving, a
    thankfulness that
    overflows in praise to
    the LORD moment by
    Moment according to
    the superabounding
    grace ,they had, that
    they have been made
    acquainted with truths,
    so precious and
    gracious, believers are
    to abound in work of the
    LORD, and in every
    good work, and in the
    exercise of every grace,
    so in the knowledge of
    truth, being thankful to
    15)And let the peace of
    GOD rules in your
    hearts, to the which also
    ye are called in one
    body; and be ye thankful
    And let the peace of
    GOD rules in your
    hearts, the believer is to
    have a heart ruled by
    GOD’S peace, he is to
    let the peace of CHRIST
    that passes all
    understanding rule in all
    things, it means to be
    assured, confident, and
    secure in love and the
    care of GOD, it means
    that GOD will take care
    of us no matter the
    problem or
    circumstance , a person
    can experience true
    peace only as he comes
    to know CHRIST, only
    CHRIST can bring peace
    real peace to the human
    heart, the kind of peace
    brings deliverance and
    the assurance of
    deliverance to the
    human soul, let the
    peace of CHRIST rule in
    your hearts, prevail and
    governed thee, the
    believer has to be willing
    to let the mediator of
    peace rule, to which also
    in one body; though they
    are many members, yet
    they are but one body;
    and therefore ought to
    and our privileges, hope
    and benefits we have
    received as believers
    giving thank always to
    GOD for all things
    be in peace
    The believer is to let
    peace reign in their
    hearts and to be
    thankful, for His mercies
    and our privileges, hope
    and benefits we have
    received as believers
    giving thank always to
    GOD for all things.
    7)And whatsoever ye do
    in word or deed, do all in
    the name of the LORD
    JESUS, giving thanks to
    GOD and FATHER by
    And whatsoever you do
    in preaching the word of
    CHRIST, in hearing the
    Gospel, in singing and
    in the conference of
    conversation of each
    other; or in whatever
    action, civil or religion
    throughout the whole
    life and conversation, in
    the performance words
    or deed, whatever you
    say or do, whether
    relating to worldly
    affairs or to religion, do
    all in the name of the
    LORD JESUS , the
    believers duty is to have
    a heart that does all in
    the name of CHRIST,
    according to the mind
    and will of CHRIST
    declared in the Gospel,
    do it all because He
    require and commands
    it, and with a desire to
    honor Him, it sit e only
    name that accept
    GOD’S presence,
    The believer’s response
    is that of thanksgiving,
    even in thanks giving the
    believer approach GOD
    only by CHRIST ,Giving
    thanks to GOD the
    FATHER by Him,,
    through Him, all our
    actions are to be
    accompanied with
    thanksgiving, with a
    grateful remembrance of
    the mercy of GOD that
    gave us such a Savior to
    be to be an example and
    MATTHEW 7:7
    JOHN 16;24
    1 CORINTHIANS 15:57
    2 CORINTHIANS 9:15
    2 CORINTHIANS 10:5
    EPHESIANS 5:20
    HEBREWS 13:15
    1 PETER 2:9
    2)Continue in prayer,
    and watch in the same
    with thanks giving
    The believers duty is to
    continue steadfastly in
    prayer, that is, do not
    neglect it; observe it at
    all stated times;
    maintain the Spirit of
    prayer, and embrace all
    proper occasion to
    engage in it, be
    constant, persevering
    and exhaustive in prayer,
    it means constant and
    unbroken prayer, to be in
    constant and
    unbroken fellowship
    and communion with
    GOD, it means to walk
    and breathe prayer, to
    live and move and have
    our being in prayer, it
    mean never face a
    moment when we are
    not in prayer, it is by
    develop and attitude of
    prayer, walk in a Spirit
    of prayer, pray always
    when our minds are not
    upon on some duty,
    arise early and pray
    before daily activities
    being spend a worship
    time in prayer with GOD,
    make it a continuous
    practice, pray before
    going to bed, make it a
    continuous practice, we
    must walk and live the
    life of prayer, believer
    must continue in prayer,
    devote themselves in
    Watch in prayer means
    to stay awake, be alert,
    be sleepless, be active,
    concentrate, it means to
    fight against distraction,
    sluggishness, wandering
    thoughts in prayer, it
    means to discipline our
    minds and control our
    thoughts in prayer, be
    vigilant in prayer is the
    duty of the believer
    With thanks giving for
    everything whether joyful, or
    spiritual, national, family
    and individual, GOD
    alone has done more for
    us, we are to thank Him,
    GOD continues to bless
    us,His hands is
    constantly upon our
    lives, looking after and
    caring for us; therefore,
    we should continually
    thank him, our praise
    should be lifted up to
    Him all through the day
    as we go about our daily
    affairs, an hour should
