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    (JOHN 3:18)









    JOHN 3:18
    MATTHEW 10:33
    MARK 16:16
    JOHN 3:18
    JOHN 3:36
    JOHN 5:24
    JOHN 6:40
    JOHN 6:47
    JOHN 20:31
    ROMANS 5:1
    ROMANS 8:1
    ROMANS 8:34
    HEBREWS 2:3
    HEBREWS 10:29
    HEBREWS 12:25
    1 JOHN 5:10
    18)He that believeth on
    Him is not condemned;
    but he that believeth not 
    s condemned already
    because he hath not
    believed in the name of
    the only begotten Son of
    GOD sent His Son into
    the world to save the
    world, but this does not 
    mean that everyone is
    automatically saved , the
    unbelievers are
    condemned and doomed,
    JESUS revealed mans
    condemnation, that is the
    unbeliever is already
    condemned but the
    believer is not
    condemned, the person
    who believes in CHRIST,
    whoever believes and has
    decided to trust in
    CHRIST as personal
    savior and LORD is not
    Judged whether Jew or
    Gentile for this one there
    is no judgment, no
    rejection, no
    condemnation, GOD
    pardons his sins, and
    deliver him from
    punishment and
    judgment, but the one
    who does not believe and
    has decided to reject
    CHRIST as his personal
    Savior and LORD, is
    judged already, that one
    has been convicted and
    sentenced, because he
    has not believed and
    trusted in the name of the 
    one and only begotten
    Son of GOD the one who
    is truly unique, the only
    one of His kind, the one
    who alone can save him.
    When is the unbeliever
    condemned? Already
    right now, he is already
    condemned, as it is sure
    fact, the unbeliever
    judgment is sure, nothing
    can change or stop the
    judgment from coming
    upon the unbeliever,
    ignoring , denying, he is
    under the present curse
    of sin, he is separated
    from CHRIST, excluded
    from the citizens of
    GOD’S people, he is
    without GOD in the world,
    the unbeliever stands
    guilty of all the sin
    committed , he is already
    condemned, the judgment
    already exists and
    pronounced , he must pay
    penalty for every
    transgression of GOD;S
    law, he is already under a
    curse He that hath not
    believed on the name of 
    the only begotten Son of
    GOD, such unbelief
    reveals insensibility of the
    truth, the sin of his life
    had blinded his eyes,
    closed his ears, hardened
    his heart, and the
    consequence was that the
    name of JESUS, the only
    begotten Son was made
    known to him, it exercised
    no commanding influence
    upon him, no convincing
    power, no saving grace,
    to refuse JESUS
    CHRIST, to manifest
    unbelief, he is already
    judged and condemned
    JOHN 1:12
    12)But as many as
    received Him, to them
    gave He power to
    become the Sons of
    GOD, even to them that
    believe on His name
    To become a child of
    GOD, one must receive
    CHRIST, but to as many
    as did receive and
    welcome Him, faith is
    receiving him as the word,
    and Son of GOD, as the
    Messiah, Savior, and
    Redeemer, receiving
    grace out of His fulness,
    as justifying
    righteousness, pardon of
    sin, He gave the right,
    the authority, the privilege
    to become Children of 
    GOD, by adoption; for
    believers are already the
    Sons of GOD
    GALATIANS 3:26
    that is, to those who
    believe in, adhere to, trust
    in, and rely and believes
    on His name , this refers
    to the legitimate
    entitlement to the
    position of children of
    GOD, by believing,
    undeserving sinners can
    become full member of
    GOD’S family, through
    faith, the source of
    becoming a child of GOD
    is a new birth, the new
    birth is not of man, it is
    not of natural decent , of
    human decision sexual
    desire , it is not a
    husband will, the new
    birth is of GOD, a
    believer must continue
    after the initial act of
    accepting CHRIST
    MATTHEW 10:22, people
    have the right to become
    the adopted Children of
    GOD only if they are
    believing in the name of
    JESUS CHRIST, when 
    they receive Him, they are
    born again and become
    the children of GOD, not
    all children are children of
    GOD, all who welcome
    of their lives are reborn
    spiritually, receiving new
    life from GOD, through
    faith in CHRIST, this new
    birth changes us from the
    inside, rearranging our
    attitude, desires, and
    JOHN 3:14-15
    14)And as Moses lifted up
    the serpent in the
    wilderness ,even so must
    the Son of Man be lifted
    15)That whosoever
    believeth in Him should
    not perish, but have
    eternal life
    And as Moses lifted up
    the serpent in the
    wilderness, which is
    referred to in NUMBERS
    21:4-9 the children of
    Israel had began to
    murmur and grumble
    about the trials of the
    wilderness, wishing they
    had never left Egypt,
