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    (EPHESIANS 2 :10)









    EPHESIANS 2:10
    10)For we are his
    workmanship, created in
    good works, which GOD
    hath before ordained
    that we should walk in
    For we are His workmanship,
    evidence of grace, we have to
    be fashioned anew by GOD
    before we can do anything
    right, His own master work, a
    work created in CHRIST
    JESUS, we are GOD’S
    workmanship created in
    CHRIST JESUS, that means,
    when a man believes in
    JESUS CHRIST, GOD creates
    him in CHRIST, that GOD
    quickens the Spirit of the
    believer and make his Spirit
    alive, whereas the believers
    Spirit was dead to GOD, GOD
    creates it anew and makes it
    alive to GOD ,,reborn from
    above, spiritually
    transformed , renewed, it
    means that GOD causes the
    believer to be born again
    Spiritually, which means GOD
    places His divine nature into
    the heart of the believer,
    making a new creation of the
    believer, creating a new
    person from the believer,
    which means GOD gives the
    believer the Holy Spirit, we
    are created to do good works,
    believers is GOD
    workmanship, GOD work of
    arts,, GOD masterpiece ready
    to be used for good works, in
    order that we may have
    inclination engaged them, and
    to delight in so doing; and
    may give ourselves up to
    this, and to be continually
    engaged in them, and to
    delight in doing so.
    The Believer shows that he is
    GOD’S workmanship by the
    life he lives and display, works
    are evidence of Salvation,
    doing good is not an option
    for believer, it is the very
    nature of the believer, GOD’S
    people give ample evidence of
    the power of a new life which
    operates in them, if a man is
    created in CHRIST , if GOD
    has truly worked in him, the
    person does good works, his
    very nature dictates it , is the
    very nature, he is not perfect
    he fails but keeps coming to
    GOD and failing upon his
    knees, believing and asking
    forgiveness, and getting back
    to do all good he can, he a
    new creature created in good
    works, prepared for us
    beforehand taking paths
    which He set, so that we
    would walk in them, the
    believers are subject of Divine
    grace, a proof of the true
    origin of good works, before
    the foundation of the world it
    was ordained that whosoever
    shall be saved by grace
    should walk in good works,
    which is habitual tenor of the
    life; GOD has appointed the
    believer beforehand ,that he
    should work in good work ,it
    is to spend in the atmosphere
    of good works, living the good
    life which He prearranged and
    made ready for us, GOD has
    appointed good work to be
    done by His people, it is His
    will not only to do them but to
    continue to do them, and that
    we should do them, this
    being pre-ordained of GOD
    MATTHEW 5:16
    16)Let your light so
    shine before men, that
    they may see your good
    works; and glorify your
    FATHER which is in
    Let your light so shine before
    men in such a way that they
    may see your good deeds and
    moral excellence, the
    believers light is their
    character, the believer is to
    undergo transformation he is
    to be like CHRIST, more and
    more to reflect the light of
    CHRIST , Light is clear and
    pure, it is clean, that is good,
    right and true , light
    penetrates, it cuts through
    and eliminate darkness , it
    enlightens , it enlarges, it
    guides, it direct the way to
    go, lead along the right path,
    light strip away darkness , it
    guide person’s vision and
    knowledge , the light reveals,,
    it open the truth of the
    Gospel, which he
    communicated , the spiritual
    knowledge of the mysteries of
    grace, which he had favored
    them with, were to be openly
    declared , and made manifest
    before men, as believers are
    placed as light of the world,
    they were to hold forth, in the
    most open and conspicuous
    manner as the light and life.
    The believer has light, the
    light is already within him, he
    is the light of GOD upon
    Earth, CHRIST says, let your
    light so shine, believers can
    refuse to let their light to
    shine, he may turn it off, and
    refuse to turn it on, shade it,
    darkened it,, turn it away,
    direct its beam to other
    direction, if we live for
    CHRIST, we will glow like
    lights, showing others what
    CHRIST is like, we hide our
    light, by being quiet when we
    should speak,, going along
    with the crowd, letting sin dim
    our light, ignoring the need of
    orders, by being a beacon of
    truth, believers should not
    shut their light off from the
    rest of the world
    That they may see your good
    works: believers are to let
    their light to shine in other to
    show forth good works, let
    your light shine means let
    your good works be seen ,
    they are show their good work
    to the world meaning your life
    generally their generous and
    active character, their zeal
    and fervency; their plainness
    and openness; their
    integrity ,sincerity,
    faithfulness, courage,
    diligence, industry in
    preaching the Gospel; their
    strict regards to truth, the
    honor of CHRIST and the
    good of the soul
    And glorify your FATHER,
    believers are to let their light
    shine in other to stir men to
    glorify GOD, the glory of GOD
    is the primary aim of all
    believers, the very way GOD is
    glorified is by the light good
    work of believers shinning
    before men, when the
    believer’s get out of
    darkness and embrace light,
    they are to glorify the
    FATHER, which is in Heaven;
    that is, that when the
    ministration of the Gospel has
    been received, for the
    illumination of the mind of
    men, to a thorough conviction
    of their state, and for their
    regeneration conversion,
    sanctification, and give praise
    to GOD, for sending such
    Gospel to show them the way
    of Salvation; that the word
    has been made useful to
    communicate spiritual life and
    light, joy and comfort, of our
    FATHER which is in heaven,
    believer are not only the
    glorify GOD they are to cause
    those who are in darkness to
    glorify Him, the aim and
    purpose of our lives should be
    to glorify our GOD, we should
    be GOD centered
    MATTHEW 19:21
    21)JESUS said unto him,
    if thou will be perfect,
    go and sell that thou
    hast, and give to the
    poor, and thou shalt
    have treasure in heaven;
    and come and follow Me
    JESUS said unto him, if thou
    will be perfect, means
    completely righteous, having
    no worldly lust in all its part,
    finished, having no part
    wanting, the step to enter
    GOD’S kingdom is to give all
    you are and have to CHRIST,
    CHRIST know exactly what
    the young man needed, his
    rejection of CHRIST showed
    this, he was hoarding wealth
    instead of distributing it, GOD
    had giving him that he might
    have to give to others, but he
    was failing to love and help
    his neighbor anywhere close
    to what he should, what
    JESUS CHRIST said, if you
    want to be perfect, that is,
    really obey the commandment
    and receive heaven, then
    demonstrate to all publicly
    and without question that you
    love your neighbor: go and
    sell your possessions and give
    to the poor, then follow Me, in
    our struggle to protect the
    glorious truth that man is
    saved by grace and grace
    alone, we often forget and
    neglect another great truth:
    to follow CHRIST is to serve
    and minister to our neighbor,
    to follow CHRIST is to deny
    ourself completely all that we
    are as well as all that we
    have, when we love our
    neighbor as our self, we show
    that we completely love GOD,
    if we don’t love and minister
    to our neighbor above self
    then we do not love GOD.