    not pass when we have
    not praise and thank
    GOD several times
    MATTHEW 13:16
    MATTHEW 13:23
    LUKE 8:15
    ACTS 2:41
    ACTS 17:11
    1 CORINTHIANS 2:13-14
    2 TIMOTHY 2:15 
    2 TIMOTHY 3:16
    HEBREWS 1:1
    2 PETER 1:20-21
    2 PETER 3:2
    13)For this cause also
    thank GOD without
    ceasing, because, when
    ye receive the word of
    GOD which ye heard of
    us, ye received it not as
    the word of man, but as
    it is in truth, the word of
    GOD, which effectually
    worketh also in you that 
    For this cause, because
    of the labor we went
    through to tech you, so
    for their effectual calling
    by His grace, to his
    kingdom and glory, as
    well for the reception of
    the word of the word of
    GOD, owning to the
    goodness and grace of
    GOD, and therefore
    required a constant
    sense of continued
    thankfulness without
    ceasing for it, we not
    only thank Him that we
    have been enable to
    conduct ourselves, and
    to discharge our duty,
    that they received the
    truth, when it was
    preached, in such away
    as to show that they
    fully believed it to be the
    word of GOD
    When you received the
    word of GOD which you
    heard of us, the word
    which GOD hath
    appointed to be heard
    through our preaching,
    not as word of men,
    which we received
    sometimes doubting
    sometime disputing it; or
    believing it only with
    human reasoning, as
    dictates of philosophy or
    the report of men, and
    without the impression
    of the authority of GOD
    upon their minds or
    when we receive the
    word of GOD because
    of eloquence or leaning
    of preachers or
    admiration of His
    person, not human
    origin, but as a Divine
    revelation, because
    GOD is the author of it,
    it comes from Him, and
    is ministered by His
    authority, and is apart of
    that written word that
    was given by inspiration
    of grace in redeeming,
    justifying, pardoning,
    adopting, regenerating,
    and giving eternal life to men
    You were not led to
    embrace it by human
    reasoning, or the mere
    arts of persuasion, or
    from personal respect
    for others, but your
    conviction that it was a
    revelation from GOD,
    with a Divine faith, ready
    subjection of our souls
    to it, and with reverent
    attention. As word from
    heaven, as a truth , they
    received it and this
    cause we give thanks to
    GOD, that the word of
    GOD was received not
    from the
    preachers/teachers, is
    directly from GOD
    Himself they received it
    with much assurance
    and certainty, as
    infallible truth; and
    which was inviolably to
    be adhere to, without
    alteration, without
    adding to it or taking
    away from it and to be
    had and retained in the
    greatest esteem and
    reverence, and never to
    be departed from; and
    that they receive, and
    never to depart from its
    operation in them, which
    effectually worked also
    in them that believe, for
    GOD works by and with
    His word, and His word
    only effectually works
    when it comes in power;
    or is the power of GOD
    unto Salvation to them
    that believes; and when
    it does come with a
    Divine commission and
    power, it effectually
    works to the quickening
    of dead sinners, the
    enlightening of Dark
    minds, the softening of
    hard hearts, producing
    faith which works by
    love, encouraging hope
    delivering from the
    bondage of sin
    18) In every thing give
    thanks: for this is the
    will of GOD in CHRIST
    JESUS concerning you
    in everything, in every
    circumstance in joy in
    sorrow; for everything,
    for everything, give
    thanks, in every
    moment, even in
    persecution and shame,
    suffered for CHRIST’S
    sake, thanks are to be
    giving to Him for all
    things, for our beings,
    the preservation of
    them; for provision of
    food and raiment, and
    all mercies of life; for
    the means of grace, for
    the Glorious Gospel, for
    spiritual blessings, for Redeeming
    regenerating, adopting,
    pardoning justifying,
    and persevering grace,
    especially for JESUS
    CHRIST our LORD and savior,
    Prayer and thanksgiving
    are two wings of the
    Soul by which it rises
    upward to GOD, for it is
    the will of GOD in
    concerning you, believer
    are not only to be
    engage in constant
    payer but also in
    constant thanksgiving,
    their prayer should
    partake largely of the
    nature of thanksgiving
    and have a thankful
    Spirit, is the will of GOD;
    is a part of that good,
    perfect, and acceptable
    will of His, and what is
    well pleasing in His
    sight, which is
    exemplified in CHRIST,
    who for, and all things,
    gave thanks to GOD,
    and had his will reigned
    in every circumstance of
    His life
    3)We are bound to
    thank GOD always for
    you, brethren, as it is
    meet, because that your
    faith growth
    exceedingly, and the
    charity of every one of
    you all towards each other
    We are bound to give