    GOD disciplined them by
    sending snakes to plague
    them, the people being
    stung with fiery serpents,
    there was no cure of the
    bite, as a righteous
    judgment of GOD for their
    sins,, as a merciful
    remedy GOD 
    Commanded Moses to
    make thee a fiery
    serpents and put it upon a
    pole; and it shall come to
    pass, that every one that
    is bitten, when he looks
    upon it, shall live, this
    discipline worked; the
    people repented and
    begged for mercy, GOD
    met the people’s needs,
    this brazen serpent in the
    wilderness was a lively
    type of JESUS CHRIST,
    our savior having before
    spoken of the new birth
    as necessary to those
    who shall be saved,
    Jesus said that He must
    be lifted up just as the
    snake was lifted up, the
    people of Israel had great
    needs for they were dying
    from poison of snake,
    Men today are dying from
    the poison of the snakes
    the deadly poison of sin,
    the snake is a symbol of
    the evil one, Satan
    GENESIS :3:1,
    REVELATION 12:9, 20:2
    destroyed the works of 
    the devil by being lifted
    up, JESUS said
    JOHN 8:28 when you
    have lifted the Son of
    man, then shall ye know
    that I am He, therefore
    the snake hanging
    symbolizes the defeat of
    Satan, by looking upon
    the defeated evil snake,
    Israel is healed , to day
    man is healed by looking
    upon the son of Man who
    has been lifted up upon
    the cross
    The man who believes in
    the son of Man’s being
    lifted up, will not perish,
    by the poison of sin , he
    will not go down to the
    pains of Hell; of being
    punished by everlasting
    destruction, from the
    presence of GOD but will
    have eternal life, by
    regeneration and faith
    JOHN 3:36
    36)He that believeth on
    the Son hath everlasting
    life: and he that believeth
    not the Son shall not see
    life; but the wrath of GOD
    abideth on him
    He that believes on the
    eternal life, he already
    has it, GOD will receive 
    and honor anyone who
    receives His Son, it does
    not matter who the person
    is or what the person has
    done, if the person
    believes in GOD’S only
    Son, GOD given eternal
    life to him, believers are
    already in possession of
    eternal life, believer often
    think of eternal life as
    something yet to be won,
    but eternal life has
    already been given to
    them; and they must
    struggle to retain it
    JOHN 17:3
    He that, hearing the
    proposition of the Gospel,
    agree to it, and with his
    heart, he receive JESUS
    as His personal savior,
    and trust and hope in Him
    has everlasting life, being
    actually delivered from
    condemnation, he has a
    right unto it through the
    justifying righteousness of
    CHRIST, and by His
    grace, knowledge of Him
    and communion with Him.
    And he that believes not
    the Son, that does not 
    believe CHRIST to be the
    Son of GOD, or JESUS
    to be the Messiah, reject
    Him as the savior, do not
    obey and believe,
    The wrath of GOD, has
    already been called down
    upon him by his
    disobedience , which
    leads to condemnation,
    and eternal death , the
    curse is pronounce on
    him temper, indignation
    abides on Him ,the anger
    against sin , against
    punishment of evil and
    wickedness against
    unbelief, men who do not
    believe in the Son of
    GOD, they allow their
    hearts to become
    hardened, stubborn , and
    unrepentant , GOD’S
    wrath is real and active in
    this life , remains on
    men now ,His wrath
    manifests upon all
    ungodliness and
    unrighteousness , GOD’S
    wrath is future and it is to
    be actively executed in
    the next life, GOD will 
    punish sin by giving men
    up to eternal fire
    MATTHEW 25:41-46, to
    hell MATTHEW 5:22, to
    darkness, weeping and
    gnashing of teeth
    MATTHEW 8:12 and to
    the lake of fire
    REVELATION 20:15
    JOHN 6:27
    27)Labor not for the meat
    which perisheth, but for
    that meat which endureth
    unto everlasting life,
    which the Son of man
    shall give unto you; for
    Him hath GOD the
    FATHER sealed
    Do not work, strive not to
    obtain , for food that
    spoils, that is perishable,
    which soon loses its
    effect, which is corruptible
    and worthless, man
    cannot live by bread
    alone, which is perishing,
    man’s great hunger is to
    work for the food that
    endures, that gives and
    lasts for enteral life and
    salvation, the basic
    hunger within man is for
    an abundant life, a life
    that is complete and
    fulfilled, the impression
    is that one must work for
    eternal life, which is the
    food that endures to
    eternal life, and
    particularly the blessing
    of grace, such as
    sanctification, adoption, 
    pardon, and justification a
    life that survives and goes
    on forever and ever ,