    LUKE 9:23
    When we deny self by giving
    all we are and have, then and
    only then do we receive
    heaven and the treasures of
    heaven, to deny self, is to give
    all we are and have, is a hard
    saying; but CHRIST demand
    it, our attempt to soften it do
    not annual CHRIST demand of
    given to the poor and needy
    JOHN 15:7-8
    7)If ye abide in Me and
    My words abide in you,
    ye shall ask what ye will,
    and it shall be done unto
    8)Herein is my FATHER
    glorified, that ye bear
    much fruit; so shall ye
    be My disciple
    If you abide in Me, and My
    word abide in you, abiding in
    CHRIST is here explained by
    His words , if you adhere
    steadfastly to the doctrine,
    which I have taught you,
    firmly believing My
    declarations, diligently
    obeying My precept, and
    affectionately embracing and
    relying on My promises,
    abiding in the
    disciples/believer, which
    means the Gospel and the
    truth of it, this word abides
    when it come with power, and
    becomes the engrafted
    words, in the believers heart,
    the word of CHRIST must
    remain abide in the believer
    if you remain in Me, the
    thought is that a believer
    must take the word of
    CHRIST and study and learn
    them, have his thoughts and
    desires controlled by them, be
    motivated and be controlled
    by them.
    The branch is to attached to
    the vine, it remains and
    abides in the vine(JESUS
    CHRIST) dwells and lives and
    never faces a moment, he
    lives, and walks in the very
    presence of CHRIST, never
    facing a moment when he is
    not attached and walking in
    CHRIST, a believer walks in
    constant fellowship and
    prayer, he is always remaining
    (abiding) in JESUS CHRIST,
    the vine is always nourishing
    the branch, always sending its
    life-giving food and drink to
    the branch, CHRIST is always
    sharing His life giving
    nourishment with the
    believer, if the teachings so
    abide with the believer so as
    to control His thoughts and
    ideas , remains in the believer
    as to guide your inspiration
    and regulate your affection
    and life, then, because the
    indwelling of His word in them
    would secure the harmony of
    their asking with the Divine
    You shall ask what you will,
    and it shall be done unto you,
    the true Disciple/Believer of
    CHRIST, who abides in Him,
    and in whom His word abides,
    will not anything but what is
    proper to be done for them,
    according to the will of GOD,
    they will especially ask for
    Spiritual blessings , which
    they know it is His will, they
    should ask and receive; and
    will ask them in the way which
    He hath prescribed , namely
    sincerely , earnestly,
    persistently , and in the way
    of repentance, faith, and new
    obedience; in the name of
    JESUS CHRIST, by answering
    prayer and meeting the needs
    of the genuine believer
    (believer) glorifies GOD by
    so doing, as the end for which
    My FATHER has given the
    gospel depensation to
    believers, is to make them
    fruitful, in good works; are
    faithful, zealous, humbled,
    devoted, in righteousness,
    love, kindness mercy,
    compassion, always
    abounding in the work of the
    13LORD, by spreading the true
    knowledge thereof through
    the world, in their diligent
    discharge of their duty in
    preaching the Gospel by
    conversion and salvation of
    mankind by seeing their good
    works and brought to imitate
    the same, bearing much fruit
    is, which is righteousness,
    good character, to converts
    souls, because the believer is
    restore to Divine image, and
    show how excellent is the
    Character, doctrine grace
    and good work, which show
    them to be trees of
    righteousness, the planting of
    the LORD, and the work of
    His hands, wherein the glory
    of His power, grace and
    mercy, is greatly displaced,
    they produce lovely, true and
    honest, and good report ,
    GOD is glorified by the fruit
    born in the life of a believer,
    he bear fruit by living
    righteously , he bear, joy,
    faithfulness, gentleness self-
    control, compassion ,mercy,
    kindness, love and goodness
    the disciple/ believer not only
    glorify GOD themselves, but
    are the means of others
    glorifying Him
    So shall you be My disciples
    to the Honor and glory of
    CHRIST, also, as well as to
    the FATHER’S by continuing
    in His word, abiding by His
    Gospel, the living union with
    CHRIST, and to act in a way
    worthy of your character and
    relationship to CHRIST, which
    show the power of the Gospel
    made all their prayers in His
    name to be answered, and
    made them abound with fruit
    to the glory of GOD as
    disciple indeed, really and
    truly such
    JOHN 15:16
    MATTHEW 21:22
    MATTHEW 28:19-
    LUKE 11:9-10
    MARK 3:8
    MARK 16:15
    JOHN 1:6
    JOHN 14:13-14
    JOHN 15:2-5
    JOHN 20:21
    ACTS 1:8
    ACTS 9:15
    1 CORINTHIANS 1:27
    2 CORINTHIANS 5:19-20
    1 TIMOTHY 1:12
    16)Ye have no chosen
    Me, but I have chosen
    you, and ordained you,
    that ye should go and
    bring forth fruit, and
    that you fruit should
    remain: that whatsoever
    ye shall ask of the
    FATHER in My name, he
    may give it you
    You have not chosen Me, but
    I have chosen you , as their
    LORD and Master, Savior and
    Redeemer, I chose you and
    select you as an individuals, I
    destined you to accomplish
    work dear to Me and essential
    of My Kingdom,
    I have appointed and placed
    and purposefully planted you,
    set you apart,
    The supreme purpose of
    believers is to go and bear
    fruit, they are chosen and
    appointed by CHRIST, and
    given the very purpose of
    CHRIST Himself: to go into
    the world and bear fruit
    among men, so that you
    would go and bear fruit and
    keep on bearing, that you
    should be rich in good works;
    faithful and successful in
    spreading My Gospel, it is not
    to be idle, or useless, or
    simply to seek pleasure, it is
    to do good, and to spread as
    far as possible the rich
    Spiritual blessings which the
    Gospel is fitted to confer on
    mankind, to go forth as
    ambassador for CHRIST,
    proclaiming the glorious
    And that your fruit will remain
    and be lasting, their efforts
    were not to be like those like
    the false teachers whose
    result will soon vanish away,
    that the effect of their labor
    will be permanent on
    mankind, that their Gospel will
    have a deep and hold on
    people, and ultimately to fill
    the world
    That the granting of prayers
    brings and its continuance by
    going to bring forth fruit we
    enter into that relation with
    GOD from which proceeds the
    prayer in the name of the Son,
    so that whatever you ask of
    the FATHER in My name as
    My disciples/believer, I He
    may give you wherefore as
    they would stand in need of
    Divine assistance, they are
    assured them of it
    LUKE 3:11
    11)He answereth and
    said unto them, he that
    hath two coats, let him
    impart to him that hath
    none; and he that hath
    meat let him do likewise
    He answered and said unto
    them, he that hath two coats,
    the remedy of selfishness is
    the root of evil, let him impart
    to him that hath none, John
    the Baptist, stirred people, the
    people wanted to know how
    repentance and to show that
    their repentance is genuine,
    the demand is to do good
    would affect their lives, just
    what a changed life would
    mean, what kind of fruits
    should they bears? John
    answered in the most
    practical terms, and he does
    not want to put upon them
    the ceremonial observance
    but to love of our neighbor,
    which involves the love of
    GOD, and so the whole law.