    thank always to GOD
    since all blessing,
    earthly and Spiritual,
    come from Him, seeing
    He is ever giving out
    fresh favors, for their
    faith Hope and love, for
    the efficacy of their
    grace , for their growth
    in faith exceedingly ; it
    grows over and above
    the ordinary rate of
    growth , their assent to
    the doctrine of the
    Gospel grew more firm
    and rooted, their
    increase in love to ward
    each other
    MATTHEW 11:28
    JOHN 3:3
    JOHN 3:16-18
    JOHN 5:21
    JOHN 6:28-29
    JOHN 6:63
    JOHN 7:37
    JOHN 11:25
    JOHN 12:32-33
    JOHN 12:46
    JOHN 16:8
    JOHN 20:31
    ROMANS 8:11
    EPHESIAN 2:4-5
    EPHESIANS 4:22-23
    ROMANS 10:9-10
    1 CORINTHAINS 1:18
    EPHESIAN 2:1
    13)But we are bound to
    give thanks always to
    GOD for you, brethren
    beloved of the LORD,
    because GOD hath from
    beginning chosen you to
    Salvation through
    sanctification of the
    Spirit and belief of the truth
    But we are bound to
    give thanks always to
    GOD for you, because
    GOD hath from
    beginning chosen or
    elected them to
    salvation, the origin of
    Salvation is GOD, that is
    from the beginning,
    GOD chose you to be
    saved, God has chosen
    the believers before the
    world was created,
    chose them to Salvation,
    God want us to be with
    Him, He does not want
    us to be judge and
    condemned and
    separated from Him
    forever and ever to
    eternal election,
    That is the reason the
    believers were under
    obligation to be
    continually thankful to
    GOD, for what He had
    done for them; as GOD
    is the FATHER of
    mercies thanks are to be
    given to Him for spiritual
    blessing, thanksgiving
    continually that GOD
    had chosen them to be
    eternally holy and happy
    and that he has from
    eternity designed that
    they are chosen should
    make it a subject of
    grateful praise, they
    have more exalted
    source of gratitude that
    they are chosen having
    adopted them in His
    eternal purpose to
    eternal life.
    GOD has chosen
    believers through the
    sanctifying work of the
    Spirit, which means to
    set apart or separated
    unto GOD, sanctification
    of the spirit, being made
    Holy by the Divine Spirit,
    the Holy Spirit quickens
    or makes alive the
    Gospel to a man’s heart so
    that he sees it as
    never before, He sees,
    understands, grasp as
    never before and the
    belief of the truth, he
    saw the fruits of
    election in their
    sanctification and belief
    of the truth
    1 TIMOTHY 2:1
    MATTHEW 7:7
    LUKE 18:1
    LUKE 23:
    ACTS 7:60
    EPHESIANS 6:18
    JAMES 5:16-18
    1)I exhort therefore, that,
    first of all, supplications,
    prayers intercessions,
    and giving of thanks, be  
    made for all men
    I exhort therefore, I give
    thee this charge with
    regards prayer and, with
    regards to doctrine,
    intercession and
    thanksgiving be made all
    for men,Prayer for every
    one, we are to pray the
    high and low educated
    and uneducated, the
    important and
    unimportant, the poor
    and the rich, the leader
    and the followers, the
    old and young, the
    friend and enemies, pray
    for everyone, do not
    neglect to pray, ignore,
    or bypass any person,
    every person needs
    prayer; every person
    needs GOD; His
    salvation, care,
    direction, approval and
    acceptance, we have to
    pray for everyone, the
    believer is encourage
    and charged to pray,
    that is, we are to be
    carrying the need before
    GOD with great sense of
    urgency and plead and
    beg for person to
    persons, that the idea is
    that of intense and deep
    brokenness before GOD
    in behalf of others, that
    GOD will help and save
    the person, we are to
    intercede for men,
    expecting GOD to hear
    and answer in the name
    of JESUS CHRIST, we
    are intercede for all
    men, to stand in the Gap
    between man and GOD,
    bodily praying and
    asking GOD to be
    merciful and gracious in
    Salvation and in
    deliverance we thank
    GOD for hearing and
    answering our prayer
    thank Him for what He
    has done and is going to
    do for all men
    HEBREWS 13:15
    15)By him therefore let
    us offer the sacrifice of
    praise to GOD
    continually, that is, the
    fruit of our lips giving
    thanks to his name
    Through Him, through
    His sacrifice, which has
    made atonement, fitted
    for our priestly service,
    therefore, let us at all
    times offer up to GOD a
    sacrifice of praise, GOD
    is well please with such
    sacrifices, whether in
    deed or word
    continually, that is the
    fruit of our lips confessing His
    name ,giving thanks to
    His name, if we do what
    we do in the name of
    JESUS and to the glory
    of GOD to GOD, to the
    glory of His name, to the
    honor of His Divine
    perfections; continually;
    as the creator and
    preserver of us, in our
    beings; as the FATHER
    of mercies on us,

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