    springing up onto
    everlasting life, JOHN
    4:14 JESUS said that the
    Son of Man is the One
    who can give food that
    last forever , the One who
    can give life that is both
    abundant and eternal,
    which the Son of Man will
    give you, and are freely
    given by Him, is a free
    grace gift of His, JESUS
    said that the Son of man
    is sealed, that is,
    guaranteed by GOD, on
    Him GOD the FATHER
    has placed His seal of
    approval, GOD
    guarantees that JESUS
    CHRIST is the Messiah,
    that CHRIST the
    Redeemer, is the one
    who can give food that is
    abundant and last forever
    JOHN 5:24
    24) Verily, verily, I say
    unto you, He that heareth
    My word and believeth on
    Him that sent Me, hath
    everlasting life, and shall
    not come into 
    condemnation; but is
    passed from death unto
    I assure you and most
    solemnly say to you, the
    person who hears My
    word, My doctrine,, My
    teaching, the Gospel and
    all that JESUS taught 
    about Himself, as well as
    about the FATHER , that
    the one who heeds My
    message and believes
    and trusts in Him who
    sent Me, Has now
    possesses eternal life,
    such person is already
    entitled to eternal life, has
    already begun in his soul,
    JESUS describes those
    who have eternal life and
    will not be condemned ,
    that is who whoever
    hearing and believing is
    an action that must be
    continuous in CHRIST’S
    word, doing exactly what
    He says, they are saved
    by hearing JESUS word,
    the idea is commitment
    and obedience to it, in
    order to be saved men
    must hear and follow
    They are saved by
    believing GOD, that is, by
    believing that GOD has
    sent His son JESUS
    CHRIST to save them will
    have eternal life , Eternal
    life begins as believers
    were transformed and 
    does not come into
    judgment and
    condemnation, but has
    passed over from death
    into life, living forever with
    The result of being saved
    eternally, a man passes
    from the state of death
    into the state of life, from
    the state of condemnation
    into state of justification,
    when a man is truly
    saved, he is never
    condemned to die; he is
    declared righteous and
    given eternal life, has
    crossed over from death
    to life
    JOHN 6:40
    JOHN 3:16
    JOHN 5:24-25
    JOHN 11:25
    ACTS 24:15
    1 CORINTHIANS 15:52-57
    2 CORINTHIANS 4:14
    1 THESELONIAN 4:16
    HEBREWS 2:14- 15
    40)And this is the will of
    Him that sent Me, that
    everyone which seeth
    the Son, and believeth
    on Him, may have
    everlasting life; and will I
    raise him up at the last
    Every one which sees
    the Son, and believes
    on Him, it was not
    sufficient to see Him
    and hear Him, but it was
    necessary , also, to
    believe on Him, entrust
    himself, in a full
    surrender to the SON of
    GOD, the Messiah and
    Savior of the world, to
    trust in Him for
    righteousness, life and
    pardon ,Salvation, GOD
    wills that a person who
    looks to JESUS and
    believes , should have
    eternal life, a person
    must look to, behold,
    grasp and believe,
    JESUS said very
    emphatically, I will raise
    him up at the last day
    JESUS is the only one
    that will raise the dead
    He will take the person
    who looks to and
    believes and raise him
    up, the believer is
    assured of victory over
    death, he is assured of
    the resurrection and is
    assured of eternal life
    JOHN 6:47
    47)Verily, verily, I say
    unto you, he that
    believeth on Me hath
    everlasting life
    Verily, verily, I say unto
    you, I assure you and
    most solemnly say to
    you, this is a certain
    truth, and to depend on
    Him, He that believes on
    Me as Savior, whoever
    adheres to, trusts in,
    relies on, and has faith
    in Me already has
    eternal life, that is, now
    possesses it , a man
    must believe that
    CHRIST came out of
    heaven, that He came to
    deliver man from death
    JOHN 8:24
    24) I said therefore unto
    you, that ye shall die in
    your sins for if ye
    believe not that I Am he,
    ye shall die in your sins
    I said therefore unto
    you, because they were
    from beneath, and of
    the world, carnal and5
    devilish disposition in
    their conduct towards
    Him, which He said in
    JOHN8:21 to they and
    discovered that is why I
    told you that you will
    die unforgiven and
    condemned in your sins,
    people will die in their
    sin, it is a reference of
    the unregenerated ,
    worldly , low,-born
    condition of their
    unbelieve in CHRIST, if
    they reject JESUS
    CHRIST because they
    have rejected the only
    way to be rescued from
    sin, because they have
    taken the value of this
    world ,that they are blind
    to the priceless gift
    CHRIST offers For if you
    believe I am HE: the
    everlasting and