    The man that is converted
    was to love and care enough
    to share his materials goods
    with those who were in need,
    giving out your clothing and
    food, the basic necessity of
    life, the given was to be
    sacrificial, the giver was to so
    love and care so much that he
    would be gripped with
    compassion and
    unselfishness, he would give
    what he had such fruit would
    be evidence of repentance, of
    a life truly changed, of a man
    who was truly seeking GOD to
    forgive his sin, let him
    likewise; that is, he that has a
    sufficiency of food, and more
    than enough for himself and
    family, let him give it freely
    and cheerfully to the poor and
    needy, for such sacrifice GOD
    is well pleased; and when
    such acts of kindness are
    done in faith, from the
    principle of love, and with a
    view to the glory of GOD, they
    are fruits of grace, and such
    as are meet for repentance
    LUKE 12:33
    MATTHEW 5:42
    LUKE 3:11
    ACTS 20:35
    ROMANS 12:13
    GALATIANS 6:10
    EPHESIANS 4:28
    1 TIMOTHY 6:17-19
    HEBREWS 13:15-16
    33)Sell that ye have, and
    give alms; provide
    yourselves bags which
    wax not old, a treasure
    in heaven that faileth
    not, where no thief
    approcheth, neither
    moth corrupted
    Sell that you have, sell your
    property, exchange it for that
    which you can use in
    distributing and give alms, to
    the poor and needy ,
    Provide for yourselves bag
    which wax not old,, a treasure
    in heaven that fails not,
    CHRIST would have His
    put their money up
    in other bags, not in such that
    rot through age, or are worn
    out, and are full of holes
    through use, GOD gives
    treasures that do not age, fail,
    nor corrupt; neither can they
    be stolen, what JESUS said is
    revolutionary ; sell that you
    have and give to the poor,
    once our needs have been
    meet, we are give what we
    have to meet the need of
    others,, it does not matter
    what position or profession or
    kind of income we have, we
    are to begin meeting the
    needs of the world, believers
    are to seek good profession
    and jobs, so that he can have
    more to give to the needy
    EPHESIANS 4:28, the believer
    is to fill his bag, bank account
    with the gifts or giving of
    money and deeds of helps,
    such will never age, the
    believer is to secure the
    treasure of GOD’S a and
    souls won in heaven, these
    treasure will never fails nor
    corrupt or stolen
    Everything on this earth ages,
    fails, corrupts and can be
    stolen, but the man who uses
    only what he needs and then
    gives the rest fills his bag will
    real money and treasure, that
    never age, never fails, never
    corrupt and never stolen
    ACTS 2:45
    MATTHEW 6:21
    MATTHEW 19:21
    MATTHEW 19:29
    MATTHEW 22:39
    LUKE 12:31-34
    LUKE 19:8
    JOHN 13:35
    JOHN 15:10
    ACTS 20:35
    EPHESIAN 4:28
    HEBREWS 13:5
    45)And sold their
    possessions and goods,
    and parted them to all
    men them down at, as
    every man had need
    The early believers were a
    people who were together
    and who share in ministry
    being together , because they
    were of the same call, mind,
    spirit and purpose , the
    believers sold their
    possessions property,
    particular real estate land,
    houses, vineyards moveable
    and unmovable and goods,
    that is, they sold as much as
    was necessary, the rich sold
    their estates and divided
    them among the poor and
    needy , because it was
    commanded by CHRIST,
    which in most cases was deny
    and ignore by the church
    denial of the truth does not
    do away with the truth,
    What CHRIST demands that
    we give all we are and have
    and follow Him, is that we
    give in order to produce the
    means of providing for the
    desperate needs of the
    ravaging world, according as
    any man had need ,and parted
    them to all, they distributed
    them to supply the need of
    their poorer brethren according to their necessities,
    as every man have needs.
    In our struggle to protect the
    glorious truth that man by
    grace and grace alone saves,
    we often forget and neglect
    another great truth: to follow
    CHRIST is to serve and
    Minister to our neighbor, to
    follow CHRIST is to deny self
    completely, all that we are as
    well as all that we have, when
    we love our neighbor as
    ourselves, then we show that
    we truly love GOD, if we do
    not love and minister to our
    neighbor (above self), then we
    do not love GOD, it is the love 
    of the world that makes us
    unwilling to give up the
    possessions we have
    obtained, the comfort,
    recognition, power, position
    and pride, by refusing to take
    and give what we have, we
    make the fatal mistake of
    showing by demonstrating
    that we love the things of the
    world more than we love
    people; that man prefer
    hoarding and extravagance
    living, that man love the world
    more than we love the hope
    for eternal life, man love
    position,, recognition and
    power of the world’s
    possession more than love for
    Possession pulls a man away
    from GOD LUKE 12:15-21 ,it
    is difficult for a person who
    has possessions to enter into
    the kingdom of heaven,
    because there is a pull or
    lure, an attraction, a force, a
    power that reach out and
    draws aways any one who
    look at or possess wealth,
    there is a forceful pulls that
    will enslave any man who
    hoards and fails to turn to
    GOD by giving to the poor
    and the needy of the dying
    ACTS 9:36-40
    36)Now there was at
    Joppa a certain disciple
    named Tabitha, which by
    interpretation is called
    Dorcas: this woman was
    full of good works and
    alms deeds which she did
    37)And it came to pass
    in those days, that she
    was sick, and died;
    whom when they had
    washed, they laid her in
    an upper chamber
    38)And forasmuch as
    Lydda was nigh to
    Joppa, and the disciples
    had heard that Peter
    was nigh to Joppa, and
    the disciples had heard
    that Peter was there,
    they sent unto him two
    men, desiring him that
    he would not delay to
    come to them
    39)Then Peter arose and
    went with them, when he
    was come, they brought
    him into the upper
    chamber; and all the
    widows stood by him
    weeping, and showing
    the coats and garments
    which Dorcas made,
    while she was with them
    40)But Peter put them
    all forth, and kneeled
    down, and prayed; and
    turning him to the body
    said Tabitha, arise, and
    she opened her eyes;
    and when she saw
    Peter, she sat up
    There was at Joppa a noted
    Seaport in the neighborhood ,
    now Jaffa lying on the
    Mediterranean Sea, about
    forty miles from Jerusalem,
    and the nearest Maritime
    Town to it, it is mentioned in
    the Old Testament by the
    name of Japho
    JOSHUA 19:46 and was the
    place to which the Materials
    for building Solomon’s temple
    were brought in floats by Sea,
    and carried from thence by
    land to Jerusalem, it was here
    that Jonah took ship for
    Tarshish, JONAH 1:3
    A certain female disciple ,
    named Tabitha her Jewish
    name ,and Dorcas her Greek
    name , which signifies a gazelle
    This woman was fully
    committed to CHRIST, a very
    faithful and devoted disciple,
    full of dong good , she was
    rich in good works doing all
    kind of good, serving, was
    constantly employed in doing
    good to those who need
    help ,her works both many
    and good, and alms deed,
    which she did; she was very
    kind and beneficent to the
    poor and needy, she wrought
    with her hands much for their sakes,
    And it came to pass in those
    days, while Peter was in those
    parts, and particularly at
    Lydda, which was near, that
    she fell sick and died: fell ill
    with some disorder, and died
    of it, whom, when they had
    washed, among most people
    it has been customary to
    wash the body before it is
    buried, they prepared her in
    the usual manner for
    interment in the upper
    They sent two men to ask
    Peter, to come and seek the
    LORD in behalf of Dorcas,
    that he might come to
    comfort those that were
    concerned in the great loss of
    so good a woman, and, it
    may be, not without some
    hopes of her recovery by a
    miracle from Peter, desiring
    him, that he would not delay
    to come to them, then Peter
    arose and went with them,
    Doubtless GOD incline him to
    do so, intended to work an
    extra ordinary miracle by him,
    for the manifestation of the
    truth and glory, and when he
    came to Tabitha’s House  
    they brought him up to the 
    upper chamber, where she
    was laid, a deep sorrow was
    expressed for Dorcas, the
    dedicated believer
    And all the widow’s whom
    benefited by her kindness,
    who had been relieve by her
    compassion , these were
    poor widows , to whom
    Dorcas had been very liberal,
    stood by him weeping
    showing and pointing to the
    clothes they were actually
    wearing the clothes, garment
    she had made in her when
    she was with them.
    The source of power to raise
    the dead is JESUS CHRIST,
    Peter put them out of the
    room, that he might pray the
    more earnestly, without
    distraction or interruption;
    there are there incidents in
    the Scripture were the dead
    were raised in similar
    JESUS and Jairus daughter
    MATTHEW 5:40-42
    Elijah and the widow’s son
    1 King 17:17-24 and Elisha
    shut the door to him when he
    prayed for the Shunammite’s son
    2 KING 4:33
    Peter kneel down and pray,
    in which he chose to be
    private alone, and turning to
    the body; the corps of Dorcas,
    after he prayed, and was
    assured that the power of
    CHRIST would be exercised in
    raising of it, said Tabitha
    arise; which was spoken in
    the name of JESUS CHRIST is
    not of the apostle, she
    opened her eyes
    ACTS 10:1-4
    1)There was a certain
    man in Caesarea called
    Cornelius, a Centurion
    of the band called the
    Italian band
    2)A devout man, and
    one that feared GOD
    with all his house, which
    gave much alms to the
    people, and prayed to
    GOD always
    3)He saw in a vision
    evidently about the ninth
    hour of the day an angel
    of GOD coming into him
    and saying unto him
    4)And when he looked
    on him, he was afraid ,
    and said unto him, thy
    prayers and thine alms
    are come up for a
    memorial before GOD
    There was a certain man in
    Caesarea called Cornelius,
    he was a soldier , a military
    officer, a centurion in the
    Roman army, the Italian band
    100 soldiers under his
    command, he was stationed
    in Caesarea, Cornelius had an
    unusual reverence to GOD, he
    was a devout man, one who
    worshipped the true and
    living GOD , a GOD fearing
    man; one who sensed the
    presence of God in the world
    and knew he was responsible
    to GOD to live righteously ,
    justly, and morally towards all
    men, a benevolent and
    charitable man: one who
    gave to the poor, gave
    generously, a praying man: He
    was totally unlike most of the
    Gentile of his days, he was
    not worshipping false gods,
    he had looked at the Jewish
    religion(Judaism) and seen
    that it was head above all
    other religion in its worship of
    one true GOD, its teaching of
    righteousness and justice and
    morality, Cornelius did not
    become a Jewish worshipper,
    he was not circumcised, he
    could learn from them and
    their religion.
    ACTS 20:35
    35) I have showed you
    all things, how that so
    laboring, ye ought to
    support the weak, and
    to remember the words
    of the LORD JESUS,
    how he said, it is more
    blessed to give than to
    I have showed you all things,
    in everything that respect
    preaching, teaching and the
    proper mode of life, and the
    duties of the office by my
    own self-denial and toil, Paul
    labored he is craftsman a
    tentmaker, by working and
    not accepting money from the
    churches, he sought to teach
    by example, how others have
    to act, I have given you an
    example, that you shall do as I
    have done unto you, how that
    so laboring, laboring as I have
    done, that they should labor
    with their hands as he did,
    setting this example, and
    ministering in this way to the
    needs of others, you have to
    support the weak, to provide
    for the need of the sick and
    feeble members of the flock,
    who are unable to labor for
    themselves denote the poor,
    the needy and he infirmed
    And remember, to call to mind
    for encouragement, and with
    the force of command, the
    words of the LORD JESUS
    these words are among those
    not recorded in the scripture
    all His saying and instruction
    JOHN 21:25
    It is more blessed to give, it is
    a higher privilege; it tends to
    be more to the blessing of the
    individual who gives freely, it
    is blessed in reward that shall
    result from it, those who give
    from a pure motive of GOD,
    will bless, they will be
    rewarded, not only in this life,
    but in eternity
    ROMANS 12:13
    ACTS 4:34-35
    ACTS 11:29-30
    ROMANS 15:25-27
    ROMANS 16:1-2
    2 CORINTHIANS 8:1-4
    2 CORINTHIANS 9:1-2
    TITUS 1:8
    HEBREWS 12:13
    13)Distributing to the
    necessity of saints;
    given to hospitality
    Distributing to the necessity
    of saint, the believer is to
    meet the needs of people
    unselfishly, he is to give
    generously, he is to practice
    hospitality, he is to open the
    door of his home to believers
    who are in need all believer
    must use hospitality as a
    means to minister to widow,
    stranger, poor and needy
    given to hospitality, love and
    accommodating strangers
    ROMANS 15:1-2
    1)We then that are
    strong ought to bear the
    infirmities of the weak,
    and not to please
    2)Let every one of us
    please his neighbor for
    his good to edification
    We that are strong, who have
    attained a greater degree of
    knowledge in Spiritual things
    ought to bear the infirmities
    of the weak, accommodate
    ourself with their
    weakness ,the strong bear the
    weakness of the weak, to
    support them to carry them as
    father and mother would carry
    a child, in love and
    tenderness, understanding
    and care, the believer has the
    greatest patten in all the
    world for denying self and
    living for his neighbor, we
    please, help, support, and live
    for the good of our neighbor,
    not to please ourselves , not
    to make it our main aim to
    gratify our will, we should be
    willing to dent ourselves ,if
    by it we promote the
    happiness of others
    CHRIST did not live to please
    Himself, He did not pray
    FATHER remove this cup of
    sacrifice and denial from Me
    no matter what” He prayed
    My FATHER, if it is possible,
    may this cup be taken from
    Me: yet not as I will, but as
    you will, JESUS CHRIST is the
    believer’s patten for pleasing
    others not self
    Each of us should pleas his
    neighbor, let us not please
    ourselves, but let us please
    our neighbor, let us live for
    his good and edification , we
    please, help, support , and live
    for the good of our neighbor,
    so that they may be edified
    and built up in faith
    8)And GOD is able to
    make all grace abound
    towards you: that ye,
    always having all
    sufficiency in all things,
    may abound to every
    good work
    And GOD is able to make all
    grace abound towards you,
    the meaning here is GOD is
    able to make every gift of His
    loving -kindness to abound to
    you that you will not feel the
    loss of a generous
    contribution , do not suppose
    that by giving liberally you will
    be impoverished and reduced
    to want , you should rather
    confine in GOD , who is able
    to furnish you abundantly
    with what is needful for the
    supply of your necessities ,
    Divine blessing rests upon the
    liberal man, and GOD keeps
    Him from want
    The believer is called upon to
    give sacrificially; he is to give
    to meet the desperate need
    of the world, to give all
    beyond what we need for our
    own families, GOD is able to
    make all grace abound and
    overflow towards us, GOD is
    able to pay back what we
    give, the word “Grace” refers
    to the unmerited favor and
    blessing of GOD, both
    Spiritual and material, God
    expects the believer to give
    sacrificially so that the
    believer may abound in every
    good work, that is GOD gives
    the believer more and more
    return, than what the believer gives,
    That you always, if you give
    liberally you are to expect that
    GOD will furnish you with the
    means, so that you will be
    able to abound more and
    more in it, you are to expect
    that GOD will abundantly
    qualify you for doing good in
    every way, and that He will
    furnish you with all that is
    needful for this, the man who
    gives shall have faith in GOD
    he should expect that GOD
    should bless him in it
    GALATIANS 6:10
    10)As we have therefore
    opportunity, let us do
    good unto all men,
    especially unto them
    who are of the
    household of faith
    As we have therefore
    opportunity, ability let us do
    good unto all men, let it be
    our business to harm none,
    but to supply the necessities
    of all men; either with our
    Spiritual advice and counsels,
    with all the assistance we can
    give them, that may in a way
    be of Spiritual benefit or
    advantage to them with our
    worldly goods, as there is
    ability of well doing, and that
    continues; while time life
    lasts, which is the time for
    sowing, or doing good works,
    ministering to their
    necessities it is true rule
    about doing good, withhold
    not good from them to whom
    it is due, when it is in the
    power of thine hand to do it
    PROVERBS 3:27, it is not that
    we are to do it when it is
    convenient; or when it
    advance the interest of a
    party; or when it will
    contribute to our fame; the
    rule is that we are to do it
    when we have the
    opportunity, no matter how
    often that occurs, self-denial
    may cost us much, if we have
    the opportunity to do good,
    we are to do it, and should be
    thankful for the privilege, and
    is to be done to all people,
    not only to our family; not to
    our party; not to our own
    colors; not does who live in
    the same land with us, but to
    all mankind.