    unchangeable, the
    Messiah, the only true
    GOD , the eternal Son
    of GOD, GOD manifest
    in flesh really made
    flesh, the only savior, of
    sinners: the one and
    only Mediator between
    GOD and Man ,those
    that live in unbelief are
    forever gone if they die
    in unbelief they will die
    condemned ,that I am
    the one who I claim to
    be that is Messiah and
    Mediator GOD- man,
    you will die in your sin,
    being defiled with them ,
    guilty before GOD and
    remain with their sin
    until death and they die
    in them, and liable to
    eternal condemnation,
    JOHN 8:51
    51)Verily, Verily, I say
    unto you, if a man keep
    my saying, he shall
    never see death
    If a man believe on Me
    and keep abiding in My
    saying or doctrine’
    receive the Gospel in
    love of it, obeys it from
    his heart, and cordially
    embrace and firmly
    believes it: and retains
    and hold it fast, having a
    spiritual experience ,
    obedience to His
    commandment in faith
    and love , ,he will never
    see death, eternal death,
    which is the everlasting
    separation of man from
    GOD; This death shall
    not have power over him
    This is one of the
    greatest promise by
    CHRIST to believers, I
    tell you the truth, if
    anyone keeps My word,
    he will never see death,
    never experience or see
    death , never know or
    partake of death, never
    face the condemnation
    of death, never
    experience the terror,
    the hurt, the pain and
    suffering of death; 
    experience the anguish
    of being separated from
    GOD and from the glory,
    beauty, perfection and
    eternal life in heaven, he
    never ceases to
    experience life and
    never loses
    consciousness , one
    moment he is in this
    world, the next he is in
    the presence of GOD
    Himself, no taste of
    death because JESUS
    CHRIST came by the
    grace of GOD to die and
    destroy the power of
    death , a person must
    keep the world of
    CHRIST to escape
    death, if a man is
    persistent in obeying
    CHRIST he will never
    see death,
    JOHN 10:9
    JOHN 3:16-17
    JOHN 10:14
    JOHN 10:27-28
    JOHN 14:26
    JOHN 16:33
    JOHN 17:11
    ACTS 4:12
    ACTS 15:11
    ROMANS 5:9
    1 TIMOTHY 2:3-6
    2 TIMOTHY 1:12
    2 TIMOTHY 4:18
    HEBREWS 5:9
    1 PETER 1:5
    9)I am the door; by Me if
    any man enters in, he
    shall be saved, and shall
    go in and out, and find
    I am the door, JESUS is
    the only gate that leads
    to Salvation, I therefore
    repeat it again as most
    important truth, that I
    MY self Am the only
    right door of Salvation
    and into the kingdom of
    heaven, if any one, as a
    sheep, (believer)By Me,
    through faith; he shall be
    saved from sin, the
    dominion of it, the guilt
    and condemning power
    of it, shall be , In safe
    stage, being in CHRIST,
    and in His hands out of
    which none can pluck
    them and he will live
    JESUS is the only gate
    that opens to peace and
    security He is the only
    gate that allows the
    sheep to come in and to
    go out, and find pasture
    without difficulty or
    danger, it meant he was
    safe and secure , JESUS
    gave to the believer
    spiritual security, green
    and good pasture;
    pasture for the souls;
    the words of faith, and
    good doctrine; and the
    words of JESUS
    The believer who enters
    into fellowship with
    GOD, and is saved, does
    not go in and out of that
    state refers primarily to
    deliverance from danger,
    protection, from
    ravenous wolves and
    from false teacher and
    JESUS is the only gate
    that opens to healthy
    and lasting nourishment,
    He is the only gate that
    leads to the true
    pasture, the pasture that
    has the living stream
    flowing through it and
    the pasture that has the
    living ,His pasture alone
    can satisfy and restore
    JOHN 11:25-26
    LUKE 9:30-31
    LUKE 23:43
    JOHN 1:4
    JOHN 4:25-26
    JOHN 5:24
    JOHN 5:26
    JOHN 8:29
    JOHN 8:51
    JOHN 10:10
    JOHN 12:26
    JOHN 14:6
    JOHN 17:24
    ROMANS 5:21
    2 CORINTHIANS 5:8 
    2 TIMOTHY 1:10
    1 JOHN 5:12
    25)JESUS said unto her,
    I am the resurrection,
    and the life; he that
    believeth in Me, though
    He were dead, yet shall
    he live
    26)And whosoever liveth
    and believeth in Me shall
    never die believest thou
    JESUS great claim He
    said to her, I am the
    resurrection and life,
    signifying that He is the
    very being and essence,
    the very power and
    energy, of life, therefore
    He gives and sustains
    life as He will, He
    resurrects and restores
    life as He will, He was
    able of Himself to raise
    men from death of life,
    without asking it of His
    FATHER, and He could
    do it now as the source
    of life, natural, Spiritual,
    and eternal, I am theV
    author or the cause of