    Especially to the believers to
    the Gospel and influencing
    their lives.
    EPHESIANS 4:28
    MATTHEW 6:19-
    LUKE 3:13
    1 TIMOTHY 6:9
    1 TIMOTHY 6:17- 19
    TITUS 2:19
    TITUS 2:10
    1 PETER 4:15
    PROVERBS 11:1
    PROVERBS 20:14
    PROVERBS 21:6
    HOSEA 12:7
    28)Let him that stole
    steal no more; but rather
    let him labor, working
    with his hands the thing
    which is good, that he
    may have to give to him
    that needeth
    Let him that stole steal no
    more; the stealer is no more
    to steal, fraudulent taking
    another man’s goods, without
    the will of the owner like thief,
    lying, pilfering, defrauding
    others, but rather let him
    labor, let him seek the means
    of living in an honest
    manner ,being industrious
    working with his hands things
    which is good, laboring with
    diligence and industry , at
    any manufacturing trade, or
    business, which is honest,
    lawful, and of good
    reputation, we should labor in
    order that we may have the
    means of doing good to others
    that he may have to give to
    him that needs, cheerfully
    distribute it to the poor and
    MATTHEW 5:16
    ROMANS 6:4
    GALATIANS 5:16
    1 TIMOTHY 6:18
    TITUS 2:7
    HEBREWS 10:24
    JAMES 2:17-18
    1 PETER 2:12
    10)That ye might walk
    worthy of the LORD
    unto all pleasing, being
    fruitful in every good
    work, and increasing in
    the knowledge of GOD
    That you might walk worthy of
    the LORD, that you may live
    as becomes the followers of
    the LORD, we are to live in
    the will of GOD, we are to
    practice and do the will of
    GOD, knowing the of is if no
    value until we have committed
    our lives to do it walking by
    faith by in Him,; to walk after
    His Spirit, and according to
    His word so as to please Him
    in all things, being fruitful in
    every good work, we as
    believers must bear fruits in
    every good works: that means
    we must do every good work,
    believers are trees of
    righteousness, the planting of
    the LORD; good work are the
    fruit, which, under the
    influence of Divine grace, they
    bring forth; that you may
    please GOD in every good
    work, an unregenerated man
    cannot please GOD in
    anything; without faith in
    CHRIST it is impossible to
    please Him, by anything man
    can do; CHRIST only could,
    and did always the things that
    pleased His FATHER, good
    works being done in faith, and
    from a principle of love, and
    view to the glory of GOD, are
    acceptable unto Him through
    And increasing in the
    knowledge of GOD, GOD is
    pleased with those who desire
    to know and understand, what
    He is, What He does, what he
    purposes; what He commands
    and according to His Gospel
    JOHN 17:11
    2 TIMOTHY 1:12
    2 TIMOTHY 4:8
    1 PETER1:5
    1 JOHN 5:10
    JUDE 1:24-25
    6)Being confident of this
    very thing, that He which
    hath begun a good work
    in you will preform it
    until the day of JESUS
    Being confident, it means to
    be fully and firmly persuaded
    or convinced of this very
    thing, having thanked GOD
    for what He had done for
    them, he express his firm
    hope of their doggedness for
    the future, that He which hath
    begun a good work in you,
    GOD’S work, he is the
    efficient cause of it,; His
    good will and pleasure, His
    grace and mercy are moving
    cause of it, and not men’s
    works , it is an illumination
    of the understanding a taking
    away the stony heart, and
    giving a heart of flesh, an
    infusion of Spiritual life, a
    formation of CHRIST in the
    Soul, and the implementation
    of grace, is a good effect it
    makes man a good man, and
    fits and qualifies him to
    perform good works, which
    without it he cannot do; it
    make man proper habitation
    for GOD and gives him
    heavenly inheritance , GOD
    will complete the work in
    believers, confidence and
    assurance are striking trait of
    genuine believer, believers
    know GOD , the Spirit of GOD
    actually lives within the heart
    and body of the
    believer ,JOHN 14:15-17
    JOHN 14:26 , the Spirit of
    GOD actually bears witness
    with the Spirit of the believer,
    the believer has absolute
    confidence in the work of
    Salvation, which GOD has
    begun in his life, he has
    confidence through the
    presence of GOD’S Spirit who
    dwells in him, the work begun
    by GOD’S good work, that
    revolutionizes and radically
    changes the life of the
    believer, no matter what kind
    of life the person were living
    the good work is GOD’S, He
    began it and He will perfect it,
    once GOD converts him, the
    new believer begins to live a
    good life; a life of
    righteousness, purity, love,
    joy, faith, humility, and control
    The good work is incomplete
    as long as a believer lives on
    this earth there is always a
    work to do, God is always
    working within the life of the
    believer to mature him more
    and more, GOD is always
    working to make him faithful
    in his service to the LORD
    JESUS, the perfecting will go
    on until the great day of
    JOHN 5:21
    JOHN 6:63
    JOHN 14:26
    JOHN 16:7-8
    ROMANS 12:1-2
    1 CORINTHIANS 2:12
    1 JOHN 2:27
    13)For it is God which
    worketh in you both to
    will and to do of His
    For it is GOD that worketh in
    you, always present in you
    with you , GOD arouse, stirs,
    and energizes the heart of
    the believer to do GOD’S will,
    GOD is working within us
    energizing us, giving us both
    the will and power to do what
    pleases Him, GOD work within
    us, move, stirs and energized ,
    and arouses us, He uses the
    energy and stirrings to direct
    and guide us, GOD is forever
    working within us, never
    leaving us alone, working and
    stirrings us, the grace of
    GOD wrought in the heart,
    which is an internal work, and
    purely the work of GOD; by
    this men become the
    workmanship of GOD, created
    unto good works and
    are new
    creature/ man, and fitted for
    the performance of acts of
    Righteousness, and true
    We desperately need to
    respond and do whatever
    GOD is stirring us to do, to
    Complete our salvation, both
    to will and to do of His good
    pleasure: GOD works in
    converted men the believer’s
    heart lead them to will and to
    do that which is in
    accordance with His will, a
    will to that which is Spiritually
    MATTHEW 5:14
    ROMANS 16:19
    1 THESSALONIANS 5:5-11
    2 TIMOTHY4:18
    HEBREWS 7:26
    15)That ye may be
    blameless and harmless,
    the sons of GOD,
    without rebuke, in the
    midst of crooked and
    perverse nation, among
    whom ye shine as light
    in the world
    That you may be blameless
    and harmless, believers are
    to work at being free from
    faultless above reproach , he
    is to live pure life, he is to be
    clean, no one is to be able to
    point and accuse or blame
    him with anything , he must
    be unpolluted, spotless, holy,
    righteous and pure before
    GOD and man, believers are
    to work at being pure;
    unmixed and unadulterated,
    he is not to polluted by
    watching, reading, and
    listening to wordly and sexual
    attractions, our thoughts and
    lives are to be pure, clean,
    uncontaminated and
    Being the children of GOD,
    Believers are to work at being
    without fault, without blemish,
    spots, or defects, they are to
    walk on earth under the eyes
    and scrutiny of GOD, he must
    know that he lives in a
    crooked and perverse
    generation, this is wicked,
    evil, twisted, and perverted
    world, therefore, the believer
    has a difficult path to walk,
    but walk he must, for he is
    the light of the world, he is to
    shine as a light in the world,
    he is to reflect the purity and
    holiness of GOD.
    17)Comfort your hearts,
    and stablish you in every
    good word and work
    Comfort your heart,
    encouragement the believer to
    live like they should, the
    person who is saved is
    strengthen in every good word
    and work, he is to
    established , secure, make
    stable, set fast, and make
    firm in every good wood and
    work: that is, in every good
    word of GOD, which is a word
    of Salvation or truth of the
    Gospel, which contains good
    tidings of good things, so as
    not to waver about them,, or
    stagger in them, or depart
    from them; but be in practice
    of them every day, so as to
    be steadfast, and immovable,
    and always rich in good word
    and works, established in love
    of GOD, in covenant of grace
    1 TIMOTHY 2:10
    10)But which becometh
    women professing
    godliness with good
    But which becomes women
    professing godliness with
    good works, their adorning is
    to be affected by means of
    good works they professed
    follower of Him who went
    about doing good and the
    performance of good works,
    they profess to have fix their
    attention the affections on
    GOD their Savior, and to
    leaving for heaven, and it is
    not becoming in them to seek
    such ornaments as would
    indicate that the heart is
    supremely attached to wordly
    things, but to dress modestly
    and behave herself in public
    and adore herself,, walks,
    moves of godliness not loose
    living, and false teaching,
    There is great beauty in good
    works, or deeds benevolence,
    eminently be adopted to the
    performance of all deeds
    kindness ,tenderness, and
    gentleness and all that
    proceeds from compassion,
    sympathy, and affection, their
    discharge of every day duties
    is honored with designation of
    good works
    The believing woman is to
    dress herself with good works
    or deeds, their worship of
    GOD, they reverence and fear.
    GOD and are devoted to Him
    they are concern for good
    1 TIMOTHY 6:17-18
    MATTHEW 6:33
    MARK 10:24
    LUKE 12:16-21
    LUKE 12:33
    LUKE 22:26
    JOHN 15:11
    ACTS 20:35
    ROMANS 12:3
    ROMANS 12:13
    GALATIANS 6:10
    PHILIPPIANS 2:3- 4
    HEBREWS 13:15- 16
    JAMES 1:17
    JAMES 4:10
    17)Charge them that are
    rich in this world, that
    they be not high-
    minded, no trust in
    uncertain riches, but in
    the living GOD,, who
    giveth us richly all things
    to enjoy
    18) That they do good,
    that they be rich in good
    works; ready to
    distribute, willing to
    Charge them that are rich in
    this world, the things of the
    world, the rich person is not
    to trust in the uncertainty of
    riches, riches are about the
    most uncertain thing in life,
    the world economy is never
    certain, fluctuating up and
    down every year, even if a
    person keep his wealth in this
    life, disease or accident can happen
    the charge is forceful, that
    they be not high-minded, that
    they do not think better of
    themselves on account of
    their money, or any thing it
    can purchase, they should not
    be prideful and arrogant, they
    should not value themselves
    on account of their wealth,
    they should not suppose that
    they are any better people or
    nearer to heaven because
    they are wealthy, the world
    honor money, riches really
    makes no distinction in the
    great things that pertain to
    character and salvation, or
    great, or good ,their riches do
    not lift them up into a high
    opinion of themselves, which
    worldly riches often do, riches
    produce pride rich men are
    always proud of themselves
    and despite others,
    Riches are uncertain because
    they may soon be taken away,
    the world economy is never
    certain , fluctuating up and
    down ,is uncertain to day they
    are here and tomorrow gone,
    no dependance can be place
    on them in the emergencies
    of life, he who is rich today,
    has no security that he will be
    tomorrow, a man whose hose
    is in flames, or who is
    shipwrecked, by thieves
    But the rich persons, let them
    repose their trust in GOD, set
    their heart and life upon GOD,
    He is the living and the only
    one that possesses every
    good thing and perfect gift,
    he alone can give us the
    perfect gifts necessary for
    this and next life, who gives
    us richly all things to enjoy,
    GOD, has life in Himself and
    originally; is the author , giver
    and sustainer of life in others,
    and who always is, ever
    continues unchangeably the
    same; created all things and
    gives all things richly largely,
    plenteously; what is
    necessary convenient, and
    abundantly more than men
    Command, instruct them to
    do good, to be rich in good
    works, or deeds, the deeds of
    the rich man is to distribute
    his wealth and be generous in
    it, as Dorcas is said to be full
    of good works and alms
    deeds that their good works
    may be as abundant as their
    riches, to be generous, give
    freely without grudging,
    willing to share with others
    free giver; the heart not
    cleaving to possessions, but
    ready to impart to others,,
    GOD expect the rich man to
    do good and be rich in good
    works, he is to be sacrificial
    in meeting the needs of the
    lost and poor and dying of the
    2 TIMOTHY 3:17
    MATTHEW 28:19- 20
    JOHN 5:39
    ACTS 17:11-12
    ROMANS 15:1-4
    17)That the man of GOD
    may be perfect,
    thoroughly furnished
    unto all good works
    That the man of GOD may be
    perfect, meant everyone that
    in a special relation belongs
    to GOD; who is chosen by
    GOD the FATHER, redeemed
    by the Son, and called by the
    Spirit, thoroughly furnished
    unto good work, man is made
    for GOD and He is to live by
    the word of GOD, and be
    prepared to every work which
    is good, acceptable and well-
    pleasing unto GOD, whether is
    the work of compassion,
    faithfulness and of justice the
    study of the scripture trains a
    man in righteousness until he
    is equipped for every good
    work, man must study, not
    simply and solely to save his
    own soul, but that he may
    make himself such that GOD
    will use him to help to save
    the souls and comfort the
    lives of others, we as
    believers must study more
    and more, we must allow the
    word of GOD to stir us more
    and more so that we will
    reach out to save souls and
    minister to more and more.