    the resurrection, it
    depends on My power
    and will, that it may be
    said that I Am the
    resurrection itself, and
    of the living, both in the
    present world and the
    world to come, Martha
    believes that the
    resurrection will take
    place at the last day, but
    JESUS CHRIST tells her
    He had now the power,
    that He is the
    resurrection, a return to
    life and the source of
    life, that He CHRIST is
    the author of life,
    resurrection came from
    Him, and the whole
    power to effect it was
    His, if a man dies and
    wishes to live it is only
    JESUS that can give
    him life, and keep him
    from dying
    who so ever believes in,
    adheres to, trusts in,
    relies on Me as savior
    will live even if he dies
    He lives in the other
    world in heaven, in the
    Spiritual dimension of
    being , in the very
    presence of GOD
    though he were dead,
    but although the
    believer, as others will
    die, , yet he will
    hereafter have life, even
    if he dies, he shall
    thereafter live, shall be
    restore to life in the
    And everyone who lives ,
    the believer who has
    passed from this world
    is not in some place ,
    either in a semi-
    conscious state, nor a
    deep sleep, locked up in
    a compartment
    someplace, or in space
    moving about and
    floating around the
    cloud, the believer is
    fully alive: he lives in
    heaven, in the other
    world, in the very
    presence of GOD
    Himself, another world
    exists just as this world
    exist, it is not a world
    that lies out in future; it
    is a world that exist now
    a Spiritual world called
    and he who believes in
    Me as savior will never
    die do you believes this ,
    whoever lives and
    believes in JESUS
    CHRIST will never die,
    he will never taste
    death, that is, never
    experience death,
    quicker than the believer
    can blink his eyes, he
    passes from this world
    into the next world, He
    is transported and
    transferred to heaven,
    he is immediately made
    Receiving eternal rest
    conditional; a person
    must believe , it is he
    who believes in JESUS
    CHRIST that lives and
    never dies, it is as
    JESUS our LORD said to
    Martha; do you believe
    this? If a person believes
    JESUS, he will never
    dies; he shall live
    JOHN 14:6
    JOHN 1:4
    JOHN 3:11
    JOHN 3:34
    JOHN 5:24
    JOHN 6:63
    JOHN 6:68
    JOHN 8:14
    JOHN 8:31-32
    JOHN 10:10
    JOHN 10:30
    JOHN 10:37-38
    JOHN 11:25
    JOHN 14:10
    JOHN 15:3
    JOHN 17:8
    JOHN 17:11
    ACTS 4:12
    ROMANS 5:21
    ROMANS 8:15-17
    GALATIANS 4:4-7
    1 TIMOTHY 2:5-6
    2 TIMOTHY 1:10
    JOHN 17:14
    HEBREWS 8:6
    HEBREWS 9:15
    1 JOHN 2:1
    6) JESUS saith unto
    him, I am the way, the
    truth, and the life:no
    man cometh unto the
    FATHER but by Me
    only way to GOD , He
    and He only through
    JESUS CHRIST Himself,
    no man could reach
    GOD to access GOD ,is
    only by obeying the
    instructions, examples,
    and depending on His
    doctrine, unless he
    approached GOD
    through JESUS CHRIST
    through His death and
    resurrection, non can
    access GOD ,JESUS is
    the way to the GOD,
    JESUS CHRIST not only
    point out to walk
    through life and how to
    reach GOD, He
    personally shows the
    persons the way He is
    the Mediator of eternal
    salvation By His own
    blood He entered in
    once into Holiest of
    Holies, He is the way by
    which those must get to
    heaven by the doctrine
    He taught; by the death,
    by which He purchased
    this heavenly inheritance
    for us; by His holy life,
    and conversation, by the
    influence of His Spirit
    guiding us to, and
    assisting us in, those
    righteous actions by
    which we must come
    unto eternal glory
    JESUS CHRIST is the
    one who lives the truth,
    the source of truth who
    originate and
    communicate the truth
    for salvation of His
    doctrine, the Gospel
    being the word of truth
    EPHESIANS 1:13,
    literarily He is the truth ,
    which signifies reality,
    He is the embodiment of
    the truth, as opposed to
    falsehood, He is the
    picture of the truth,
    GOD shows man what
    He is like in the person
    of JESUS CHRIST, man
    can look at JESUS
    CHRIST and see a
    perfect picture of the
    truth of GOD, JESUS
    CHRIST is the
    communicator of the
    truth, He reveals the
    ultimate source ,
    meaning and end of all
    things, He reveals the
    truth of man himself and
    the world surrounding
    him, He shows man the
    right way to the truth ,
    He is liberator of the
    truth, He set man free
    from the great gulf,
    which exist between
    Man and GOD, between
    man and the world, He
    reveal the truth about
    GOD to man, He Himself
    is the eternal truth and
    the source of eternal
    truth , to know the truth