    MATTHEW 5:13
    MATTHEW 5:16
    1 TIMOTHY 4:12
    HEBREWS 10:24
    1 PETER 2:12
    7) In all things showing
    thyself a pattern of good
    works; in doctrine
    showing uncorruptness,
    gravity, sincerity
    In all things showing thyself a
    patten of good works, the
    believer must deliver sound
    doctrine, and to exhort
    persons of different ages and
    sexes to the things which
    become it, if a person is truly
    living for CHRIST, he will
    preach and teach; he will
    share CHRIST they are to
    have pure motives and
    preach pure doctrine, they
    must deviate from preaching
    the pure doctrine of GOD’S
    word ,but he should through
    the whole of his conversation
    be a pattern of every good
    work unto them, not merely
    teaching others, but showing
    them by example how they
    ought to live, in doctrine, in
    your way of teaching, showing
    uncorruptness, that which is
    not with error, which does not
    tend to corrupt the moral of
    others, or to endanger their
    Salvation, all the teaching was
    to make man better and
    purer, preaching but sound
    doctrine; and doing it with
    authority, gravity and sincerity.
    TITUS 2:14
    14)Who gave himself for
    us that He might redeem
    us from all iniquity, and
    purity unto himself a
    peculiar people, zealous
    of good works
    Who gave himself for us,
    which great GOD and Savior
    JESUS CHRIST was not only
    sent by the FATHER , but
    freely gave up Himself to die
    for us by delivered up Himself
    on our behalf, He die for our
    sake, in our place, as our
    substitute the reason of
    giving Himself was to save
    His people and deliver us
    from bondage of sin, that He
    might redeem us, though His
    precious blood from all
    iniquity the essence of sin,
    namely transgression and
    condemnation of the Law,
    CHRIST was made sin, and a
    curse for His people, that He
    might redeemed and deliver
    them from the punishment of
    sin, in the bondage to which
    we were till then, by the
    payment of a ransom price,
    and purify them and make
    them Holy unto Himself, that
    is, they are no longer to be
    regarded as their own, but
    redeemed for His service, and
    for the promotion of His glory
    And purify unto Himself a
    peculiar people, Zealous of
    good works; all mankind are
    filthy and unclean by nature,
    in all the powers and abilities
    of their souls nor can they
    cleanse themselves from
    iniquity of the flesh and Spirit
    by anything they can do;
    CHRIST has a Peculiar people
    the believers whom He love,
    and for whom He gave
    Himself, that He might
    sanctify and cleans them,
    from sins which He has done
    by shedding His blood for
    them, and washing them in it,
    which cleanses from all sin,
    and he has purified them unto
    Himself, for His own service,
    for His pleasure and delight
    and His glory,
    CHRIST died so that He might
    have a people who are His
    own, a very special people as
    His own, He died to stir good
    works, when a person give his
    life to CHRIST, to do all he
    can to serve CHRIST, the
    believer works and work,
    doing all the good he can in
    order to reach everyone he
    can with the glorious message
    of salvation.
    TITUS 3:8
    MATTHEWS 5:16
    EPHESIANS 2:10
    1 TIMOTHY 6:18
    HEBREWS 10:24
    JAMES 2:17-18
    1 PETER 2:12
    8)This is a faithful
    saying, and these things
    I will that thou affirm
    constantly, that they
    which have believed in
    GOD might be careful to
    maintain good works,
    these things are good
    and profitable unto men
    This is faithful saying meaning
    the whole of what is before
    expressed, concerning the
    state and condition of the
    elects of GOD; the
    appearance of love, kindness,
    mercy and compassion of
    GOD to them in the effectual
    calling; in which such an
    abundance of grace is
    communicated, these things I
    will that they which have
    believed in GOD might be
    careful to maintain good
    works, believers must do
    good works and keep on
    doing them, to be forward
    and eager and diligent in
    doing good works, make them
    the constant subject of your
    teaching and preaching, that
    they who believed in GOD
    might be careful to maintain
    good works, the good works,
    here refer not merely to acts
    of benevolence and giving to
    show compassion to the poor
    and needy, but to all that is
    upright and good to an honest
    and righteous life.
    Which means, to keep on
    doing good works, to sustain
    good works, to persevere in
    doing good works, to carry on
    doing good work, good works
    must be sustained against all
    odds regardless of
    circumstances and
    difficulties, it means to
    persevere good work even in
    opposition or danger, the
    necessity of doing good work
    is brought is also brought out
    by the word “careful, the
    word means: to think upon
    good works, to consider good
    works, to give careful
    attention to good works, to
    focus upon good works.
    The idea is that the very
    thoughts of a person’s mind
    are to be centered and
    focused upon doing good
    works, good works are to be
    the very concentration and
    primary purpose of a
    believer’s life , believers are
    to be earnestly ,constantly
    and steadfastly insist and
    press for good works, good
    work is good and profitable
    for men, good work alone will
    build the kind of society and
    world which human heart
    longs a world of love, joy
    compassion, kindness mercy,
    peace and faith, we are not
    saved by the works of
    righteousness; we are saved
    by the mercy and grace of
    GOD through faith in JESUS
    CHRIST, but we are saved to
    do good works, to do what is
    good, good works are the
    purpose for which GOD saved
    us, the very proof that we are
    saved is that we must
    maintain good works.
    TITUS 3:14
    14)And let our’s also
    learn to maintain good
    works for necessary
    uses, that they be not
    And let our friends that those
    who are believers also learn
    to maintain good works of all
    kinds, lean to apply
    themselves to good deeds, to
    honest labor and honorable
    employment, so that they may
    be able to meet necessary
    demands whenever the
    occasion may be require and
    not to be living idle and
    uncultivated and unfruitful,
    constantly practice good and
    benevolent works, they must
    be doing good and keep away
    from evil, they should be
    distinguished for good works,
    including compassionate
    deeds, acts of given to the
    poor and needy, honest labor
    and an upright life, believers
    are to work and labor in order
    to make money and then have
    to give to those in need,
    ACTS 20:35 ministering to
    help the needy of the world
    That they be not fruitful, that
    it may be seen that their
    religion is not barren and
    worthless, but all good works
    in general, which are done in
    conformity to the revealed will
    of GOD, in faith, from
    principle of love, and with a
    view to the glory of GOD, are
    meant to maintain them, and
    to set examples of them to
    others and the Constant
    performance of them, which
    contain the perfect will of
    GOD; these show what are
    good works, to adorn the
    doctrine of CHRIST, to stop
    the mouths of gainsayers, and
    put to silence the ignorance
    of the foolish man; and that
    they be not unfruitful in them,
    and in the knowledge of
    CHRIST; good works are the
    fruit of the Spirit, and of His
    grace; they are fruits of
    righteousness ; and such that
    without them are like trees
    without fruit , useless and
    unprofitable, that good works
    produces a happy effect on
    themselves and on society ,
    HEBREWS 10:24
    MATTHEW 5:16
    JOHN 13:34-35
    JOHN 15:12
    ROMANS 12:9
    ROMANS 13:9-10
    1 TIMOTHY 6:18
    TITUS 2:7
    JAMES 2:17-18
    1 PETER 1:22
    1 PETER 2:12
    24)And let us consider
    one another to provoke
    unto love and to good
    And let us consider one
    another, let bus regards the
    welfare of others, the
    believers duty is ton stir up
    one another to love and do
    good deeds, they should
    consider one another, it
    means to give attention, to fix
    attention upon, to give
    continuous care; to watch
    over, that we are considerate
    to one another,, that we show
    concern for one another, that
    we meet one another’s needs,
    that we strengthen one
    another’s weakness, that we
    help one another through
    every trails and temptation
    under suffering or sorrowful
    circumstance, under affliction,
    desertions, declensions, and
    as attended infirmities and
    sins, which is to provoke
    unto love, to brotherly love, to
    stir it up, and arouse, to
    excite, to call to action the
    manifestation of love, that so
    it may be rekindled, and give
    a most vehement flame; the
    bond of perfection, the
    evidence of regeneration, that
    which makes to good work
    It means that we love in act
    and in word that we, Feed the
    poor, visit the sick, look after
    the orphans and widows, we
    give attention to one another
    to stir the new life, living faith
    JESUS CHRIST has wrought
    for us, it is faith that stir up
    action, that stir us to live in
    love and good deeds for the
    sake of the dying world.