    is also to know the way
    to GOD, who must be
    approached and
    worshiped in truth JOHN
    He is the life, the author
    and Giver of eternal life,
    natural spiritual and
    eternal, the way of life
    or the living way in
    opposition to the law,,
    being one with the
    living FATHER being
    sent by Him and the
    purchaser of , and by
    His Holy Spirit begins it,
    and carries it to
    perfection by His death:
    He who by His doctrine
    show the way to eternal
    life, CHRIST is the true
    way to eternal life
    No man cometh to the
    FATHER but by me,
    CHRIST is the only way
    to access unto the
    FATHER, there is no
    coming to GOD without
    a Mediator; and the
    only Mediator between
    GOD and man ,is
    CHRIST He comes to
    the FATHER ,is to have
    access to His throne by
    prayers, and finally to
    enter His kingdom
    JESUS CHRIST insist
    that through Him we
    have access to the


    JOHN 10:28
    8)And I give unto them
    eternal life; and they
    shall never perish,
    neither shall any man
    pluck them out of My
    I do give them, and I
    will give them, eternal
    life; CHRIST gives
    eternal life to His
    people; He gives them a
    Spiritual life , or a life of
    grace, which issues in
    eternal life, which leads
    to eternal life , it is a
    gift of grace, and not of
    works, it is a gift of
    CHRIST as mediator,
    who has the power to
    give to as many as the
    FATHER has given Him
    As soon as they shall
    come to hear, 
    believe My word, and to
    follow Me, they shall
    have a sure right and
    have eternal life He
    gives them
    righteousness, which is
    their justification of life
    They shall not perish, to
    perish here means to be
    destroyed or to be
    punished in Hell, it is not
    the will of the FATHER
    which is in heaven that
    one of these little ones
    should perish JOHN 3:15
    whosoever believes in
    Him shall not perish
    Neither shall any pluck
    them out of My hand:
    which refer to men and
    devil , it is an
    affirmation that no man,
    with falsehood or error
    shall be able to pluck
    from his hand, the
    believers who are the
    sheep are in His hands,
    secured and safely in
    His own care being put
    there by GOD the
    FATHER, no man can do
    it, not any false teacher
    can remove from Him,
    both as an instance of
    His love to CHRIST, and
    them: and this was done
    from all eternity for His
    hands have laid the
    foundations of the
    heavens and earth, and
    holding all things
    together , CHRIST, as
    Mediator, has all power
    in heaven and earth; He
    is at GOD’S right hand
    interceding for the
    believers who the
    FATHER gave Him
    JOHN 17:6
    6) I have manifested
    they name unto the men
    which thou gavest me
    out of the world: thine
    they were, and thou
    them Me and they have
    kept thy word
    I have manifested your
    name by the name the
    name of GOD , all the
    attributes or character,
    is making Him known
    as the only true GOD,
    made known His
    Character, His law, His
    plan of mercy , He
    revealed GOD to man,
    that GOD should be
    glorify on earth and
    revealed your very self,
    your real self to the
    people whom you have
    given Me out of the
    world they were yours
    and you gave Me, it was
    GOD who gave JESUS
    the believer who were to
    be shown, and taught all
    about Himself, GOD stirs
    and led these men, the
    first disciples from the
    world to follow JESUS
    CHRIST and to receive
    and to be shown the
    revelation of GOD, they
    learned of GOD of His
    person and nature of His
    love and Salvation,
    because GOD draw
    them to His dear Son it
    is from you it is really
    truly yours these men,
    these special
    representative men,
    have been true to their
    light, and
    Which thou gave Me,
    GOD gave them to
    JESUS CHRIST in his
    Thine they were, all men
    are GOD’S by creation
    and by preservation, and
    He has right to do with
    them as seems good in
    His sight, these men He
    chose to designate to be
    disciples, and He
    And they have kept thy
    word; the Gospel, not
    only in their memories,
    but in their hearts; and
    having publicly
    professed it, they
    defended it valiantly
    against the religionist
    and kept it pure and
    incorrupt; this shows
    that the Gospel is meant
    by the name of GOD
    manifested to these
    JOHN 20:31
    31)But these are written,
    that ye might believe
    that JESUS is the
    CHRIST, the Son of
    GOD; and that believing
    ye might have life
    through His name
    But these are written on
    the one hand there were
    many unrecorded, the
    great purpose of
    selected a few signs
    that would lead men to
    believe with a deep,
    abiding trust,
    That ye might believe