    HEBREWS 13:21
    21)Make you perfect in
    every good work to do
    His will, working in you
    that which is well-
    pleasing in His sight,
    through JESUS CHRIST;
    to whom be glory for
    ever and ever Amen
    Make you perfect , in every
    good work to do His will, a
    good work is what is done in
    obedience to the command of
    GOD, and in faith, and from
    the principle of love, in the
    name and strength of JESUS
    CHRIST, GOD equips us with
    everything good for doing His
    will, we can try and try to
    work up the energy to do
    GOD’S will, but we will only
    fail , we may show initiative
    and a lot of activities, but our
    own human efforts and works
    will only fail no matter what
    we do, will eventually ease
    and pass away,
    GOD has a will for every one
    of us, the will of GOD is not
    equipped in us by our own
    GOD can only be equipped in
    us by GOD Himself, GOD
    Himself work in us, stirring
    and energizing us to do what
    is well-pleasing in His sight,
    works and efforts, the will of
    which is to make fully ready;
    to put in full order; to make
    complete, fit you for, may he
    finish and perfect in you,
    would fully endow them with
    whatever grace was
    necessary to do His will and
    to keep His words
    Working in you by His spirit
    continually, that all these
    good works , would be
    pleasing in His sight, through
    JESUS CHRIST, every such
    work should be diligently
    attended to; such as concern GOD,
    Believer need to be
    strengthened with Spiritual
    strength, to preform good
    works; for they are weak and
    feeble, and unable of
    themselves to do anything
    Spiritually good; without
    JESUS CHRIST they can do
    nothing, but through Him,
    they can do all things
    according to the will of GOD,
    we can do GOD’S will only if
    He works within us and
    energized us to do it, what
    determines the energy and
    power of GOD in our lives, is
    our walk and fellowship with
    GOD, in His word and prayer,
    trusting and depending upon
    Him, then He will stir and
    energized us and give us His
    knowledge, wisdom, ideas and
    vision of what He want done
    To whom be the glory for ever
    and ever; to this GOD the
    FATHER, in the Son, and by
    the Spirit, working all this
    good in them and for them,
    be really, truly, heartily, and
    perpetually throughout all
    ages, ascribed the honor and
    glory due to Him for the
    glorious manifestation of His
    perfections in them
    1 PETER 2:12
    12)Having your
    conversation honest
    among the Gentiles; that
    whereas they speak
    against you as evil
    doers, they may by your
    good work, which they
    shall behold glorify GOD
    in the day of visitation
    Having your conversation
    honest among the gentiles,
    by whom you are surrounded,
    and will certainly observe your
    conduct, they you may walk
    honestly, abstain from evil,
    sinful desire because
    unbelievers are watching you,
    the world watches everything
    a genuine believer does, if a
    person really follow CHRIST if
    he is genuine , then the world
    watches, we must live good
    lives before the world, always
    abstaining from evil desires, a
    good life is the life that is
    honorable , righteous, pure,
    lovely, decent, excellent,
    upright and noble, it means a
    life without blame, the world
    watches a genuine believer to
    see if he really lives what he
    professed , therefore he must
    live a good lives, lives that are
    just what we professed
    righteous, pure, we must
    therefore live for CHRIST and
    do good works, when
    unbelievers see our righteous
    live and good deed, they will
    experience the day of GOD’S
    visitation and glorify GOD,
    the day a man is visited
    means, the day a man is
    visited by GOD to bring the
    man to repentance and
    salvation, the day GOD will
    visit the earth for final
    1 PETER 2:15
    15)For so is the will of
    GOD, that with well
    doing ye may put to
    silence the ignorance of
    foolish men
    For so is the will of GOD, that
    with well doing, in accordance
    with the Divine will of GOD
    that in this way you should
    put them to silence, the
    believer’s good behavior is to
    silence the critics of CHRIST,
    that with well doing, by doing
    good works, that they had to
    sacrifice themselves to meet
    the desperate needs of the
    dying world, and by living
    soberly, righteously , and
    godly; by having conversion
    honest among Gentiles by a
    life of uprightness and
    You may put to silence the
    ignorance of foolish men, that
    you may stop the mouths of
    those foolish men who know
    not GOD, who are ignorant of
    GOD, of His righteousness,
    His Gospel ,true wisdom
    consisting in the true
    knowledge of GOD, they that
    are ignorant of the knowledge
    of GOD, are called foolish
    1 PETER 4:11
    MATTHEW 10:42
    MATTHEW 28:20
    JOHN 15:8
    ROMANS 15:6
    GALATIANS 6:10
    2 TIMOTHY 4:2
    TITUS 1:9
    TITUS 2:11-15
    HEBREWS 13:15- 16
    JAMES 1:27
    1 PETER 2:9
    11)If any man speak, let
    him speak as the oracles
    of GOD; if any man
    minister, let him do it as
    of the ability which GOD
    giveth: that GOD in all
    things may be glorified
    through JESUS CHRIST,
    to whom be praised and
    dominion for ever and
    ever Amen
    If any man speak, let him
    speak as the oracles of GOD,
    in accordance with the truth
    which GOD has revealed, and
    with an impressive sense of
    the responsibility of delivered
    and uttered the from GOD, a
    Divine communication a
    revelation, so called, because
    they come from GOD, are
    breathed and spoken by Him,
    and contain His will and are
    authoritative and infallible.
    Believers are to serve by
    speaking the word of GOD,
    we are to speak for the word
    of GOD by teaching,
    preaching, we are to let GOD
    speak through us, we are to
    depend upon GOD to do the
    speaking, and totally depend
    upon Him,
    We are to serve with strength
    of GOD by extending the hand
    of generosity, mercy and
    giving to the ravaged poor
    and needy, let him do it in
    proportion of his ability,, as
    GOD has prospered him in the
    world, believer who do it will
    do it with strength and ability
    of GOD and from Him alone.
    Believers are to serve so that
    GOD may be glorified in all
    things through JESUS
    CHRIST, this is the sole aim
    of the believer, he does not
    preach or teach to draw
    attention and gain a name for
    himself, he proclaims GOD’S
    word in order to glorify GOD
    through JESUS CHRIST, he
    does not preach to get
    recognition, honor, or praise,
    he preach and teach to stir
    praise and thanksgiving to
    GOD in the name of JESUS
    alone deserved the praise
    and worship through the
    universe, no man deserves it,
    GOD alone is sovereign

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