    that JESUS is the
    CHRIST, that those who
    read this record will
    believe that, JESUS
    CHRIST is the Messiah,
    an anointed, the fulfilled
    of the prophecy, that He
    is also the Son of GOD,
    in proof of CHRIST’S
    resurrection, the Divine
    word and true GOD that
    they who looked at the
    proof might be
    convinced and have
    eternal life,
    And that believing you
    might have life through
    His name; believers have
    their spiritual
    eternal life through
    CHRIST; their life of
    grace, of justification on
    Him, of Sanctification
    from Him and
    communion with Him;
    the support and
    maintenance of their
    Spiritual life, and relying
    on Him you may have
    life in His name
    ACTS 2:21
    21) And it shall come to
    pass that whosoever
    shall call on the name of
    the LORD shall be save
    It shall come to pass
    even at that time, when
    these signs shall appear
    pray in faith unto the
    Name of the LORD; shall
    believe in LORD JESUS
    CHRIST with the heart,
    and shall confess
    CHRIST with His mouth,
    and shall worship Him in
    Spirit and in truth, and
    submit to all His
    doctrines and
    commands, shall be
    made safe, shall escape,
    all penalties be
    delivered from
    impending calamities,
    the day of judgment ,
    with a Spiritual and
    everlasting salvation by
    ACTS 4:12
    JOHN 3:16
    JOHN 6:68
    JOHN 8:24
    1 CORINTHIANS 3:11
    12)Neither is there
    salvation in any other:
    for there in none other
    name under heaven
    given among men,
    whereby we must be
    JESUS CHRIST alone
    saves, meaning spiritual
    and eternal salvation, no
    redemption in any other
    CHRIST is the only
    Savior and redeemer,
    who was promised and
    prophesied of as such;
    who has saved and
    redeemed people from
    the law, sin and Satan,
    nor is Salvation to be
    sought and hoped for
    from any other there is
    no other, head, no other
    god, creature , angels,
    or men; not be
    obedience of the law of
    Moses, and by his own
    righteousness, moral
    ceremonies or man that
    can save, therefore no
    man can be saved by
    any other name on
    throughout the whole
    earth in all the nations
    and kingdoms of it nor
    even heaven itself ,
    thrones, dominions,
    principalities and power,
    no pastor is capable
    enough, no preacher, no
    prophet, no Minister is
    capable enough to save
    Himself, no one else
    therefore no matter the
    claim and strength of
    that Name, the person
    come far and short of
    being GOD chosen one,
    no man has the name
    given among men by
    which GOD saves men,
    CHRIST has been freely
    given by His FATHER, as
    an instance of His
    matchless love to the
    world and also freely
    given Himself, to be
    sacrifice for the sin of
    His people so the
    Salvation of human
    family is entrusted to
    the hands of JESUS
    CHRIST the Messiah.
    CHRIST freely preached
    among men, as the only
    savior of them; for there
    is no other, name ,
    savior or Mediator
    between GOD and Man,
    all men are mortal, so
    no man can make
    another man immortal ,
    therefore GOD’S Head,
    the name which GOD
    uses to save men, must
    be eternal, only one Man
    is eternal: JESUS
    CHRIST the Son of GOD
    ROMANS 8:1
    1)There is therefore now
    no condemnation to
    them which are in
    walk not after the flesh,
    but after the Spirit
    There is no
    condemnation to true
    believers, means that
    the believer is not
    doomed and damned,
    but is free from the
    penalty and
    condemnation, in the
    present and final
    judgment of GOD,
    impends over the sinner
    He is not judged as a
    sinner, but is delivered
    from the condemnation
    of death and Hell ,he is
    removed by the
    intervention of CHRIST,
    and by the union of the
    believer with Him, by
    that union the power
    and empire of sin are
    thrown and destroyed,
    A person who truly lays
    his life upon CHRIST
    and entrusts all he is to ,
    who truly believes, lives
    and walks in CHRIST, a
    person who is in
    CHRIST, is safe and
    secure from
    condemnation now and
    forever, he will not be
    judged as a sinner, and
    will not face
    condemnation for sin,
    all non-believer face
    condemnation for sin
    To be in CHRIST means
    that a person’s faith in
    CHRIST places him in
    CHRIST, the person is
    placed in all that
    CHRIST is, CHRIST lived
    and died and rise, so be
    in CHRIST means a
    person lives, dies and
    arise in CHRIST, He is
    our Mediator in life and
    death and resurrection ,
    the person who believes
    in CHRIST is identified,
    counted to be counted
    and considered
    CHRIST, those who live
    and move and have their
    spiritual being in
    CHRIST, who are united
    in CHRIST.
    Having lived in CHRIST
    counted sinless and
    righteous, to be in
    CHRIST means that a
    believers lives walk in
    CHRIST day by day, the
    believer who is in
    CHRIST believes, putting
    all he is and has in Him,
    the person honestly
    believes that CHRIST
    will take care of his past
    sin, and future destiny ,
    lay his past sins, his
    present behavior, and all
    that he is upon CHRIST,
    A genuine believer is a
    person who does not
    live according to the
    sinful nature but
    according to the spirit,
    those who walk not after
    the flesh: which is not
    after the ceremonial law,
    not after corruption of
    nature, who do not live
    to gratify the corrupt
    But after the Spirit, the
    new Divine nature, which
    in the work of
    regeneration, the Holy
    Spirit would leads,
    counsels, guides and
    teach the believer how
    to live for CHRIST and
    obtain eternal salvation
    PHILIPPIANS 2:10-11
    MATTHEW 18:4
    LUKE 22:26
    LUKE 24:27
    JOHN 16:23-24
    ROMANS 14:11
    EPHESIANS 1:20-22
    JAMES 4:6
    1 PETER 3:22
    1 PETER 5:5-6
    10)That at the name of
    JESUS every knee
    should bow, of things in
    heaven, and things in
    earth, and things under
    the earth
    11)And that every tongue
    should confess that
    to the glory of GOD the
    That at the name of
    JESUS every knee shall
    bow in token of honor or
    worship, every one shall
    acknowledge Him
    CHRIST was rewarded
    GOD highly exalted Him,
    CHRIST had humbled
    Himself in obedience to
    GOD the FATHER, and
    because He was faithful
    in being humbled, GOD
    rewarded Him by
    exalting Him so highly,
    GOD so highly rewarded
    and exalted CHRIST
    honor Him with a Name
    above every name.
    His name is the most
    glorious name that
    forgives sin and gives us
    access to GOD’S
    GOD has given JESUS
    CHRIST supreme power
    and authority , GOD has
    destined every knee to
    bow before CHRIST, the
    knees of everything in
    heaven and earth and
    under earth, nothing is
    GOD has given CHRIST
    supreme worship, GOD
    is going to see to it that
    every creature
    confesses that JESUS
    CHRIST is LORD to the
    glory of GOD the
    FATHER, that every
    nation, tongue, and
    language , every person
    mind, , body, every race,
    color and shape, every
    belief, creed and
    religion, every man,
    woman and child,
    angels, every king,
    leader, and authority,
    every worker and laborer
    Every knee shall bow
    and every tongue shall
    confess that JESUS
    CHRIST is exactly who
    He claimed to be; the
    son of the Living GOD,
    every creature is going
    to worship Him as LORD
    the LORD GOD of the
    To the glory of GOD the
    FATHER, who has
    choose and constituted
    Him as the Mediator,
    invested Him with the
    office, ordained Him to
    be judged of the quick
    and dead and given all
    power and authority; and
    exalt Him in His right
    hand, because the LORD
    JESUS CHRIST is in the
    glory of GOD the
    FATHER, being in the
    form of GOD, of the
    same nature and equal
    to Him
    1 JOHN 5:13
    13)These things have I
    written unto you that
    believe on the name of
    the Son of GOD; that ye
    may know that ye have
    eternal life, and that ye
    may believe on the name
    of the Son of GOD
    These things have I
    written unto you, which
    are contained in the
    Epistle in general ,that
    believing on the name
    of the Son of GOD, we
    receive eternal life by
    continuing believing in
    the name of JESUS
    CHRIST that is the
    name of the Son of GOD
    that you may know that
    you have eternal life,
    that there is such a
    thing as eternal life; that
    is in CHRIST; that
    believers have it in him,
    and the knowledge of
    which is had by faith,
    under the inspiration of
    the Holy Spirit of GOD,
    being a free grace gift
    of GOD; and this being
    in CHRIST

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